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Old 02-22-2006, 08:21 AM   #314
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
There's been quite a bit of talk when a middle aged man in a cheap suit enters the hut.

"Hello all and to all a hello. How are you fine gents doing today? We have here a MIGHTY fine group. Yes indeed a MIGHTY fine group indeed.

"Now I have here a little information that just needs to stay between us. Ya know so no one else hears it."

Shady looks around conspiratorially before continuing.

“I can make you all RICH beyond your dreams. You will have women at your beck and call. An inexhaustible supply of gold. All you have to do is make me a small payment of 100 Gold Pieces, yes that’s right the mighty affordable price of 100 Gold Pieces, and the exclusive, yes I said exclusive, rights to this island are YOURS. Now we must hurry because I have heard that there are a group of mercenaries who are willing to come and take over this here island for 125 Gold Pieces. Now I don’t, and you don’t, want these evils here so go ahead and get together a group for that 100 Gold Pieces.

“Finally before I leave here I thought I should offer you something.”

Shady pulls out a necklace with five beads on it.

“This necklace is a traditional piece of Blahoopian jewelry. It’s great for informal or formal occasions. Any Blahoopian who you meet will respect you instantly for it. Sadly, I only have one of these and so I will offer it to the highest bidder.

“But make sure you don’t try anything fancy. Do not try and retract your bid
(In other words no editing of posts with a bid in it) and make sure you have the gold to pay for your items as I don’t like to be cheated. Now it’s possible some of you will want to be asleep when the action ends. If so just come outside and tell me how much is the maximum you’d be willing to pay. If I feel like it (In other words if I’m around and receive a PM from you) then I will increase the bid for you without you even having to lose a moment of shuteye.

“So there you have it blokes. I’ll be back later to talk some more.”

Evening Cycle is now going and ends 8 PM Eastern.
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