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flere-imsaho 05-26-2010 11:27 AM

It pains me deep in my heterosexual soul to say this, but...
...I like Glee....

And, atypically, I'm not going to blame my wife or some random gay friend for this. Oh no, I'm going to blame my toddler.

You see, in a moment of weakness when his mother was away and I was having trouble finding ways to entertain him, I clicked the Tivo over to one of his mother's episodes of Glee. I figured "hey, he likes music, so...". Well, he likes Glee, and so now do I, too.

Phew. I now feel much better having gotten that off my chest. A feeling I'm sure will be reversed soon by the amount of ridicule I'm about to endure, so have at it, fiends!


Rizon 05-26-2010 11:34 AM

Man card, revoked.

Rizon 05-26-2010 11:34 AM

JediKooter 05-26-2010 11:37 AM

Sir, and I use that term loosely, that is nothing to brag about. However, I can understand in a moment of weakness trying to entertain a young one can be a difficult task. May I suggest for next time this happens: Teach him how to shoot a gun, search for porn on the internets, stare at hot chicks, chug beer, watch the NFL Network (if available), how to remove a bra (worn by a woman) with only one hand, or how to ride a motorcycle.

Consider this a warning. :D

Rizon 05-26-2010 11:45 AM

You can watch Samurai Jack with him, that's a cool show.
Also, Tonka trucks.

DaddyTorgo 05-26-2010 11:46 AM

Never seen a second of that show. Never will.

Marc Vaughan 05-26-2010 11:46 AM

Well personally I LOVE Glee ....

DaddyTorgo 05-26-2010 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Marc Vaughan (Post 2289179)
Well personally I LOVE Glee ....

You're British. Nuff said. :D

MikeVic 05-26-2010 11:49 AM

How many people here watch American Idol, and Glee is frowned upon?

flere-imsaho 05-26-2010 11:49 AM

In my defense:
  • he may be a bigger fan of Sportscenter
  • last week I replaced the headlight on my car, and spilled my own blood in doing so (and didn't faint)
  • I can successfully change a diaper while wearing a tie
  • He can successfully identify "Daddy's (re)mote" and distinguish it from his (non-working) "mote". He also refuses to believe there's such as thing as "Mommy's 'mote".

Can I have my man card back yet?

Rizon 05-26-2010 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by flere-imsaho (Post 2289183)
In my defense:
  • he may be a bigger fan of Sportscenter
  • last week I replaced the headlight on my car, and spilled my own blood in doing so (and didn't faint)
  • I can successfully change a diaper while wearing a tie
  • He can successfully identify "Daddy's (re)mote" and distinguish it from his (non-working) "mote". He also refuses to believe there's such as thing as "Mommy's 'mote".

Can I have my man card back yet?

Yes, but it's temporarily restricted for 7 days.

Izulde 05-26-2010 11:54 AM

Dude. Even *I* don't like Glee.

DaddyTorgo 05-26-2010 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by flere-imsaho (Post 2289183)
In my defense:
  • I can successfully change a diaper while wearing a tie
  • He can successfully identify "Daddy's (re)mote" and distinguish it from his (non-working) "mote". He also refuses to believe there's such as thing as "Mommy's 'mote".
Can I have my man card back yet?

Those two are pretty awesome.

Sun Tzu 05-26-2010 11:56 AM

NFL Week in Cartoons my ass.

Ksyrup 05-26-2010 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by MikeVic (Post 2289182)
How many people here watch American Idol, and Glee is frowned upon?

I agree. They both have forced plot lines, Lady Gaga, and an antagonist who dates women IRL.

Draft Dodger 05-26-2010 12:01 PM

I normally hate musicals, but I do like Glee.

It's a quintessential guilty pleasure. The storylines are extremely lame and very unoriginal, some of the characters are downright annoying and the show features some of the worst lipsyncing in history. But it is still very entertaining. The songs are great and Sue Sylvester is freaking hilarious and those two make the show worth watching.

Swaggs 05-26-2010 12:04 PM

I like Glee, too. It kind of reminds me of the simple sitcoms from the 80s.

And agreed on Sue Sylvester -- she is one of the best television characters to come along in quite awhile (particularly from a sitcom).

flere-imsaho 05-26-2010 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Izulde (Post 2289186)
Dude. Even *I* don't like Glee.

Not gay enough for you, I assume? ;)

JediKooter 05-26-2010 12:10 PM

I think Lance Bass doesn't even like Glee.

Eaglesfan27 05-26-2010 12:16 PM

I also like glee. The cheerleaders and Rachel are hot. The music is usually entertaining and there are usually at least a few lol moments in each episode. Also, Sue is a great character.

BreizhManu 05-26-2010 12:20 PM

I do watch Glee but don't like it much, I do like some of the characters though (Sue, Brittany).

ISiddiqui 05-26-2010 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Marc Vaughan (Post 2289179)
Well personally I LOVE Glee ....

Ditto. By far my favorite new show (Community is a close second). It combines musicals, which I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy, and, basically, the movie "Election", which was just awesome.

And Sue Sylvester is comedic gold.

ISiddiqui 05-26-2010 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs (Post 2289191)
I like Glee, too. It kind of reminds me of the simple sitcoms from the 80s.

But with an overly satiric edge on the 80s sitcoms, just look at how the characters of Brittney and Saldana are portrayed. And Puck loses his "cool" power because he gets a haircut, that's hilarious.

Swaggs 05-26-2010 12:25 PM

I think it is kind of funny (or perhaps ironic) to consider the content of last night's episode to some of the comments in this thread.

Chief Rum 05-26-2010 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 2289204)
By far my favorite new show (Community is a close second).

Rejection. Unable to compute. /Runtime break

DanGarion 05-26-2010 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 2289199)
I also like glee. The cheerleaders and Rachel are hot. The music is usually entertaining and there are usually at least a few lol moments in each episode. Also, Sue is a great character.


RainMaker 05-26-2010 01:24 PM

Jesus Christ guys....

Sun Tzu 05-26-2010 01:29 PM

It pains you deep in your heterosexual something alright, but it aint your soul.

Scoobz0202 05-26-2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Izulde (Post 2289186)
Dude. Even *I* don't like Glee.

Best response so far.

Marc Vaughan 05-26-2010 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs (Post 2289191)
And agreed on Sue Sylvester -- she is one of the best television characters to come along in quite awhile (particularly from a sitcom).

I love the fact that she's shown as multi-dimensional and is very soft and caring with her sister, its that kind of thing which makes the show a little bit more engaging and the characters more interesting ...

Comey 05-26-2010 01:43 PM

My girlfriend enjoys the show; she was an opera major in college and does musicals and stuff now. Fine.

I've seen it. The lead girl is hot. The kid in the wheelchair was the pizza delivery kid held hostage on The Office. Ironically, he's the best dancer in the group, and he's in a wheelchair.

I have to admit to knowing more about this, despite not actually watching it (unless the gf is watching it), due to listening to The Tony Kornheiser Show everyday. He loves the show, and discusses it a good bit.

kingnebwsu 05-26-2010 01:47 PM

It's funny how people quickly dismiss things when they have never even seen them. I know I do the same thing, though.

Glee is awesome. I don't even know 75% of the songs they sing on there and I really enjoy it. Lea Michele is amazing (and hot). It's a light & fun show that can get surprisingly serious at times.

If you hate musicals, you won't like Glee. If you don't hate musicals, you should definitely check it out. I'd describe it as a musical dramady. Me & the future Mrs. still need to watch last night's episode...hope it was Ga-ga-tastic.

cuervo72 05-26-2010 01:56 PM

I'm boycotting simply because I can't stand the word glee.

JonInMiddleGA 05-26-2010 01:58 PM

I believe this sad situation was handled thoroughly in the first few posts, anything I would add now would just seem like piling on.

Of course, given your enjoyment of Glee, you might find yourself enjoying that too so I'm just not gonna go there.

Ksyrup 05-26-2010 02:03 PM

Someone just posted this on another board, and for some reason this thread came to mind:

As far as serious comments about this show, we already had a thread about this and I posted a long rant there just based on the commercials (which made me feel like I'd see the premiere 14 times, despite never watching a second of the show). It's High School Musical marketed to 30-somethings, and what I got from the commericals/extended previews they did way back when it premiered, the characters are mostly 2-dimensional like HSM, too. But I don't watch fictional TV, so I'd be turned off of it even if it wasn't largely musical-based.

DanGarion 05-26-2010 02:04 PM

Yeah, let's do manly stuff like scratch our balls, burp, and fart.

ISiddiqui 05-26-2010 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 2289262)
It's High School Musical marketed to 30-somethings

No it isn't. It's highly satirical of high school stereotypes, for one. And the dialogue is quite witty (though Sue usually gets the best lines).

Ksyrup 05-26-2010 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 2289268)
No it isn't. It's highly satirical of high school stereotypes, for one. And the dialogue is quite witty (though Sue usually gets the best lines).

I believe that's what I just said. It's a musical set in high school, marketed to 30-somethings. Whether it's taken at face value or interpreted as satire, it's all the same.

flere-imsaho 05-26-2010 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 2289258)
I believe this sad situation was handled thoroughly in the first few posts, anything I would add now would just seem like piling on.

Of course, given your enjoyment of Glee, you might find yourself enjoying that too so I'm just not gonna go there.

And yet you have actually posted in the main Glee thread, while I have not. Curious.

ISiddiqui 05-26-2010 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 2289270)
I believe that's what I just said. It's a musical set in high school, marketed to 30-somethings. Whether it's taken at face value or interpreted as satire, it's all the same.

That is one of the silliest backtracks I've seen in a long time.

Ksyrup 05-26-2010 02:21 PM

Uh, no. It's HSM dude. It's a show set in high school that's a musical. And it's marketed to 30-somethings through 80s music and (supposed, since I've never watched it) "witty" disalogue. What part of that is a backtrack? There's no way I would ever accept that this show would exist if HSM hadn't been as big a hit as it was. No way. That was the premise for the show, which explains the satirical high school stereotypes.

JonInMiddleGA 05-26-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by flere-imsaho (Post 2289273)
And yet you have actually posted in the main Glee thread, while I have not. Curious.

Straw man, since you omitted my comment about the show
Second, this may very well be the least appealing premise for a scripted show I can recall. I'm trying but off hand can't come up with anything I've ever heard described that I thought sounded less interesting. To each their own, I mean, there's no shortage of people who watch Idol and damned if I understand that either.

ISiddiqui 05-26-2010 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 2289280)
Uh, no. It's HSM dude. It's a show set in high school that's a musical.

Wow. That's all "High School Musical" means to you? Hell, in that case, "Mad Men" is "The Office" set in the 50s, because its about an office.

Ksyrup 05-26-2010 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 2289284)
Wow. That's all "High School Musical" means to you? Hell, in that case, "Mad Men" is "The Office" set in the 50s, because its about an office.

It's a musical based on jocks vs. drama/chorus (and particularly involving a coach/teacher rivalry/hatred), set in high school, with stereotypical high school cartoon characters.

If I knew anything about Mad Men or The Office, I guess I could respond. But as far as HSM and Glee go, I think that's about as parallel as two shows could be.

Lathum 05-26-2010 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 2289289)
It's a musical based on jocks vs. drama/chorus (and particularly involving a coach/teacher rivalry/hatred), set in high school, with stereotypical high school cartoon characters.

If I knew anything about Mad Men or The Office, I guess I could respond. But as far as HSM and Glee go, I think that's about as parallel as two shows could be.

How can you comment so definitively on a show you admittedly have never seen?

ISiddiqui 05-26-2010 03:04 PM

I'm guessing that means "Psych" and "The Mentalist" are the same shows as are "Modern Family" and "Parenthood" because of somewhat similar subject matter.

It's just lazy typecasting.


It's a musical based on jocks vs. drama/chorus

No. It's cheerleaders vs. glee.

JediKooter 05-26-2010 05:12 PM

So what's this show Cheerleaders? Now that seems like something I could watch even with the sound turned down.

Danny 05-26-2010 05:23 PM

I like Glee a lot. I think I said in other thread, but Glee and Community are my two favorite new shows this year. And it's also very popular among teenage and 20 something girls, although that doesn't exactly help our case for liking it.

RedKingGold 05-26-2010 06:26 PM

#1. I like Glee.
#2. I like naked women.
#3. I don't give a fuck what any of you think.

Swaggs 05-26-2010 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by RedKingGold (Post 2289404)
#1. I like Glee.
#2. I like naked women.
#3. I don't give a fuck what any of you think.

I would have put these in a different order, but: +1 :)

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