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Old 04-05-2006, 01:40 PM   #44
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by VPI97
Agreed...I think it's just that people don't remember what music was like back then. You had great, intelligent bands before Nirvana, but many of them toiled away in obscurity because the radio waves were filled with hair bands and the like. No one is saying Nirvana invented "indie" rock (nor were they necessarily the best band out there), but their success helped pulled hundreds of bands out of the local clubs and onto labels. In turn that pulled local labels onto the national scene...and then the national labels started to look at a wider range of music. It was a great situation for many, many bands.

Remember that Nirvana was influenced by many 80's hardcore punk bands. Hell, Dave Grohl was a drummer in one of those bands before Nirvana and he credits their sound to all of them. Nirvana did nothing revolutionary, they just got lucky.
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