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Old 02-09-2006, 03:43 AM   #79
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by EagleFan
1-0 when nuclear weapons were much less powerful. Plus, the idea of nuclear war is not the same as what it once was. With rogue groups looking to start something, there is no longer a country that you are specifically at war with so who do you attack. The only exception to that rule may be Iran, as I see them more likely to use the weapons that North Korea would be. The last thing that China wants to see is North Korea start using nukes and they should have enough influence to keep that from happening.

Eaglefan. In my opinion, in NK you have a crazy guy truly in charge of a country w/nukes and a supporting cast of sycophants. In Iran, you have a crazy guy w/nukes (or soon) but with a group of (somewhat rational) mullahs (afraid of losing power) controlling him. This makes NK much more dangerous.

I seriously doubt China can control him if he decides to go off the deep end. He's got his army, his people have endured starvation for a while, economy is in a shambles and he's still revered.

JPhillips, Flasch186. Both of you seem to indicate you are not optimistic we can bring it back to neutral.
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