Thread: My reply...
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Old 10-25-2000, 03:39 PM   #1
Dan Wasson
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: NorCal
Unhappy My reply...

First of all let me state that this post was my opinion and has nothing to do with Barry, Chuck, or how they choose to handle the situation. So please keep the two separate, it's their game now.

If anyone here felt that my post was directed at them in error, I'm sorry. My ire is aimed at the few people who behaved in a manner that I felt was inappropriate. I've spoken with them over email and while I don't think we're going to agree on things, at least we understand each other's point of view.

My remarks were posted here because I know this is the best place to get my point across. You may not agree with me, but when I heard what happened, it made me very angry. I felt betrayed by a group of people that I've spent a lot of time supporting and fighting for. I realize that I should not have lumped you all together, or blamed "the group" for the actions of a few. That's the wrong way to handle it, and I'm sorry for that.

I feel that I've dealt with each of you in a fair manner ever since I got involved with this game last July. If you have lost respect for me because I got pissed off that a few people were undermining our efforts, think how you'd feel if our situations were reversed. I don't come to your work and tell you how to do your job, or take your project that's 99% complete and jeopardize it's chances of succeeding.

However, my comments about the NFL were right on and I do not retract them. If they chose, at this delicate point in the negotiations, to call things off, we'd have no recourse. They've been burned in the past and getting them to agree to anything is very difficult. That's why this game is late, because negotiations between EVERYONE involved (EA, NFL, AOL, etc.) are taking a long time. That happens - in 1998 Madden 64 shipped with no NFL license because we didn't sign a deal in time. This game is part of a larger picture so it has to wait. That's out of all of our (production team) control.

So feel free to email me or flame or whatever you want. My email address has always been available if you want to hit me up with your issues. Ask anyone who's "been here" what I've done for this game, this community, and on your behalf, and maybe you'll understand where I'm coming from. I'm just trying to do my job and protect my interests. Once again, if you feel slighted or angry at my post, I apologize to those of you who didn't deserve blame.

At this point I am going to bow out of the fun, I've already done enough for one day.

Dan Wasson
Associate Producer
Dan Wasson
Associate Producer

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