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Old 05-12-2006, 03:44 PM   #346
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
no in-game saves doesn't REALLY bother me. just means that if i only play part of a game before i have to turn off the computer I can quit and replay it later...adds to the length of time it takes to finish a career, which IMO is a good thing.

I hope that coaches that you face twice a year will learn from what you do the following year, at least that would be a start.

other than that, nothing really "bothers" me, although I think 45 seconds for computer picks might be really quick in the draft unless there's a "pause" feature? then again hopefully it will be slidered/hacked on the pc version

the other thing I am afraid of is the scouting director's scouting and to what extent that can be automatically done. it's quite a pain in NBA Live for example, to have to stop your auto-simming when you're trying to tank a season or have a "development season" in order to scout rookies and order your coaches around. but i guess that's okay.
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