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Old 03-02-2006, 04:32 PM   #79
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
Originally Posted by LastWhiteSoxFanStanding
Small bump.

Just discovered a program called Object dock which I really like. It customizes the desktop in the mold of os X. ie. dock on the bottm with pretty icons that get big when you put an arrow over them. Reduced my desktop clutter and looks nice.

Here is the link for those interested:
There are a couple of other alternatives out there to object dock. The easiest to find is probably Rocket Dock

There is also yz dock which is harder to find I think because apple tried to shut it down (so I hear). If you like Object Dock, Rocket Dock is worth checking out. I don't remember the differences, but you might find one runs faster or offers a little something the other doesn't.
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