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Old 03-07-2006, 08:29 PM   #279
Solecismic Software
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Canton, OH
Read no further if you're west coasting along and don't want to know anything about tonight's performances.

I thought it was a very, very weak night overall. By the end of the show, the judges were desperate to latch on to anything. Much too much praise for some mediocre performances.

To the ratings:

1. Katharine McPhee: Her personality comes through on songs like this, and that's what makes it look effortless. It wasn't a great performance, but it hit the mark - something no one else did tonight. I think she's the best performer among the ladies, though not the most talented. Score of 85.

2. Lisa Tucker. She is remarkably consistent, which is made all the more remarkable by her age. I worry a little bit about her in the theme weeks, but she's the most talented of the youngsters. Score of 80.

3. Mandisa Hundley. Far too much raving about what was a decent performance, but helped along quite a bit by the backup singers, who did the hard work in the lower ranges Mandisa was afraid to try. And then there are passages that she hits perfectly that no one else can hit. She's a definite wild card, but ultimately - and this is a personal preference - I just don't like the hit or miss style. Score of 77.

4. Kellie Pickler. To put a performance like this in the top half of the ladies tonight shows exactly why I thought tonight was a fairly dismal night in the Idol annals. She missed a bushel of notes toward the end of the song, and I think the reason is that the scale of Black Velvet is difficult, and possibly she just plumb forgot it. Yet Simon said he likes Kellie more than Carrie Underwood. Sure, I can understand that, as long as you're looking for a replacement for Paris Hilton in The Simple Life. But Carrie can sing much better. Score of 74.

5. Paris Bennett. It's not the song choice, Paris is a 70-year-old woman in a 17-year-old's clothing. And while her rendition was competent, it was also dull city. She took all the energy out of Gloria Estefan. Score of 73.

6. Melissa McGhee. I hope she doesn't go, because she is very attractive, and I think she's been much, much better in past weeks. But she did shout more than sing, and if closed your eyes at all, you'd think Ann and Nancy Wilson were tied up and beaten, then forced up on stage. Score of 64.

7. Ayla Brown. The singing robot could make The Star Spangled Banner sound like one of Yanni's Greatest Hits. Her melodies mumble, and while she's usually in tune, the only power she can generate with her voice sounds straight out of a voice trainer's exercise program. Score of 58.

8. Kinnik Sky. Just dreadful. Out of tune most of the way, and very low energy for that type of song. Score of 38.

Kinnik is gone. There can't be much doubt about that. The judges seem to think Melissa blew herself out of the competition. I'm not so sure. I don't see where Ayla's fan base is going to come from, and Melissa beat her soundly the first two weeks. So I hope Ayla goes instead. Seems about 50/50 right now.
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