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Old 04-20-2006, 05:51 PM   #29
Raiders Army
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Black Hole
Originally Posted by TroyF
That's all fine and dandy. But 2 years ago, as has been said a few times already here, you couldn't complete 50% of your passes with any QB in the game. It may have felt like college football if you played with Air Force. If you played with Florida and tried to have a passing game, it not only didn't feel like college football, I struggled to compare it to anything but frustration.

Last year they improved it a touch, but drops were still to many (which IMO was inexcuseable after how much people had complained about it the previous year)

I've said on here I prefer pro sims to NCAA sims. But for an arcade game, I could really care less. I enjoy both equally well. I didn't think NCAA came close to the mark the last two years.

Madden, after countless years of dissapointing me, actually came through last year. I was in shock. The 360 version was a joke, but the Xbox version was outstanding.

The release day of NCAA is always a great day for me. Even in the middle of July, I get to start up with some football. The last two years, I've put NCAA down about 10 games in and sate and waited for the NFL games to come out. I really, really, really hope that doesn't happen this year. Perfection would be like three years ago, where I played NCAA so much, the NFL releases caught me by surprise and the NCAA CD had to be removed with a pair of tongs because the CD was nearing the melting point.
This isn't an attack on your football skillz: for real? You couldn't get over a 50% completion rate? I found it insanely difficult at first, but patience and timing were the keys to completing passes.
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