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Old 10-23-2000, 08:22 AM   #1
Creative Director, Grey Dog Software
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Madison, WI
Post graphics in text-based sims

I was wondering if Jim would be open to having someone help him with his interface for The College Years, since EA is not helping him with this. I have been an art director in Chicago for four years and am an avid supporter of Jim and sports text sims in general. I can develop in-game screens better than Gigawatt Studios did for him and EA and would be more than happy to help. FOR FREE. (Please don't think you'd get what you'd pay for!) There is no reason small developers need to be tied to all those gray tabbed windows and boxes.

I have offered Shaun Sullivan some help with his PureSim Baseball, and he has used some of my ideas. He wants to execute the entire game himself, which I understand and respect. I have also noticed that the designer for Franchise baseball has enlisted an outside designer, and I hope this is a trend for this genre.

I know that there isn't as much "demand" for graphics in this area, and in no way can graphic design make up for a poorly written game. But this is the only area I see where there is room for improvement.

BTW, Jim, I support and respect your involvement and presence. It's too bad your're the exception rather than the rule.


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