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Eaglesfan27 05-17-2010 12:10 PM

I'm stunned
I know people die every day, but I'm shocked to hear one of my co-workers died last night. Mollie was a caring, beautiful, and fun loving woman. She was one of the most compassionate social workers I have worked with. She was only 28 years old and she died from an aneurysm. Our whole office is shocked and in mourning right now. It is going to be a tough loss for a bunch of kids that she has been helping in therapy.

wade moore 05-17-2010 12:15 PM

Horrible to hear. I've been lucky enough to not have anyone that is young and close to me pass away, it must be awful to deal with.

digamma 05-17-2010 12:22 PM

Condolences. Yet another reminder of how fleeting life is.

Kodos 05-17-2010 12:23 PM

So sad.

Mizzou B-ball fan 05-17-2010 12:24 PM

I'm an alumni advisor to my fraternity house at my alma matter. We had a kid last year who had a brain aneurysm. They got him to the hospital, but they could do little more than put him on life support to preserve his organs. They kept him alive for a couple days while friends and family came by and then harvested the organs. He was 22 years old. It was rough.

claphamsa 05-17-2010 12:37 PM

had a friend from high school suddenly die from an aneurism... I think he was 19.

Karlifornia 05-17-2010 12:41 PM

That really sucks.

JediKooter 05-17-2010 12:42 PM

Damn man, sorry to hear that EF27. Much too young.

Had a co-worker, that was about the same age as me, die a little over a year ago of a massive stroke, so I know the feeling.

King of New York 05-17-2010 12:50 PM

Very sorry to hear of that.

I try to be grateful every day for all the years that I've had, and that too many friends and acquaintances did not get to have--and I try to remember not to squander whatever time I do have, since sadly none of us is guaranteed a tomorrow. If any good can come of news like this, I suppose it's that it reminds the rest of us to make the most of whatever time we are given.

DaddyTorgo 05-17-2010 12:51 PM

Damn EF

CleBrownsfan 05-17-2010 12:57 PM

Sorry EF :(

Like others have said - way too young.

GrantDawg 05-17-2010 02:08 PM

So sorry to hear.

gkb 05-17-2010 02:34 PM

Way too young for someone doing so much good. Sorry EF.

Alf 05-18-2010 08:59 AM


Lesson to learn : enjoy life "now" and don't wait till you're older to start enjoying

Swaggs 05-18-2010 09:15 AM

Man, that is rough -- particularly at that young an age.

Best wishes to her family and friends.

Subby 05-18-2010 09:41 AM

Really sad. :(

Dumb question but is there anything one can do to prevent an aneurysm or is it just completely random?

Sun Tzu 05-18-2010 10:33 AM

Sucks man...definitely sucks. I'm 28 myself, so this thread prompted a quick "brain aneurysm" search.

Subby, it looks like it's pretty random. Women get them more often then men, at a rate of 3:2. 40% of people don't feel any symptoms at all before the rupture. Most, if not all of the symptoms pre-rupture are no different than what you would feel during a typical bad headache. For those two do survive, which isn't many, over half suffer permanent brain damage.

Carpe diem gentlemen

BYU 14 05-18-2010 10:53 AM

Very sad, sorry to hear EF27

Apathetic Lurker 05-18-2010 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Subby (Post 2285088)
Really sad. :(

Dumb question but is there anything one can do to prevent an aneurysm or is it just completely random?

I dont think there is any way to totally prevent it, but the following might help to lower the percentage

stuff ripped verbatim from a site on the internet

Eat Fiber, Avoid Fats. Eating foods high in fiber also contributes to good health, and will decrease your risk of developing a brain aneurysm. On the contrary, diets high in fat will greatly increase the risk. Thus, if helps to limit your intake of fatty foods.

• Give Up Smoking. According to recent health studies, persons who smoke die 7 to 10 year prematurely. Aside from the risk of lung cancer, asthma, and emphysema, smoking also causes blood vessels to narrow. When this happens, the risk of aneurysm greatly increases.

• High Blood Pressure. Another risk factor for brain aneurysms is high blood pressure. Routine physical examinations are vital. This way, physicians can easily detect blood pressure problems. If suffering from high blood pressure, treatment is important because this may cause an aneurysm to rupture.

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