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Old 03-15-2006, 03:09 PM   #425
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Satellite of Love
One problem I've noticed, though, is whenever someone makes a comeback at Simon, they seem to get a boost in the voting. Yeah, he acted like an asshole, but he acted like an asshole to Simon. Had he said that to Randy or Paula, he'd be gone. EVERYONE would hate him. But he said it to Simon, and that's going to get him votes.

I remember back during season 2 (I think. The one with Clay on it). It was during the round where they used to have I think 6 or 7 people on, and the top 2 advanced to the final 12. He, of course, was one of the two best easily (I think he was in the same group as Ruben, actually). But this one girl, who did a so-so job, went back and forth with Simon for a few seconds after her so-so performance. Ruben and this chick got voted to the next round and Clay was gone. This chick, who had no business being in the top 12, got there because she acted the way Kevin did last night towards Simon.

Of course, the judges brought Clay back along with 2 others that made it far. The chick that went back and forth with Simon was one of the first ones gone.

And that's not the only time I've noticed that either. It almost seems like an automatic advancement if you make a comeback at Simon. There comes a point, though, when you do bad and just can't avoid elimination no matter what your after performance comments are, but, generally I've noticed that saying shit back at Simon gets you votes. Maybe Kevin, knowing that he sucked and has no chance, is just trying to cling on the best way he knows how. Acting like a punk towards Simon.

Last edited by sabotai : 03-15-2006 at 03:10 PM.
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