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Old 02-02-2006, 07:06 AM   #31
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Not Delaware - hurray!
Knowing all the issues he had with a simple one pitch batter/pitcher confrontation, it makes me shudder to think of the problems that will be created with a pitch-by-pitch mode. Was his user community clamoring for a pitch-by-pich mode to begin with?

His niche was a quick-simming, career-based baseball sim. How can one mention the following as "features" all in one breath: "pitch-by-pitch mode", "minor league simulation engine" and "faster simulation speed". Okay, what this says to me is: different engines for minors vs. majors (yuck). A "tacked-on" pitch-by-pitch mode - you can't have faster sims and at the same time add that level of micro game management. Unless...there's two different engines being used - one for pitch-by-pitch and one for quick simming. Oh great, when I use pitch-by-pitch, my team is 12-0, but when I quick sim, we're 5-15!

Really, this game could be good, and I have no doubt that Clay is smart and knowledgeable about baseball (I see him post on the SABR mailing lists all the time), I just don't understand why his game doesn't live up to the hype. Ever.
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She loves you, yeah!
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