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kcchief19 05-09-2003 10:43 PM

PING: OKC Contigent Friday Night Tornado
Local station here is reporting a bulletin from the AP that a large tornado has hit the OKC area tonight, but not a sniff of video or news on cable networks or Web sites. Any word?

Craptacular 05-09-2003 11:32 PM

The Weather Channel is saying they had one about 45 minutes ago that hit on the NE side of OKC, moving into Lincoln County. You could even see the swirling hook on their radar.

CamEdwards 05-09-2003 11:48 PM

We had a big one move right through the northern half of the city. For the most part, it seems to have stayed low enough to snap power lines, but high enough that it didn't do an incredible amount of damage to structures.

NE Oklahoma City got walloped pretty hard, however. There are reports of an elementary school destroyed, a barn collapsed with people inside, and at least one person who might have been impaled by a piece of flying debris.

It passed about three miles away from my home. We had everybody in the bathtub, and as soon as it passed to our north I headed up to the station.

Here's hoping everyone else is okay. It should have passed to the north of Airhog's home as well, but he might be without power.

kcchief19 05-10-2003 12:05 AM

I have lived in "tornado alley" all my life, but this is the longest sustained outbreak of such powerful storms I have ever seen. Sure, there have been days that have had some monstrous storms (Wichita Falls being the winner), but this is basically a weak now of almost daily pounding. I'm not a big fan of this weather cycle.

AgPete 05-10-2003 12:47 AM

Yeah, I grew up in the spawning ground for tornado alley. (NE Texas) We had a twister go through the backyard of my elementary school while growing up. So do only the folks that grow up in tornado alley have duck and cover drills every month until they graduate? ;) Nobody survives a direct hit from those suckers, glad to hear your friends & family are okay Cam.

sooner333 05-10-2003 01:02 AM

Again, the tornadoes stay to the north, a seemingly normal occurance. Other than passing through the local news channels i woudln't have known. I went to a high school soccer game, then watched the Lakers-Spurs, and didn't know about it except when I passed the local affiliates. But, I'm okay. Prayers to whoever is affected. Today in class we passed around an envelope for two of our janitors whose house was demolished in yesterdays tornadoes (we collected probably over $40 in our class alone).

Cuckoo 05-10-2003 11:30 AM

Yeah, this has been an interesting few days for me. On Thursday, my wife and I were on I-35 driving to Moore to look at a house when the tornado hit. We turned around just in time, headed back to Edmond and found out soon after we got home that the tornado hit exactly where we would have been. Thank goodness I turned on the radio because the sky didn't look too bad at the time. Turns out the house we were looking at was still there although some very near it were not. I think that experience soured my wife on moving to Moore.

Last night we were home which of course means this tornado would come towards us in Edmond. Luckily once again, it just missed us, touching down a bit south of us and moving pretty rapidly east.

I've lived in Oklahoma all of my life and had my high school completely destroyed by a tornado back in 1989. These last couple of days, though, have been quite unique to say the least.

tucker342 05-10-2003 11:54 AM

The only tornado I've ever seen was in Cozumel, Mexico, we were sitting on a beach, and about ten miles away there was a tornado, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It was blue sky where I was. Pretty amazing.

JeeberD 05-10-2003 12:15 PM


Originally posted by kcchief19
I have lived in "tornado alley" all my life, but this is the longest sustained outbreak of such powerful storms I have ever seen. Sure, there have been days that have had some monstrous storms (Wichita Falls being the winner), but this is basically a weak now of almost daily pounding. I'm not a big fan of this weather cycle.

I blame Storm. I mean, did you see what she did to shake those fighter jets? Bitch didn't think about the consequences of her actions...


kcchief19 05-10-2003 10:25 PM


Originally posted by JeeberD
I blame Storm. I mean, did you see what she did to shake those fighter jets? Bitch didn't think about the consequences of her actions...

I just saw that movie today and let me tell you, that scene was scarier than hell if you've been dodging real tornadoes for a week! Cool, but scary.

Craptacular 05-10-2003 10:44 PM

We just got a couple hours of tornado warnings in the Madison area. What a nasty week.

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