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Old 02-13-2006, 09:13 PM   #408
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Conyers GA
Another outstanding post by the MF developer over at the forums, in response to someone who said "Yeah, some people want this game to fail. That's too bad, because there is room for more games."

Originally Posted by David Winter - Developer of MaxFootball
I have definately come to except this as true.

I'm sure many of these people are just angry because they predicted this game would never be released and now we're only a day or two away from that happening. And I think the fact this game is being released before the game they have hitched their wagons to is ticking them off as well.

I certianly see the same 4 or 5 people that have glommed on to other games (because some how they feel they have become friends with the developer) get all upset in various forums (and here) because I'm doing something their developer of choice can't do. Probably the only reason people come here and say "This persons game can do such and such and yours doesn't.."

This game isn't going to please everyone.. I certainly understand that. But it has become very obvious to me that many people that whine and complain (and no, I'm not implying anything about you Maruaders ) simply do so to make the game they have developed some strange emotional attachment to seem better.

It's in this thread:
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