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LastWhiteSoxFanStanding 05-16-2010 12:47 PM

Ping: Basketball Coaches
I am coaching middle school basketball this year and was wondering if anybody could recommend any drill or strategy book/dvds that they found particularly useful.


Chief Rum 05-16-2010 01:37 PM

Lines, baby! Do it when they're pissing you off. :D

rjolley 05-16-2010 02:13 PM

I found a few websites that I've looked at for ideas and to refresh my memory from my playing days:

Youth Basketball Community | Presented by the NCAA & the NBA | iHoops
Basketball Plays, Basketball Drills
Basketball Coaching Playbook, Coach's Clipboard... Coaching Youth & High School Basketball
Hundreds of FREE Basketball Coaching Drills, Plays, Tips, Offenses, Defenses & Resources

Also, I've had the privilege of talking to one of the fathers' who happens to be a former college coach, so it helps to pick his brain and get drills as well.

And running lines motivates, as well as benching players who aren't performing the way that you need them to, once you get to games.

Noop 05-16-2010 02:26 PM

I think the main for running a basketball team is organization. I can not tell you how many times I have seen other coaches have players just standing around doing nothing.

I am a big believer on not a minute being wasted in practice. Organize practices so that every player is doing something to improve themselves. Example: If you have five doing defensive sets. Have the rest work on passing drills on the other half.

Another thing is you must believe in what you're telling your players because if you don't they will know.

Here is a sample practice format I used for kids in your age group.

5 - Warm Ups (Stretching, Sit Ups, Step Slides)
10 - Suicides
5 - Lay Ups
5 - Suicides
5 - Layups
5 - Suicides
5 - Water Break
15 - Defensive Drills/Set on the other court passing/shooting drills
5 - Step Slides with Passing
15 - Rebounding, Passing, Fast Break
15 - Scrimmage
Losing team has to run suicides while winning team has to make 10 free throws.

Add some variations but this is just the basic format.

I do want to add that individual stuff is going to be hard to do without an assistant or two. So if you have one then you can break them down in by group (Guards, Bigs) and teach them group specific stuff.

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