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Old 06-01-2006, 04:46 PM   #317
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by astrosfan64
One thing I don't understand about the interface complaints. What is the basis of your argument that the FM interface is not solid or well thought out?

FM is the largest text based simmulation in the world. EHM is the second largest simmulation in the world. OOTP is the third largest simmulation in the world.

All of these share a common interface scheme. This scheme is very well implemented and works quite well. Those of you that are complaining about the interface, need to give it a few weeks before you make a decision.

I can't name one interface that is any better then these above.

What Sack said.

I have ZERO problems with the FM interface. It's intuitive and it feels right. But some of the things in OOTP are simply not intuitive. Again, the absolute best example I can give is the scouting.

I have to go to one spot to scout a player, another to scout a team, another to scout a league, another to scout a country.

All of these screens require multiple clicks to get to. In FM, this isn't a problem. You pick a scout, tell him where to go and he's off. A few clicks, all in the same section of menus and you are done. In OOTP it becomes a chore to set your scouts.

The interface itself is just fine, and I've never understood the people who didn't like it either (different strokes for different folks, no biggie) I don't think we need a wide sweeping series of changes to this interface. What I would like to see are a series of subtle alterations to make things easier to find and easier to get to.

Keep in mind, when you are talking about the people posting in this thread, that it encompasses a group of people who have a ton of text sim experience. It's what led us to this board. Most of us have played every text baseball sim ever released. When you have people with this experience not knowing where the trade screen is without an extensive search, not knowing how to sim multiple years, people not knowing how to find spring training stats without help or a manual?

That isn't good. I spent at least 65% of my time last night LOOKING for things, not playing the game. I never remember doing that in FM or EHM.
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