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Old 01-14-2006, 11:38 PM   #399
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo
dream indeed. you'd hafta smoke some serious herb to dream that. wow.

denver won't be able to move the ball on the Colts much at all, and Payton even being Payton, will handle Denver.

Right there guys, exactly why I've hated the Patriots fans. that attitude. Manning is a great QB. a sensational QB. Who just happened to run into the Patriots defense and struggled to get by it. As if Brady would have been able to figure out Beli and Manning wouldn't have torched those Colts defenses.

If Plummer or Manning had made that Brady throw on the five tonight, Pats fans would be screaming about how much better their guy was. It wasn't Plummer or Manning this time. It was Brady on the road against a great defense struggling to put his team in the end zone and making the critical mistake.

Manning being Manning will probably beat Denver next week. And he probably would have beat NE as well. Because this year the TEAM happens to be better around him. It doesn't mean Manning is better and it doesn't mean Brady sucks. It just means the Colts are the best team in football this year. Nothing more, nothing less.

The Manning hatred by NE fans is just idiotic and i've never figured out what causes it. (other than them trying to show how great Tom Brady is, which is something they don't need to do anyway)
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