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Old 04-22-2006, 12:41 PM   #7
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Seattle

It would appear this show sold out immediately. I had the Ticketbastard page open at 9:55 and kept hitting refresh (constantly from about 9:58 on), waiting for the "More Info" link to change to "Find Tickets". When it finally did (about 10:01 according to the clock on my computer) and I went through the process - selecting number of tickets (2 was the max), selecting location (best available) and entering the code that attempts to prevent internet bots from harvesting tickets only to be told that there were no available tickets that matched my request. I tried again immediately with 1 ticket selected instead and got the same response. Kept trying for the next 15 minutes on the hope that maybe a ticket or two would slip through, and I've been trying periodically since, but no dice.

I'm amazed that, even with a 2-ticket limit, the show appears to have sold out the moment it went on sale. In this day of internet ticket buying, it would seem that luck is the biggest component for nabbing a ticket to a hot show. Obviously the price they were asking ($66.66, heh-heh) wasn't high enough to drive down demand, and I'm sure tickets will be offered through ticket brokers and eBay and the like for huge markups. Hooray for free-market capitalism, but unfortunately it's rewarding those that are lucky as much as those that show ingenuity.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to be happy with just buying the record when it comes out instead of enjoying the record and seeing them live that night...
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