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Old 06-01-2006, 08:09 AM   #240
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by Marc Duffy
Please help me understand the interface problems. It's difficult for me to recognise the problems having grown up on such an interface. The more experiences shared, the better chance I have of getting them fixed


Just a few examples from me:

1) It took me 15 minutes to find the trade screen. Why in the hell isn't it in the front office of your specific team? Why do I have to go to the league screen to do it?

2) Why on Earth do I have to go to ten different places to send my scouts? I have to go to one place to scout a league, one place to scout a player, another place to scout a team. . . for the love of God, have a scouting screen like FM and let me assign my scouts on one page with a few clicks.

3) Speaking of the trade screen, where are my options for looking at anything other than stats? There are certain things that are important in trading in a career sim. Things like contract information, age, potential. . . it's a nightmare to click through all of it.

4) I click on the team schedule page and sim forward a day. It takes me back to the SION front page. To look at my box score, I have to click back into the schedule screen. Or I can use the league schedule screen and click the back button to look at an individual box score.

5) I couldn't figure out where to find the spring training stats either. Now that DD posted, I'll start looking at the screen, but I spent 10 minutes looking for them and gave up.

I like the FM UI and I'm sure with some time I'll figure out where everything is and be OK. The amount of information is staggering and I understand that it has to be hard to organize all of the information. But my God, there are some things here that just blow me away. The scouting thing is about the best example I can come up with.

You have something that SHOULD be fairly simple to figure out and incredibly simple to execute. Counter-intuitive explains it 100%.


I haven't dug into the AI as of yet, but please oh please report the GoSeahawks trade from above as a MAJOR bug. I'll put up with clunky AI long before I'll put up with a triple crown slugger being traded for a middle reliever at the trading deadline. If things like that stay in, I won't be around long enough to figure out the UI.
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