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Old 01-15-2006, 12:21 PM   #452
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by Raiders Army
TroyF, previously in the season you mentioned the fact that Denver's defense is pretty good in confusing QBs (I think it was the first time Oakland played them). I think a lot of Tom Brady's performance had to do with that. What is it specifically? Is it the pressure they get with their front four? Is it the fact that their LBs are so freaking fast? Or is it some combination of a bunch of things?

Do you think they'll be able to confuse Peyton as well?

Part of the reason is that Denver is simply unrelenting. They WILL hit the QB. They don't care how many they have to send. They aren't going to let a QB have time and they don't care if they give up a big play or two while it's happening.

Simms talked last night about how the screens and swing passes and the like would force Denver to let up. Well, I can assure you, they will never let up.

What happens is it misses up your entire offense. On every play you have to look for where the blitzers are going to come from. If 8 guys are at the line, you have to be concerned with who comes, who drops off, etc.

The other thing is that Denver has three exceptional defensive players who are rarely called to blitz: Champ Bailey, DJ Williams, Ian Gold. Ian and DJ simply wipe out the TE. Denver was #1 in the league at stopping TE this year. In a division with Tony Gonzales and Antonio Gates. So that takes away your safety valve.

The amazing thing is Brady's game last night was typical of every QB who has faced Denver this year. Horrible first half. Gets better in the second half, hits a few big plays. Then fades in the final five minutes.

It's really a bizzare defense and I've never really seen anything like it. I mean, Denver puts 8 guys on the LOS and rushes all of them five or six times a game. Is there any other team in the league who has a scheme anything like that?

The amazing thing is they don't hide it. Opposing QB's come into the game excited, like the announcers said Brady was last night. Yippeeee, we are gonna get some shots. And they all leave confused as hell.

I wish I had a nickel for everytime an opposing QB's teams fan has said "Our guy just had an off day, he missed some open WR, wait until next time"

Well, Brady had a second crack and didn't convert. Tom freakin Brady.

The Colts next week? It's going to be tougher. Manning changes counts and will sit at the line until Denver tips its hand. The Colts also have exceptional WR.

Of course, if the first quarter of this Colts game is any indication, Denver may be playing at home again next week.
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