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albionmoonlight 02-10-2022 11:12 AM

Simple Chronological Trivia Game
My best is 8


The randomness of it is fun. Even if you hit on a few you know, you will quickly get something like the creation of some Chinese sub-state and you have no idea what to do with it.

albionmoonlight 02-10-2022 11:20 AM

dola: Just got 12

PilotMan 02-10-2022 11:30 AM

I got to 10. Feels like I could be better, but when you get that much it starts to get tight.

DavidCorperial 02-10-2022 12:12 PM

My best is 11

cuervo72 02-10-2022 12:53 PM

Younger Child's girlfriend brought over a card game version of this (Chronology) to play a couple of times. It was fun, but my first thought was "I can put these in Anki and try to memorize them!" Would defeat the purpose of the game, of course so I didn't do that. This seems like a good learning activity though if I can find the bandwidth for it.

cuervo72 02-10-2022 12:55 PM

Dola - companies and inventions are going to be a bitch (and were in the card game). Already got smacked down on Kodak and Xerox.

cuervo72 02-10-2022 01:00 PM

(Just hit 13, but there is a LOT of luck involved. "First Dynasty of Egypt" at -3150 is kind of a gimme. OTOH, who the fuck is Jozef Pitsudski?)

albionmoonlight 02-10-2022 01:02 PM

My high is 12, but my average is around 6. Luck is a huge factor, IMO.

cuervo72 02-10-2022 01:24 PM

17! But yeah, this is what I had:

-5000 ground sloth
-2300 Yamnaya culture (wrong)
-345 Nanda Empire (right, but says "from 4th BCE in the blurb)
401 Theodosius II
763 An Lushan Rebellion
1368 Charles VI of France
1620 Plymouth Colony
1650 Renaissance
1725 Spanish Steps (wrong)
1774 The Sorrows of Young Werther (Goethe)
1852 La Traviata
1886 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche)
1896 Ethel Waters (came early, got lucky)
1899 Humphrey Bogart (flat out got lucky on the guess squeezing this in late)
1900 Helen Hayes (wrong)
1913 Bohr model
1918 Silver Star (starting card)
1945 Yalta Conference
1971 Christina Applegate
1987 The A-Team
1998 Seinfeld

Those last four were gimmes, obviously. Too bad there was nothing from the 50s or 60s.

AlexB 02-10-2022 03:13 PM

Just got a 12. Fun game

AlexB 02-10-2022 03:21 PM

Dola - 17

The copy function doesn’t seem to work, but was helped by having a good spread of years from -349 onwards, and one of the cards helpfully had a year written in it!

-349 Nichomean Ethics
-146 Third Punic War (had the year on the card)
800 Book of Kells
1300 Kannada Script (wrong - thought it was earlier)
1440 Eton College
1680 Downing Street
1745 Leyden Jar
1812 Charles Dickens (wrong)
1827 Hiram Rhodes Revels
1851 Ophelia painting
1866 HG Wells (wrong - put him before Ophelia)
1869 Suez Canal
1899 Klondike Gold Rush
1907 Jack Albertson
1916 Sterling Hayden
1925 The Great Gatsby
1945 Battle of Iwo Jima
1948 Israeli air force
1989 Gazprom
1993 Czech Republic
2004 Tapei 101 tower

cuervo72 02-11-2022 09:44 AM

Just hit a 20. Got tripped up by "Cuneiform", which it listed as "-50" and coming AFTER "Classical Greece." Hmm, no. (I reported the card on github.) Got pinged on that, the Ghana Empire (350) and the V&A (1852).

Some interpretations are tricky. Like, "Anne Shirley." Anne of Green Gables was written in 1908. But the character was "born" in 1865 (or 1866...estimated, anyway). It's a little weird to have to parse that out.

Still, got lucky. Had 8 cards from the 20th c -- Frances Bavier (Aunt Bee), Turandot, Commonwealth of Nations (starter), Battle of Britain, S. Van Zandt, Mark Cuban, Aaron Paul, and A Tribe Called Quest. Also had Google Translate and Dogecoin.

PilotMan 02-11-2022 03:35 PM

Nerd alert over here!


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