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Old 05-06-2006, 06:36 PM   #307
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by MizzouRah
I figured most FOFC members would be getting the PC version.

The screen shot you're talking about EF reminds me what FPS 2006 could have looked like.

This game might be the closest we ever come to the all time great FPS series... and that's tough to digest with EA being the developer.

It's why I'm keeping my expectations LOW. This could be a dream game. Then again, it could be an unmitigated disaster.

Serious question here for everyone, what would you consider a game killer for this one? I don't expect everything to be handled right, but my serious hope is that the in game AI is reasonable. I want very, very few "WTF was that?" type moments.

I'll forgive stats that are a tad off or a draft AI not perfect or even a statstic tracking type bug. I'm just worried this is going to be like a vast majority of EA game before this where if you try coach mode and watch a play, things don't look, feel or play out right.

BTW, this isn't a game bashing post. I will be getting the game and my hopes are high. It's only my expectations that are low.
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