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Old 05-06-2006, 10:23 PM   #312
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Satellite of Love
Originally Posted by TroyF
Serious question here for everyone, what would you consider a game killer for this one? I don't expect everything to be handled right, but my serious hope is that the in game AI is reasonable. I want very, very few "WTF was that?" type moments.

I can deal with moderately reasonable off the field AI (no offense to Jim or Arlie, but every football game, sim and console, has only had what I would call "moderately reasonable" GM AI). I'll forgive a few "WTF!?" things happening with the AI management

It's the on the field AI that I won't be able to get passed if they mess that up. If there are even a few "WTF!?" moments per game, then I'll be disappointed. I know they should have players make mistakes. Players make mistakes in football. We watch games and go "WTF are you doing!?" at the players. But I'm talking about things that just are unexplaiable.

Example: Playing NFL2k5 back when it came out, I called for my OLB to blitz. I run the play and notice no pressure on the QB from that side so I check the instant replay to see what happened. What I saw on the replay defied logic. My OLB decided that instead of blitzing, he would just run around in a circle for a few seconds...then blitz (by then, the pass was thrown) Those sort of things will bother me to no end, especially in a game like this.
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