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Old 02-24-2006, 11:18 PM   #6
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
"Life" has slipped farther away from me today. I decided to check out the blood bank and the hospital and things went horribly wrong but the rush felt so right.

On my way over, I grabbed a quick bite from a drunk guy stumbling through the alley, he was an easy target and a quick fix. If only the rest of my trip went so smoothly.

After finding a side entrance to the blood bank which is in the same building as the hospital, I did a little bit of looking around. I found my way to the morgue through a side vent and read through some of the records of the recently deceased. I believe at least one of them may have been the thugs that I took out for Mercurio. A also stumbled upon the person running the blood bank at that time of night seems willing to part with the vials of blood for a price. I did not know just how important that bit of information was going to be.

A stairwell entrance got me into the hospital where I found an office. I was able to pick the lock and get inside to look around. It was one of the doctor's offices. Reading through his email, I noticed that the doctor had a little extra action going on the side as he seemed to like to 'play doctor' with a cute little number who wasn't his wife. I also found a couple bottles of a pain iller and decided to take them and maybe give them to that pussy Mercurio so he would stop whining about the pain of having his head bashed in.

After leaving his office, I stumbled upon a young lady who was in very bad condition. I felt bad for her so remembering what Mercurio said about vampire blood, I gave her a little of my blood and she started feelking the affects of it very quickly. I had to leave before she came all the way to so as to not cause a stir.

The next room I ended up in had a doctor and a patient. Turns out it was romeo himself. He acted like a major prick when I came through the door and would not accept my apology so I decided to mention a little of what I knew about him. He soon changed his attitude and asked what I wanted to keep quiet, a few dollars dropped in my mailbox would suffice for now.

I found nothing more of interest on that floor so I headed back to the stairwell and headed upstairs. That is where things tooka turn for the worse. I encountered a guard outside of the stairwell who told me to leave the area.

He went about his busines so I doubled back and started looking around. I found that the security office, perscription storage and controlled substance storage is located on this floor. Just then I heard a shout from down the hallway, it was the guard and he seemed to mean business this time as he had his gun out.

Dammit, those shots sting as he fired a couple rounds into me, doing some damage as I closed on him. When I neared, I was able to overpower him and kill him. I picked up his gun and some ammo but just then another guard came out of the office firing away. I loaded the gun and took him out with a couple shots but had sustained plenty of damage and was getting closer to needing to feed.

I found my way into the controlled substances room and found the vampire blood in the safe, as well as a few other substances that I'll keep for later use. I had to hurry now as I have now caused a stir int he hospital and more guards were coming. I took out a cuolpe more and found a vent to escape the rest but was in bad shape and needing to feed very badly.

I had remembered the blood bank and was able to sneak back there and bought a vial of blood which would help me get by for the time being but I really needed more.

I found a back door out of the blood bank and headed to give Mercurio the pain pills all the while looking for another target to feed on as I can feel the beast attempting to take over my being.

After leaving the pills for Mercurio I head back nito the streets and come across a citizen near a bus stop. I can't resist the urge and begin to feed. I cannot resist the animal now and I cannot pull away in time as my victim falls limp and lifeless. I am so torn now between the thrill of the hunt and kill and being repulsed by what I had just done (though it is becoming less repulsive every time).

As I stand over the body enjoying the high, I hear a shout. It's a cop who sees me standing over the body. I turn and run and feel the sting of a shot hitting my shoulder. I find an entrance into the sewer and duck out of site for a while. I am still in bad shape and need to feed but only rats are around. Jack said that rats would give a small amount of relief so I try it. He was right, it is very unpleasant but does help a little,

After a while, I make my way back towards my appartment. I drop a package containing the blood in the mailbox where the Prince was going to pick it up and head upstairs to relax. I need to calm down and figure out just how I can control this animal inside of me, or if I even can.
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