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Chief Rum 05-19-2013 11:54 PM

STORM'S END (GoT) Thread
This is the House Baratheon of Storm's End thread. You may only post in here or view this thread if you are allowed to in the game rules.

This thread is for members of House Baratheon of Storm's End.


Here is the player list, with roles


King Robb Stark-- Coffee Warlord

Roose Bolton-- JAG
Rickard Karstark-- MrBug708
Theon Greyjoy-- Lathum


King Joffrey Baratheon-- Zinto

Tywin Lannister-- hoopsguy
Jaime Lannister-- greenbeans
Ser Gregor Clegane-- Julio Riddols


King Stannis Baratheon-- Autumn

Ser Davos Seaworth-- InBlue
Axell Florent-- claphamsa
Melisandre-- bulletsponge


King Renly Baratheon-- path12

Loras Tyrell-- murrayyyyy
Cortnay Penrose-- Darth Vilus
Brienne of Tarth-- fontisian


Barristan Selmy-- mauchow
Lord Varys-- DaddyTorgo
Cersei Lannister-- Narcizo
Petyr Littlefinger Baelish-- saldana
Tyrion Lannister-- Danny

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 12:31 AM

Lets do this!

fontisian 05-20-2013 07:36 AM

Hey guys. Should we figure out our resources?

claphamsa 05-20-2013 07:58 AM

im here, loyal and confused. I read the first book years ago, and hated it... so there is that.

fontisian 05-20-2013 08:00 AM

Wrong thread clap.

claphamsa 05-20-2013 08:03 AM

huh? oh shit! 2 Barathoeons. my bad

murrayyyyy 05-20-2013 09:52 AM

I'm "here". For the record, I will be scarce for this game. Let's just say I will be wearing a black suit soon and no clue of when it is.

I'll try to find time to read the rules but I was too busy this weekend because of above. Monday's suck but I'll make sure to follow actions and will check in periodically today.

So step one is kill Clap because he posted in the wrong thread? LOL

path12 05-20-2013 10:24 AM

A sword swallower through and through.

I would like my Hand to be someone who will have availability this week. Mondays are my worst day, my weeks are frontloaded.

Darth, font?

path12 05-20-2013 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 2823984)
Hey guys. Should we figure out our resources?

Apparently a treasury report is coming but in addition to the resources the three of you have I bring:

40,000 gold
40,000 men
15 ships

I have to think we start strong. My initial impulse is to weaken the Lannisters, mainly to try and get some discord sewn with the King's Landing advisors......seems it might be easier for them initally to just side with the King that is in their midst.

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 12:06 PM

My availability should be decent with the exception of Friday, I'm going to sea world that day. I can do small checks that day though

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 12:08 PM

I start with 3000g and 1000 men and gain an additional 1080g and 90 men a day. I can't build or hold any hips because my land is landlocked

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 12:25 PM

Oh and also if we are attacked we get some kind if benefit, that's my ability

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 12:25 PM

Attacked in war, not raided or anything

murrayyyyy 05-20-2013 12:40 PM

Because of my kick ass sword play (and not that kind!) I give our team a bonus in wars. Same on ships for me, no help there.

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 12:49 PM

So we should try to anger a king bad enough so he goes to war with us then?

fontisian 05-20-2013 01:28 PM

I have 1000 gold, I'm very good at capturing people and my side is benefited if I'm fighting. I've got a fair bit of free time for the next few weeks.

path12 05-20-2013 01:41 PM

I wasn't given abilities as much as a positive and negative.

My positive is that I cannot be assassinated as long as Brienne is in the game.
My negative is that I cannot kill Loras if it came to that. I'm not sure why that is a negative -- I'll have to revisit the rules when I get a chance.

I would think the only other side with ships is Stannis, who likely has more than we do and probably some sort of magic ability. I suspect the Lannisters have some kind of wildfire to protect Kings Landing. Not sure what Stark would have offhand, guessing either some sort of battlefield bonus or something to do with direwolves.

I'll come up with a Hand decision later this afternoon. I'm checking in between reports. I like our team.

path12 05-20-2013 02:36 PM

Still guessing at abilities.

Varys -- can look in the house threads?
Selmy -- combat bonus or additional protection of some sort.

Also, with no wolves the traditionally strong analysis players may be at a disadvantage. This is going to be about wrangling votes.

Ideas which house to go for first? I would love to get Melisandre out of the way and think we could build support for that in thread.

path12 05-20-2013 03:29 PM

I'm going to go with Darth for the Hand, mainly because I like the protection Brienne provides and do not wish to put a bigger target on her than needed.

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 04:26 PM

I'm completely in the dark on game of thrones so I'm relying on you guys to guess at the abilities and decide which house is best to go for. I'm game with any though

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 04:37 PM

I'm cool with being the Hand, basically all it does is grant PM rights to me and the King right?

bulletsponge 05-20-2013 04:55 PM

checking in. i have only 1000 gold and no men or ships

Darth Vilus 05-20-2013 05:44 PM

Wrong thread bullet

murrayyyyy 05-20-2013 06:17 PM

Just got home to read the rules and catch up.

fontisian 05-20-2013 07:30 PM

Murrayyyyy: Can you post your resources?

Should we consider trying to ally with another group?

path12 05-20-2013 11:47 PM

Ally in the main thread? We don't have anyone who can approach quietly do we? (maybe this discussion is going on in there, I came here first).

I would like to get one of Varys, Selmy or Tyrion on our side as you could tell by the main thread. An ally would be great, ideas are welcome or just toss some darts out there and see what happens.

path12 05-21-2013 12:21 AM

BTW, I'll be sending out a PM to murrayyyyy and fontesian in the morning (been reading the rules, yeesh).

I guess we can approach via PM or an emissary. Thoughts?

Stannis -- could probably use an ally due to smaller army, think they have some sort of magic uses with Melisandre.
Stark -- further away from us, we could pincer either Stannis or Lannister.
Lannister -- I have trouble trusting them just from the books but this is obviously a different thing.

Our strength is our army -- Brienne has a combat bonus as does Loras and Penrose gives us a defensive bonus. We should probably use it.

Wondering which neutral to approach tomorrow.

As you can tell I do a lot of thinking out loud.

murrayyyyy 05-21-2013 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 2824340)
Murrayyyyy: Can you post your resources?

Should we consider trying to ally with another group?

Do we want to post in here? The way I read the rules is that people are allowed to view our threads as reward eventually? Just didn't know how tight lipped we wanted to be.

murrayyyyy 05-21-2013 12:31 AM

25000 gold, 15000 men and no ships

3780 gold, 270 men and no ships every day, after my 10% tithing to King Renly Baratheon

Damn you people are broke...

Darth Vilus 05-21-2013 12:32 AM

damn youre rich lol

fontisian 05-21-2013 08:05 AM

Dragonstone's advantage is their ships, which will be helpful in raids, and Melisandre's abilities. Their disadvantage is their lack of men and funds and the religious divisions that may blow up in Autumn's face.

Lannister's advantage is wealth, army, and combat oriented bannermen. If I had to guess at a disadvantage, it would be a lack of loyalty among the

fontisian 05-21-2013 08:10 AM

Thank you laptop, for posting while I was halfway through my post.

To continue: If I had to guess at a disadvantage, it would be a lack of loyalty among the bannermen and weakness to raids from ships.

Stark's advantages are their wealth, men and the Dire Wolf, though they don't have as much wealth or men as the Lannisters.

I think we should try to get everyone to vote for the Lannisters, particularly hoopsguy, as he is the wealthiest of the bannermen, the hand, and it looks like he's the most talkative in the Lannister thread.

murrayyyyy 05-21-2013 08:26 AM

I'm going to play my character pretty true so whomever Path votes for, I'll follow.

fontisian 05-21-2013 08:38 AM

An alliance with Dragonstone would allow us to avoid raids and whatever powers Melisandre has, while and alliance with Stark would give us significant manpower that could be used to take down the Lannisters. We could propose an alliance with both houses to last until the Lannisters are wiped out.

Alternatively, we could let Lannister and Dragonstone wipe each other out. :devil: Looks like Autumn wants to vote out a low income bannerman to recruit them later.

If we do succeed in voting out another bannerman, I suggest that we contact them in advance and ask them to transfer all of their gold to us in exchange for being immediately accepted as a bannerman. This way, the avoid giving half their gold to their former king and the other half to charity and we avoid paying money to charity. It's particularly important if we vote out hoopsguy, because he's so wealthy.

path12 05-21-2013 10:12 AM

Hey guys, I read the rules wrong yesterday so I won't be able to send you PM's.

Brienne, I love the suggestion about voting out a bannerman. Will you use your PM today to approach whoever looks like they are getting the vote?

Hoops will likely be hard to vote out just for meta reasons. Still early but I wouldn't be surprised to see either Clegane or Melisandre be the choice.

I am sending Penrose out as an emissary today. Feel free to be friendly to Stannis' faction in the main thread......I believe an alliance is going to be necessary.

And that being the case I guess my initial impression will be a Clegane vote, but let's see how things start to shake out before we put too much out there.

What do you guys feel about voting? I'm really unsure how we want to coordinate that and welcome ideas.

path12 05-21-2013 10:13 AM

Loras, my thought for your PM is to approach one of the neutrals. Who do you think may be useful to us?

path12 05-21-2013 10:17 AM

Oh, and since Loras already has Highgarden I am going to name him Warden of the South.

path12 05-21-2013 10:17 AM

Services. Thoughts? I'm thinking more ships give us more security against Dragonstone.

murrayyyyy 05-21-2013 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 2824547)
Loras, my thought for your PM is to approach one of the neutrals. Who do you think may be useful to us?

Sal or Narc based of characters that I think would be stacked to help out. I think Narc is a better player personally and would like to always have him on our teams side.

path12 05-21-2013 10:26 AM

Stannis has approached us supporting a Clegane vote.

fontisian 05-21-2013 10:32 AM

path: See if you can convice him to switch to Tywin Lannister.

For services, you should definitely use the one pm to Varys. I like the idea of investing in a land. Do you want to attempt a raid on one of the smaller lands?

fontisian 05-21-2013 10:38 AM

And yeah, I'll use my pm today to approach the vote target.

murrayyyyy 05-21-2013 10:44 AM

question, should we keep a running log of important posts in this thread? Also am I allowed to copy from main and put in here?

For example.

Post 300: Lands of Westros

or just


King Robb Stark (CW)-- Winterfell (family home), Riverrun, The Twins and Deepwood Motte.
Roose Bolton(JAG)-- The Dreadfort (family home)
Rickard Karstark (MrBug708)-- The Karhold (family home)


King Joffrey Baratheon (Zinto)-- King's Landing, Harrenhal, Crakehall and Fairhaven
Tywin Lannister (hoopsguy)-- Casterly Rock (family home)
Ser Gregor Clegane (Julio Riddols)-- Clegane's Keep (family home)


King Stannis Baratheon (Autumn)-- Dragonstone (family home), Maidenpool and Duskendale
Ser Davos Seaworth (InBlue)-- Cape Wrath (family home)
Ser Axell Florent (claphamsa)-- Brightwater Keep (family home)


King Renly Baratheon (path12)-- Storm's End (family home), Summerhall, Blackhaven, The Arbor
Ser Loras Tyrell (murrayyyyy)-- Highgarden (family home)
Ser Cortnay Penrose (Darth Vilus)-- Parchments (family home)

murrayyyyy 05-21-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 2824569)
For services, you should definitely use the one pm to Varys. I like the idea of investing in a land. Do you want to attempt a raid on one of the smaller lands?

I agree on the land and a raid. I didn't play last time but I assume services will be able to be purchased later in the game and getting more land to get more money/armies would seem like a good start.

path12 05-21-2013 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 2824569)
path: See if you can convice him to switch to Tywin Lannister.

For services, you should definitely use the one pm to Varys. I like the idea of investing in a land. Do you want to attempt a raid on one of the smaller lands?

I've already sent a PM to Varys this morning. We need a source for intelligence, and he is my priority there.

Will suggest Tywin to Stannis and see what happens. Not sure if he'll be able to respond to the PM, need to clarify that with Chief.

Did you have a land in mind? I really need to get some work done so welcome suggestions.....

path12 05-21-2013 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 2824564)
Sal or Narc based of characters that I think would be stacked to help out. I think Narc is a better player personally and would like to always have him on our teams side.

Narc is a good choice here I think. He is active enough that he can help us. Go for it.

path12 05-21-2013 11:04 AM

Murrayyyyy, to follow up with your houses post, I did put this together as well:


Storms End: 40,000 gold, 40,000 men, 15 ships
Loras (bonus to combat): 25,000 gold, 15,000 men, 0 ships -- daily 3,780 gold, 270 men, 0 ships.
Penrose (bonus to defense): 3,000 gold, 1,000 men, 0 ships -- daily 1,080 gold, 90 men, 0 ships.
Brienne (bonus to combat, good at capture): 1,000 gold

And now I really need to check out for a bit.....

Chief Rum 05-21-2013 11:14 AM

Ser Cortnay Penrose (Darth Vilus) has left the camp for the day.

murrayyyyy 05-21-2013 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 2824591)
Did you have a land in mind? I really need to get some work done so welcome suggestions.....

No clue for now (swamped for the next 4 hours probably so open to suggestions.

Also how do we want to approach Narc. A hey if some stuff goes down or a would you like to side with us question. I only get one PM shot so will try to include as many questions and answers to the follow up in the initial PM (Save on PMs by giving answers that he possibly might ask questions to)

murrayyyyy 05-21-2013 12:15 PM

Someone may know which lands are closest better than I do... Should we aim for the productive/moderate type lands?


Casterly Rock, Highgarden, King's Landing, Riverrun, Storm's End, Winterfell


Brightwater Keep, Dragonstone, The Dreadfort, Harrenhal


Blackhaven, Duskendale, The Karhold, Maidenpool


The Arbor, Crakehall, Summerhall, The Twins


Clegane's Keep, Deepwood Motte, Fairhaven, Parchments, Cape Wrath

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