Thread: My reply...
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Old 10-25-2000, 03:49 PM   #6
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md

As, I must presume, one of the "few" whose actions you lament, I'd like to suggest that you may have some things wrong, Dan.

The web address for the game purchase had been made public in this community for about a week. There was nothing unrealistic in anyone's occasional visit to the site to see if it had been "made active" (i.e. the game had been released.

When a forum leader read that another site was promoting FOF 2001's imminent relese, he checked the widely-known release site, and noted that it was now active. He then passed on this good news to the hordes of people who are waiting to pay you their money, myself included. Some of us acted quickly, and downloaded the game by giving our purchase information (credit card number)-- this was not any kind of attempted hacking or piracy, as you have described it.

As soon as Tony, Kliq, and I got word that it was an error and the request to unlicense-- we all did so promptly. You may believe that by my modest delay I was flouting your wishes-- I can only ask you to take my word (and those I typed on this forum) that that is not so.

I suspect that this thread will be locked soon-- but I wanted you to hear it from someone close: we are not your enemies here.

Michael Sanderson
Annapolis, Md

[This message has been edited by QuikSand (edited 10-25-2000).]
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