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Old 01-15-2006, 09:33 AM   #429
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: USA
Originally Posted by jeff061
I don't like Manning because annoys the hell out of me on the field, nothing personal. I don't like the Colts because they are a bunch of whiny bitches. We should start a pool on what they'll whine to the league about if they happen to lose. That's about it.

What specifically annoys you? Does anyother QB in the league do the same things? Do they annoy you just as much?

What do the Colts whine about? What have they whined about this year? What did they whine about last year? If you're referring to the holding of receivers, there is little doubt by even Patriot fans that they got away with some blatant holding at times. It was rationalized away because the refs did not call it, but it was holding nonetheless. Had it been the other way around, the complaints would have been the same.

EDIT... I'm not trying to pick on you or single you out. I am just very curious. My experience has been that people who make those sorts of statements have a bias against Peyton Manning and are much harsher on him than any other QB in the league. That most of the time these opinions don't hold water under analysis and the same things could be said about their favorite QB by others.

Last edited by Tekneek : 01-15-2006 at 09:35 AM.
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