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Old 02-05-2006, 08:15 AM   #31
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Mac Howard. I agree our reliance on oil is a big liability in how we act/react to events in oil regions/countries (many of them Muslim countries). As a side note from this topic, I saw some TV special that investigated the US and European car companies and what fuel efficient/alternative cars they had coming through the pipeline in the next 20 years ... I was somewhat relieved to see a concentrated push. Ex. I think the automotive industry sees the future market and they know they have to produce those alternatives soon.

Eaglesfan27, Sterlingice. Thank you.

Bubba Wheels, rexallllsc, M Go Blue. Duly noted as isolationists. GB ran on a platform of not being the world's policeman and failed on this issue ... do you believe the PB alternative is realistic considering real-world relationships and pressures? Ex. Rawanda, Somalia, Haiti. The execution may have been flawed but I think the intent was good.

RadioFriendlyUnitShifter. I suspect this issue is beyond Israel. Even if Israel and the Palestinians were to make peace, I think the US/West and Islam tensions will still be present as other 'big issues' will come to the forefront.

Kobeck, Jari. If the situation in Iran or N. Korea ever got to the point where we were threatened with Nukes and controntation seemed inevitable (my definition of a "critical point"), I would tend to side with Kobeck and lets do a first strike. Kobeck, your post seems to indicate you think this confrontation is the inevitable end result, is this correct?

Last edited by Edward64 : 02-05-2006 at 08:19 AM.
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