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Old 04-25-2006, 06:50 AM   #326
Draft Dodger
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Keene, NH
some thoughts:

1) I really feel badly for Turco. I've always liked him, and I hate that he's got this bad playoff rep that doesn't seem to be going away soon. It's a bit unfair. But, he's now 1-5 in playoff OT, and has allowed 3+ goals in each of his last 8 games, a stretch where Dallas is 1-7. Granted, 7 of those games were against the Avs, and in most of the games, Dallas has been outworked and outplayed. But he's the one who they will be pointing fingers at if they take an early exit.

2) And that's no guarantee. I really like this Colorado team. The biggest thing they lack is that killer instinct. Their modus operendi all year is to come out hard (I think they are the highest scoring team in hockey in the 1st period) and then try to hang on to a lead. Several times this year, they had commanding leads only to disappear.

3) That was only Colorado's 3rd win of the season when they were losing after two.

4) Brett Clark and Karlis Skraskins are two of the most underrated players in the NHL. Skraskins is the current NHL iron man, which is amazing considering he is second in the league in blocked shots. I believe both are free agents this offseason, and I will be really bummed if either leave.

5) SEVEN penalties in the third period. Dumb penalties. Like Tanguay getting a tripping penalty and then coming out of the box and getting another one before he's even made it to the bench. They so did not deserve to win that one.

7) I cringe everytime I hear the word "Brisebois" mentioned. maybe because it's usually tied to phrases like "failed to clear", "doesn't pick up the man in front of the net" or "he fails to keep it in the zone".

8) My biggest concern, hands down: Jose Theodore has not looked very good. Yes, they were fluke goals tonight and the 2 goals in game 1 were more the result of defensive breakdowns (see #7). He just has not looked like he was in command, and hasn't at any point looked like a guy who is going to steal a game or two for the Avs.

9) When I saw Sakic with the puck, skating around two Dallas players in the neutral zone, I new the play was going to end up as a goal. Sakic becomes the all-time leader in playoff OT goals.

10) OLN coverage was dreadful at times. Colorado had two key penalties late in the 3rd, and OLN didn't replay either of them. First there was the Hinote interference on Turco, and all we know from the esteemed Neil Smith is that Turco was "spread eagle" after. I know that goalies never embellish interference calls, but it still would have been great to see that one just to be sure. Then Blake's delay of game with under 2 minutes left. Easily the most important moment in the game, and disputed by everyone on the Avs bench. No replay. Dallas took a timeout there, so I figured they would use that time to look at the play again. Nope. I hate OLN.
Mile High Hockey
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