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Old 02-23-2006, 12:18 AM   #1
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
...but you must feed...

My life, if I can even call it that anymore, has turned upside down over the past twenty four hours. My head is spinning so fast in this dream-like existance that I almost hope comes to an end, almost.

Just yesterday I was comnig home from work and decided to go out to the clud for a few drinks and maybe see if that sultry little vixen Janelle was there. She had been playing cat and mouse with me for the past month, dangling her sleek and beautiful self before me on a string and yanking it away everytime I thought I was within site of my goal.

Normally this would turn me away from such a tease, but she has something alluring about her that I just can't turn away from, a very captivating stare that appears as if it is staring directly into my very soul.

This night would go differently than normal. Her usual resistance would not be there as she invited me back to her place. What followed was passion that I never experienced before in my life. THis passion turned into something much more, something life altering, something that I still do not understand or maybe even believe.

What seemed like a moment of both sheer pleasure and horror led to what I believe was a near hour long "blackout". Though I was not truly blacked out, as I felt that I knew what was going on around me but was completely in some sort of trance.

This came to a crashing halt as the door broke down and Janelle was being screamed at by two men, something about knowing this is against the rules. I was unable to ersist and was taken away along with Janelle.

Before I knew it, I was on my knees next to a man who was talking to what looked to be a crowd of people. Janelle was also bound on her knees a short distance away and seemed to be the focus of the man's speach.

He was satying something again about breaking the rules and there is only one punishment for such an offense. Before I knew it, a man next to Janelle had raised up a mighty sword and crashed it down upon her neck. As it struck, she almost appeared to become absorbed in an explosion of sparks and light and was gone. I tried to scream, but only a deafening silence came out.

The man turned toward me and I began to tremble inside fearing the worst. He asked what should be done to me, stating the normal penalty is death. There was an objection from the audience which he brushed off before informing the crowd that I would be alloud to live, for now, and that I would need to pass some sort of test. My mind is such a blur.

The man led me away and would later introduce himself as Prince Lacroix. What he said next made my whole being shudder with shock and disbelief. He said that Janelle was a vampire and I had now become a vampire as well. This is a hidden society that has lived among humans for centuries and they have strict penalties for things like what Janelle did for the reason of keeping their society a secret to humans.

I still cannot comprehend what has happened, though he said that I will need to go to Santa Monica to be able to prove myself. All that I can remember thinking is that he seemed much politer than I thought a vampire would be, though who the hell am I kidding as I never believed in real ones anyway. I still think this is a nightmare that I am going to wake up from at any minute, and hopefully be laying next to a barely clad Janelle.

After leaving Prionce Lacroix, I came upon a man who identified himself as Jack. He is a very seedy looking person who I would not normally want to run into in a dark alley.

While Jack was informing moe of more of the 'rules' of the vampire society (which seem much stricter than I would have imagined), he noticed my eyes beginning to glaze over. When he pointed out that I need to feed, I could not even stomach the initial idea. He told me that we do not kill our victims as that will only encourage the inner beast that we must struggle to keep from coming out and exposng us the general public.

Around the corner was a man who could not get his car started. Though I could not stomach the inital idea, I was feeling weak and knew that I needed to feed or I would die. I snuck up to the man and what seemed to be instinct took over and I began draining life sustaining and intoxicating blood from my victim.

The feeding left the victim dazed but he would not remember a thing and would be fine. The affects on me were not quite as simple. The experience was exhillerating, arousing and mentally exhausting all wrapped into one package. I felt the immediate need for another hit of this glorious new high that I have discovered.

A loud comotion was heard in the alley nearby so we headed for the hopeful safety of a nearby building. What I was below was astonishing. A couple of vampires who Jacked called Sabbat were in the alley. According to Jack, they are the most carnal of the vampire sects and want to destroy anything that is not their sect, human or vampire. Jack thought that the meeting casued by Janelle and I is what brought them here to attempt to get to Prince Lacroix.

At that point, another vampire appeared. Jack called him a Camarilla (a sect that enforces all vampirical laws). What happened next was an amazing demonstration of power as he seemed to summon what looked to be wolves made entirely of light who took out the Sabbat. As quickly as he appeared, he was gone.

We heard a couple other Sabbat in the building and I quickly got a lesson in combat. The first Sabbat that I took out was by a quick ambush and overpowered him. After which I saw another Sabbat in the next room. I crept slowly behind him and silently did him in.

That was rather exhilerating but what came next was even more incredible. Jack instructed me how to use the new powers that I have acquired since becoming a kindred vampire spirit. I used a blood magic power to purge two Sabbat guards in the next room. That caused extreme pain and agony to them which allowed me to overpower them easily. The last guard I merely used trance on to sneak past and out of that section of the building.

We headed up to the roof and head gun shots. This was not related to anything vampire but a typical LA occurance of a gang problem. Jack handed me a .38 to use against the gang members, if they survive, a gun shot wouind will not cause what the vampires call The Masquerade (our ability tio live amongst the humans) to be compromised.

I took out two gang members with the .38 and met back up with Jack. I was exhausted from everything that my life had turned into over the past few hours. Despite my desire for life to return to how it was, I am growing more and more afraid that this is not a dream but that my life has now been thrown into chaos that I can only hope to keep from destroying my inner being.

Jack led me to what he calls a safe house that is run by Prince Lacroix. He has provided an appartment there for me to live in. The last thing that I was told is that I cannot go outside during the day as sunlight will kill me (talk about cliche, I've heard that one in all the movies).

My nightmares have seemed to come to life and I am now living within them. I can only hope to figure out what my life may become and if I can ever be the same again. I need to rest now, if I'm lucky I will awaken from this terrible dream.

Last edited by EagleFan : 02-23-2006 at 11:06 PM.
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