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Old 04-26-2003, 08:18 PM   #100
High School JV
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Austin, TX
HA - The game is free. I like it a lot, although at times it has problems with lag and timing out of servers.

A couple of notes - I would like to amend my earlier note on experience a bit. It seems that they have put things in place to keep people from doing an endless stream of activities (good call on their part). After a certain experience level, you no longer get 25 exp when you return fire bellies to the vendor in the market. You still get a fire potion (which sells for 50 gp each), but no longer the experience.

It's okay, though because after you have enough hit points, there is a better way to get experience. In the market, there is a store called the Adventurer's guild. There you can buy Packs of monsters (basically pay for experience), so somewhere, activate the packs, and fight off the creatures that spawn. Towards the end, you have to fight tougher characters, but it's easily the fastest way to gain experience. If you kill all the monsters, then you even get a chest of items that covers the cost of the pack (not bad, huh?). You don't want to try doing this, though, until you're around level 3, and you want to think easy on the difficulty.

Notes on the sub-races...
The avlis website says that in order to have an established character, and have to have demonstrated that you have rollplayed characters that you have used correctly. There are also a lot of files that have to be downloaded and permissions granted. (Basically, there is a screening process involved)
"I'm evil." "Oh you are not!" "Oh I am too." -- Brak
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