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Old 01-15-2006, 08:01 AM   #425
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Originally Posted by gstelmack
P.S. Those of you who like to bash "Pats fans" can kiss my grits. EVERY team has fans that talk too much trash. Deal with it and don't paint everyone with the same brush. The Pats might have a few more than most thanks to the long, lean years with only occasional success, but that by no means is indicative of the group as a whole.

I suppose it is a credit to the team that they've been so successful that their fans have annoyed everyone else this much. We'll see how it goes when the wheels finally come off that wagon. If you're going to dish it out the way a lot of Pats fans have been for a few years now, then you've really got to take it when you're no longer winning the big games.

I hate most how everyone that has been part of the Patriots' run is brilliant and best at their job in the world, while everyone else is a horrible person with no talent that is one step from working at Walmart. That's the sort of thing that really riles me. The most obvious thing is how every QB that has played, or does currentl play, for a Pats' rival is always portrayed as someone that has no character (bad person) and/or is overrated (lucky, surrounded by talent that makes them look better than they are, etc).
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