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Old 04-21-2003, 03:08 PM   #26
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
This week’s youth pull wasn’t with the team long enough for me to remember his name.

Weekly Financial Update

Previous Balance: $168,768


Crowd (league match vs. Big Reds) - $150,026
Crowd (U.S. Open Cup match vs. Brooklyn Ex-Pats) - $9,583
Sponsors - $60,750
Temporary (sale of youth squad promotee Sam Young) - $93,840

Total Revenue: $314,199


Arena Upkeep - $19,500
Player Wages - $29,948
Temporary (youth squad promotion) - $2,000
Temporary (transfer listing for Sam Young) - $1,000
Staff & Specialists - $40,500
Youth Squad Support - $20,000

Total Expenses: $112,948

Net Income/Loss: $201,151

New Balance: $370,015

Despite our disappointments on the pitch, this was a very profitable week for us, with the promotion and sale of Sam Young acting as a nice little bonus. The expansion to The Docks certainly seems to be paying for itself quickly, as we brought in just over $150,000 from Sunday’s league match. We’re in a good spot financially. Now it’s just a matter of turning that into better on-the-field performances.

Team Information

Team Spirit: Satisfied (up 1 level)
Team Confidence: Strong (no change)

Sponsor Attitude: High on Life (up 1 level)
Supporter Attitude: Content (down 2 levels)
Supporter Club: 1,346 (down 1 from last week)

For the first time in club history, we actually had a supporter leave the organization. Apparently the supporters were none too pleased with us getting shut out at home, even though the game did end in a draw. And I’m sure that getting knocked out of the U.S. Open Cup by a Division V side didn’t help matters any, either.

Up Next: We look to exact a little revenge upon the Croats in Miami on Sunday. For those of you who may not remember, this is the club that cost us the series title last season and handed us our first ever league loss. Stay tuned!
Current Games
Diablo III (BattleTag: DataKing#1685)
Chicago Bears - Detroit Red Wings - Kansas Jayhawks
2011 Golden Scribe - Other Sports Category (The Straight(away) and Narrow - A Forza Motorsport 3 Dynasty)
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