Thread: Stalls
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Old 03-03-2006, 08:15 PM   #96
Dr. Sak
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Stuck in Yinzerville, PA
I had a bathroom experience at work the other day that just left me baffled. I swear I work with some of the biggest pigs on earth. I walk into the bathroom after lunch, bad idea because it is jammed packed full. All the stalls are full and 3 of the 4 urinals are full. So I mull around because I dont like to stand directly next to anyone taking a leak. Something about the fact that if we rub shoulders, his hand is on his wang and mine is one mine. So I mull around the sinks and one of the guys brushing his teeth is finished brushing and decides to rinse. Well instead of cupping his hand to get the water out of the faucet, he sucks on the faucet like a teet. I'm thinking "someone just took a dump and washed their hands there and now you are sucking it like a nipple." There goes brushing your teeth.

So I finally get a urinal and I am one of those people who likes to just stare straight ahead and not say anything, but the guy next to me is a talker. He strikes up a conversation with me. We are talking and right in mid sentence for him (while peeing) he ripped a loud ass fart. If that wasnt enough he lets out a groan right at the end. I was totally disgusted. Needless to say if I see that guy in the bathroom anymore I just walk right out.
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