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Old 04-22-2003, 01:11 PM   #22
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Here's the thing, for those of you getting started.

As you get going, you will need to get XP by way of runnign around, doing harmless errands and so forth - that seems to be the only reliable way of building up your XP early. As first level characters, you simply are not ready for any real combat - and the game doesn't reward combat very heavily anyway (the XP settings are very low). So, take your time, run some errands, and along the way you will become familiar with the city pretty well. I think that's the point - to get you acquainted with the milieu, and to weed out the kiddies who want tohack and slash (and cheat) their way to great power. It just doesn't seem to happen here.

Now that I'm 2nd lvl, I'm having a somewhat better go of it - 20 HP is a vast improvement over 10. And I have uncorked a few things that will be of some use to our party, I think (as well as my own development).

I will be looking around for tips on where a low level party might go in search of advanture and battle.
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