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Old 02-23-2006, 11:49 PM   #3
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
My "appartment" is relativley bare. It has a bed that I normally wouldn't be caught dead on, a radio and TV for entertainment and a computer for email. The refrigerator came stocked with vials of blood (vampire snacks?). There was a note on the desk by the computer that informed me that I was left 100 dollars in the desk and to check my email for instructions.

After sorting through the spam (it seems that I could get some sort of male enhancement drug, not sure if this is the one that will help me throw a football through a tire with better accuracy), I came across an email from someone named Mercurio. It seems that he is one of the top henchmen for the Prince. He left directions to his place and left little else to go by.

I am beginnnig to feel a little light headed and feelt he need to feed so I leave the appartment and head downstairs toward the streets. On the way down, I catch sight of a headline frmo a newspaper that mentions some sort of gruesome murder at the pier.

As I exit the building I am confronted by a bum looking for money. I brush him off but see the opportunity to feed with noone around. He drains out quickly and I almost take it too far but leave him alive when I am finished. That was barely satisfying, Jack seems to be right about the better the "breed" of human, the better the hit when feeding.

I make mhy way down the alley and to the street where I see someone stumbleing into a building up ahead. As I head in that direction I run into a very snobbish and self centered bastard complaining about waiting for a ride because his fancy car will not start. I begin to engage him in conversation but cannot stand the torture that I am putting myself through so I abruptly leave. If the area wasn't so well lit with cops walknig around, I might have tried a shot of his high brow blood to see just how much better it was.

As I reach the building that is whereMercurio stays, I realize that it is were I saw that person stumble into and see a trail of blood heading to the door. I follow the trail right to Mercurio's door and enter. There sits a pathetic heap on the couch with major injuries to his head and chest. It looks like someone used him for batting practice.

I check to see if he is a live and he is. He then proceeds to whine about the pain and go into some sort of story about him being human but feeding on Vampire Blood to make him stronger and live longer than mere humans, it looks like those mere humans beat the hell out him.

Between begging for pain killers and whining about the pain, he tells me a story of an arms purchase that went bad. It seems that he was going to buy some explosives from some dealers down by the beach and things went horribly wrong. They took his money and he did not get the exlposives.

It seems that the explosives have something to do with this vampire clan feud involving the Sabbat but he would not divulge any information as it seems I am on a need to know basis right now.

After agreeing to retrieve the explosives and taking revenge for that pussy, I headed towards the beach to see if I could find these low lifes. I entered a parking garage and decended towards the beach where I was met by a half crazed woman who said that the people I was looking for was in that house inside the gate. She would not say how she knew what I was looking for but I did meet another person who she was hanging around a garbage fire with. He had some weird tales of possibly being some sort of vampire but seemed to know little about it. I patronized him for a few and headed towards the house that was overlooking the beach.

After climbing up the dune that led up to the house, I saw one thug outside of the house with a bat. I snuck to the shadows and armed my bat but placed him in a trance to get past him. Unfortunately I did not see his friend that was comign around the corner and a fight ensued. The commotion caused another thug to leave the house and attempt to take batting practice on me. I used my purge ability which game them blinding pain and allowed me to get the drop on them and take them out. In that time, the first thug came back to and enganged me in a bat fight, which I was able to overpower him and kill him.

At that point I heard a gunshot coming from the house as a bullet glanced off the ground near me. I ducked for cover and hid in the shadows until things settled down in the house. I could see two more thugs through the window in seperate rooms. One was armed witha gun and I couldn;t see what the other had.

I snuck into the house and into the room where I didn't see a gun and was able to surprise the thug and kill him quickly. The racket brough the other thug through the door firing shots. I had enough strenght left to purge the thug and eliminate him in the process.

The spoils of the fight got me the expliosives, a gun, some amunition, a car stereo and I found Mercurio's money as I searched the house. I found little else of use and headed back to Mercurio.

The battle had me getting weak and needing to feed. I was able to find a lone person around the garage on the way to Mercurio's and fed on them, giving me enough energy to go on.

I dropped the explosives off and had to sit through more whining about the pain. How the hell is he one of the Prince's top henchmen, or is he?

He did inform me of a plot to destroy a warehouse that is related to the Sabbat, hence the need for the explosives. There is some problem because the person who can get them access has gone in hiding because of a potential hit that has been put out on him by some night club owner who sounds like a major bitch. I keep getting thrown deeper into this mess as he wants me to find this man by any means possible.

I tell the wimp that I mneed to rest and will work on his pain pills later. I leave his place and begin to head back to my appartment. On the way, I run into that same pompous asshole. I see a bit of an opening so I feed and I cannot believe how right Jack was. The better the breed, the better the high. I cannot feed long ad a cop turns the corner so I make a hasty retreat through the alley and to my appartment.

Before settling in for a few, I see that I have another email. This one says something about the hospital lab possibly having some sort of sample of vampire blood and mentions the risks of this being discovered. Now I have been instructed to get this vial, not matter what.

My life seems to becoming a distant memory now. I have been involved in things that I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams. What I am becoming increasingly concerned with is that I am beginning to hunger for more with every drop of blood that flows and crave that high that the feeling of power has given me.

Am I losing myself? Am I becoming that beast that Jack warned me of? Will I have the willpower to fight off that beast and walk the ledge without falling into erternal rage?
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