Thread: Lost, Season 2
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Old 05-29-2006, 01:50 PM   #1866
Dearly Missed
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: DC Suburbs
Did anyone else hear/see the Hanso Foundation Public rep on the Jimmy Kimmel Show? ABC is really going all out to make it real. Very odd. Anyways I had a few thoughts of the season finale:

1. Kelvin Innman and Ranzik. Is it possible that Ranzik didn't actually kill himself but ditched Innman like Innman was trying to do to Desmond. I mean for a shotgun blast to the cieling, it didn't look like there was any damage to it and it was a perfect circle, no splatter. Maybe Ranzik actually got away, and was the guy that initially Hurley met in the insane asylum from season 1. You know the guy who was playing connect four and continously repeating the numbers?

2. Everyone thinks that the blast door that flew back on the island is an indication that Locke and Ecko were blown up. That explosion (Arzt dynamite) in a confined area could've sent that door flying in the air, and when the EMP bomb/pulse went off, kept it in the air? Once it stopped it sent the door hurling back down? There is no way they are killing off Ecko or Locke.

3. Is it possible, that the Electro Magnetic field keeps the Island invisible? Like a barrier or force field so no one can find it or navigate to it?

4. Widmore set up the race around the world? He knew Desmond wasn't leaving his daughter alone and that he was shamed so he set up the whole race to strand desmond out there away from his daughter (Penny). She found out about it somehow, and knows or found out through Hanso leaks that the only way to find the island is to monitor for EMP blasts or something?

5. The actual Henry Gale was flying a Widmore Labs ballon. Was he hired by Penny to find Desmond?

6. Walt and Micheal or actually headed to another hatch where the main others are? Fake Henry Gale sailed in from the dock from somewhere and the camp they were out wasn't real. Maybe those coordinates are the underwater hatch everyone keeps talking about. Why would the others go through so much trouble to get Walt and then just let him go?

7. Or maybe Ranzik is the Fake Henry Gale?

8. Why didn't anyone ask Desmond about the Hostiles he talked about?

9. The Palla Ferry, where the others had Jack and company at the end, was noted in the Pearl Video, for those in the pearl hatch to go to, to be picked up when their experiment was over.

10. Desmond said he was going 9 knots East and should've been in Fiji, in a week. So wouldn't that mean he knows where they are on a map, or couldn't a fan trace that backwards to find out where he thinks they are?

11. So they crashed in 9/2004. Desmond had been in there for 3 years (2001). According to sites something had happened in 1985, and that guy I noted in point #1 said something that Dharma Initiative had stopped in 1985. This is just a point on the time frame of things.

I hear that season 3 will focus mainly on the others and how they got there, and introduce many new characters.
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