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Old 02-04-2006, 10:40 PM   #22
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Klingerware. I think your point is 'be also concerned about West relations vs Russia/China/India' and not just 'West relations vs Muslim countries'. As a IT professional, I am aware of the current and looming economic competition. I have resigned myself that this is a natural evolution of the competitive forces freed up with growing capitalism in China/India (and Russia).

I tend to believe though this relationship is more stable/rational/predicatable as it is driven primarily by economic forces. The US/West relationship with Muslim countries seems more unpredicatable and prone to escalation (I think its because Religion seems to play a major role). In my mind, this is the more dangerous of the two.

Dutch. I agree with you that our Iraq/Afghanistan war has potential for huge rewards (ex. no, not thinking about cheap oil). I believe we will succeed in giving Iraq their own 'flavor of democracry'. However, as in Palestine, I'm not liking the 'flavor of democracy' they have chosen so far. I am hoping my pessimism will prove wrong.

St Cronin. I do think making Iraq the envy of the Arab world was GB goal. It will be interesting to read the history books 20-30 years from now if this was accomplished.
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