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Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:32 PM

Abe's Favorite AD&D Stuff
Since someone wanted more posts here ya go.

Over the last hour, I wrote up my thoughts for my top ten favorite game supplements for AD&D 1st Edition, 2nd Edition, and D&D. Want to know what they are, and why they are? I'll tell ya in a bit

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:34 PM

10. Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalogue
2nd Edition
Forgotten Realms

This clever little book for the Forgotten Realms represents a supposed magazine-ish book distributed by a large wholesaler that offers a variety of different types of goods. Each good comes with a picture, description of why you should buy it, and a price tag. It includes a ton of awesome stuff for your campaigns, and it is one of the best readings I have gotten from a AD&D supplement. Great stuff!

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:36 PM

9. Van Richten’s Guide to the Ancient Dead
2nd Edition

This supplement took a minor enemy from the basic enemies (the Mummy) and turned it upside down, and created one of the most intricate enemies you can have. A lot of the book is fluff, but what it does have is a lot of meat for creating interesting, unique, and powerful undead creatures. It creates scales of power, interesting abilities, and more.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:39 PM

8. Wizards Spell Compendium, Vol 1-4
2nd Edition

I know this set did the same thing as the Priest’s Spell Compendium and Encyclopedia Magica for their media, and that all it does is simply, in four volumes, list every spell ever printed. However, this is the best by far. For example, it’s hard to add Priest spells to your campaign. How does a deity just suddenly start increasing randomly the spells they grant to priests? It’s hard to justify it in campaign more than once or twice. The magic items rock, and the more the merrier, and I use the Encyclopedia Magica a ton. However, making a magic item is a ton of work. Wizards have to research the formula, chase down the exotic ingredients, find the spells, and then spend a ton of time making the actual item, and some spells deplete the caster’s body and/or soul in order to imbue the item with permanent magic. Therefore, they are not easy to make. However, you can make a new spell in 2-3 months, done. That one item can be broken or lost easily. You put your name on your spell, start selling scrolls of it or trading it, and within a couple of years, Abe’s Mighty Aleatory is suddenly known by a bunch of other magi. It has a much better chance of staying after you die, will get your name better known, gives you unique spells to trade for other rare spells, doesn’t take too long, and such. Thus, your campaign world should have a few known priest spells, a lot of magic items, and a literal plethora of wizard spells coming out of people’s ears. The only issue I have is that the spells were not usually put into the new schools so I have to go through, read them all, and add them to the new schools – like artifice. That, plus it’s just a reprint of every spell ever, drops it back from a higher berth.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:41 PM

7. The Seven Sisters
2nd Edition
Forgotten Realms

This book took an in story idea of those few powered by a goddess to powerful levels, and gave you tons of info on them. You saw tons of stats and background on each of the characters so imbued, and then game information on how to do it, and what advantages come with it, and then finally, tons of very powerful spells made by this core of powerful characters. The supplement is detailed, gives you rules for cool characters that have never existed before of any sort, and is a nice treat.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:42 PM

6. Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide
2nd Edition

The artless cover for some of these books is going to suck, I admit. This books is divided into two parts. The first gives you, the Dm, tons of tip[s on how to run a game. Instead of lots of rules, instead it gives the DM guidelines and info on how to run the best campaigns, create the best worlds, and so forth. Then it actually has runs and tricks on how to create your own world, followed by information about creating maps and stuff. In some ways, it is a better DM’s Guide than the actual DM’s Guide. It’s amazing, and has info from everything from ordering snacks and cleaning up after a gaming session to world build tips. Amazing.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:43 PM

5. Greyhawk Adventures
1st Edition

This is a classic book for your library. It is a textbook example of having a tome that is thick with good stuff for games. It includes tons of stuff from new rules on how to run 0 level adventures to a ton of spells, magic items, new creatures, detailed rules on deities and their clerics that gives you just enough info, rules and info on major players, several mini-adventures you can use and my favorite – many geographical anomalies and why they were formed, and what sorts of creatures and interesting things are there, to give you many ideas for adventures of your own creation. Just a very solid book from start to finish.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:45 PM

4. The Complete Book of Necromancers
2nd Edition

This book was jam packed with stuff, and looked at a great way to make NPC and enemy necromancers something truly villainous. The new kits were great, the new items interesting, the new non-weapon proficiencies essential (like venom handling), and everything from dark gifts, weaknesses, salient powers, to a map and dungeon at the end was great. It took a corner of the universe and fleshed the crap out of it in a beautiful way.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:47 PM

Top three, here we go...

The Complete Fighter's Handbook
2nd Edition

Right after they released the 2nd Edition rules that just codified the 1st Edition rules in one place and streamlined some stuff, they added major ideas to the game. This book became essential. Not only did it add things like new weapons to the mix, but it also created a lot of new ideas for ways that characters can fight. Specialization in fighting styles was brand new, as well and broad and narrow group proficiencies. However, what the CFH will be forever known as was the introduction of Kits to AD&D, and it was one of the best additions to the game from 2nd Edition.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:48 PM

Top Two:

2. Player's Option: Skills and Powers
2nd Edition

This book was part of the Player’s Option revolution that included Combat and Tactics, and Spells and Magic. This introduced the idea that when you create a character, you can choose your race bonuses and class abilities and later weapon and non-weapon proficiencies all by using character points. It was a genius idea to tack onto D&D. It was, in my opinion, the best version of D&D ever. Because 3rd edition moved away from that, I stick with 2nd Edition Player’s Option as my preferred option.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:49 PM

And finally....

Oriental Adventures
1st Edition
Kara Tur

What can you say about this product that has not been said already? I guess you could say it sucked – no one has ever said that. Replacing the normal classes and races with all new ones, and yet retaining the basic rules for AD&D, this book became arguably the single iconic book of AD&D 1th Edition and was one of the best selling ones of all time, period. From the new spells, new elemental system, new everything – including a new world, Kara-Tur detailed very well – you have one of the best supplements of all times, an d the best one for 1st Edition. It still has stuff in it that was never redone for later editions, and thus stands up very well. Oh, and did I mention it introduced non-weapon proficiencies?

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 01:49 PM

All done!!!

Drake 04-21-2010 02:47 PM

Excellent, Abe. Talk about a walk down memory lane.

FWIW, my kids don't play AD&D (they prefer MERP, like I did), but they've read all of my AD&D manuals even more dog-eared than I left them all those years ago.

Dutch 04-21-2010 02:53 PM

These were the only books we knew about back when we played (roughly 1985 timeframe). :)

Honolulu_Blue 04-21-2010 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dutch (Post 2269241)

My grandmother bought me my copy of this book for Christmas in 1981. I was 7.

The image of my sweet, little old grandma buying a book with this cover for her 7 year old grandson never ceases to put a smile on my face. :)

Marc Vaughan 04-21-2010 03:05 PM

I have to say I picked up the 'Starter Set' pack for D&D recently hopinig to introduce my eldest son to it (he's 11 and very much into fantasy games & books) - however having read through it I decided not to because it just came off really complicated and much less fun for a young kid than the old 'Basic' D&D set I started with.

Anyone know if you can still get hold of the 'Basic' D&D (or an equivalent) or is all the stuff now like this?

PS - Instead I've introduced him to Space Hulk and some of the early Games Workshop games, he's had a blast playing them against me and his friends ... :D

Mustang 04-21-2010 03:20 PM

If you just want the basic books, they can be had for around $10 shipped on Ebay. I'll look around my 'undesirables' and see if I have any old worn copies. (I buy lots of the stuff and through worn copies to the side until I decide what to do with them)

Mustang 04-21-2010 03:22 PM

Oh, and what.. no Barrier Peaks love?

DanGarion 04-21-2010 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Marc Vaughan (Post 2269252)
I have to say I picked up the 'Starter Set' pack for D&D recently hopinig to introduce my eldest son to it (he's 11 and very much into fantasy games & books) - however having read through it I decided not to because it just came off really complicated and much less fun for a young kid than the old 'Basic' D&D set I started with.

Anyone know if you can still get hold of the 'Basic' D&D (or an equivalent) or is all the stuff now like this?

PS - Instead I've introduced him to Space Hulk and some of the early Games Workshop games, he's had a blast playing them against me and his friends ... :D

Just get the Order of the Stick Adventure Game

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 2269267)
Oh, and what.. no Barrier Peaks love?

This list does include D&D stuff, but none really charted, but not modules, just supplements. Expedition wouldn't crack my top ten anyway. My #1 comes out of nowhere, so i'll let you know here:

Abe;'s favorite module:

1. LNQ1 Slayers of Lankhmar
2nd Edition

This is, far and away, my favorite adventure. It wins easily. It's very interesting, it's not like other adventures, it requires the DM to think, its open ended, it has many ways it can end - it's just an awesome adventure about this powerful guy who escaped after killing a powerful guy in Lankhmar, and you are joining a mega powerful manhunt, following his trail, and what not. There are other groups out there as well and you can run into them, some are shoot first and ask questions later, and monsters in the area, and traps the guy sets, and many more. It's just awesome.

From the book:

"The Merchant Consortium's guild master has been murdered. The Slayers' Brotherhood, the constabulary, sanctioned private ventures, and the Lankhmart Army mobilize to find the killer, but they soon realize he is no average person. Intelligent, cunning, sly, and brutal, he may be the most diabolical murderer in Lankhmar's criminal history.
This adventure features new weapons, new proficiencies, a detailed map of a portion of the Hlal Forest, and 64 pages of unforgettable mayhem guaranteed to keep player characters on their toes. "

Honolulu_Blue 04-21-2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 2269267)
Oh, and what.. no Barrier Peaks love?

I never liked Barrier Peaks. Laser Guns in D&D was always a clear sign that the campaign was coming to an end. It was either that or once Black Razor made its first appearance.

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 03:53 PM

My favorite modules top ten would look like a reverse almost of the other top ten. A bunch of 1st Edition and just a couple of 2nd edition, but one 2nd at the top.

Expect to see:

Tomb of Horror
Labyrinth of Madness
D1-3 Vault of the Drow, for example
G1-3 Against the Giants
Temple of Elemental Evil
M5 Talons of Night(D&D)
B7 Rahasia (D&D)

And something else, have to think of it though

Abe Sargent 04-21-2010 03:54 PM

Interesting link for those interested:

GROGNARDIA: 30 Greatest D&D Adventures of All Time

Mustang 04-21-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2269279)
I never liked Barrier Peaks. Laser Guns in D&D was always a clear sign that the campaign was coming to an end. It was either that or once Black Razor made its first appearance.

Barrier Peaks has more of a nostalgia appeal to me rather than it being some masterpiece. Barrier Peaks spurred several months of creating large maps of crashed ships that we would explore in D&D. Guess we needed a change of pace.

MacroGuru 04-21-2010 05:22 PM

Going along the realms of the Oriental Adventures which was one of my all time favorites...I loved this...

Thomkal 04-21-2010 07:11 PM

Amazingly enough I only have two of your top 10 Abe, the Campaign and Catacombs Guide and Oriental Adventures. The Psionics Handbook would be my addition to the list. Hollow World and Dark Sun remain my favorite campaign settings.

CrimsonFox 04-21-2010 08:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)
My favorite module and my favorite supplement

Attachment 1509
This mod had everything, dungeoncrawl, humor, traps, freakiness (the efreet pictures were just weird), fun, mayhem , magic loot to boot. Still one of my favorites.

Attachment 1510

I was a big Cthulhu player and this supplement was D&D's answer to it while keeping their Ravenloft franchise alive. 1890 adventures geared toward RP and undead where all magic is evil and bad mojo is everywhere. And all you have is a sword to fight it with....oh wait. We get guns?? Sweet!

Peregrine 04-21-2010 08:13 PM

Great choices Abe - some of those I really love myself. The Whole Realms Catalogue I always felt was an underappreciated gem. As for me, it's hard to remember after so long, but as for modules I do remember one I loved, just because it went against so many of the cliches of most modules, especially ones for starting player level. No ruined temples or goblin lairs, instead you get basically a haunted house and an oddball village with some mysteries. I also love that this ties into a couple of other modules for a rare underwater campaign. I give you...

Ragone 04-21-2010 09:21 PM

all this reminds me how much i miss playing d&d.. i just don't have the time to try and find a group to play and get together.. would be great to find an online game or something of that magnitude

had a 6 year rifts campaign with 7 friends through middle school and into high school that was literally the most fantastic gaming experience i was ever involved in. This may seem silly, but someone losing their character 5 years in was quite tragic.(of course he got a new character to rejoin with at the next availble plot time.. but still)

Subby 04-21-2010 10:34 PM

What Dutch said.

Don't forget the Monster Manual first edition with motherfucking ASMODEUS and DEMOGORGON.

Dutch 04-22-2010 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Subby (Post 2269534)
What Dutch said.

Don't forget the Monster Manual first edition with motherfucking ASMODEUS and DEMOGORGON.

Oh yeah, how could I forget the Monster Manual. We had that one too. :)

Honolulu_Blue 04-22-2010 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Peregrine (Post 2269417)
Great choices Abe - some of those I really love myself. The Whole Realms Catalogue I always felt was an underappreciated gem. As for me, it's hard to remember after so long, but as for modules I do remember one I loved, just because it went against so many of the cliches of most modules, especially ones for starting player level. No ruined temples or goblin lairs, instead you get basically a haunted house and an oddball village with some mysteries. I also love that this ties into a couple of other modules for a rare underwater campaign. I give you...

I GM'd this module dozens of times. I even remember one night when I was like 10 or 11 and I decided to roll up a character and play through the module by myself. I played a paladin. He died pretty early on.

I am still playing some D&D and still enjoy it. I started playing when I was 5 years old. I didn't quite understand it all that well, but by age 7 I had it down pretty well. I was in an epic campaign that lasted all 4 years of college.

I have played on and off since then. Currently, we have been playing 3rd/3.5 edition campaign. We started in it Feb '06. Our group only gets together a handful of times a year, since one of our players lives in NYC. My friend who runs it created the world and everything, so we don't use modules.

We just recently started a new side campaign based in the "Underdark" supplement. So, we're playing drow. Never been my favorite, but it's been fun so far.

I still have all my old original books, the Monster Manual with Asmodeus and the Dieties and Demigods with the Elric and Chthulhu stuff.

It's funny, I remember being in college and wondering about when I'd finally give up playing RPGs. What my last adventure would be. I'm 36 now. Married and have a job. I don't really see ever completely stopping playing these games. It's something I enjoy too much. I don't golf or gamble or anything like that, so I suppose it fills that void.

GrantDawg 04-22-2010 10:43 AM

I miss playing more than I can say.

Sgran 04-22-2010 02:53 PM

you guys should come on down to for some of that old school feeling. there are a lot more people playing 1e and 2e than you'd think.

Peregrine 04-22-2010 04:58 PM

I have to say I'd love to go back to playing in a D&D campaign. I am playing in a 4th edition game with some friends once a month, but it's just not the same as a regular weekly game, and to be honest 4th edition (though it has some things I like) doesn't really work so well for me.

Ragone 04-22-2010 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Peregrine (Post 2270242)
I have to say I'd love to go back to playing in a D&D campaign. I am playing in a 4th edition game with some friends once a month, but it's just not the same as a regular weekly game, and to be honest 4th edition (though it has some things I like) doesn't really work so well for me.

Likewise, i'd love to find something to play weekly, or even daily in an online style enviorment

Izulde 04-22-2010 11:59 PM

I miss 2nd ed AD&D myself.

Drake 04-23-2010 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 2269704)
My friend who runs it created the world and everything, so we don't use modules.

Ditto this. I don't think I've ever played an actual module in any system. I always wrote/mapped/designed my own campaigns. That was the way the guys who introduced me to D&D did it, so I thought that was just how it was done...and honestly, scripting the adventure and having other people play it out was where most of my joy came from -- even the parts that never actually made it into game play because of player decisions.

Still, I bought the modules for ideas, raw materials and monster/weapon/treasure stat references.

Reading this thread, I feel like I missed out on some of these great stories. :D

Thomkal 04-23-2010 06:05 AM

add me to the crowd who greatly missed playing D&D on a regular basis

Sgran 04-23-2010 10:10 AM

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boberot 04-23-2010 01:52 PM

Wow, haven't even thought about this stuff for about two decades, but I really did have some favorites.

For one, I loved the Oriental Adventures supplement. Nothing like kicking ass hand-to-hand as a skinny little dude in a robe.

Module-wise, I have to give love to the Assassin's Knot, Castle Amber, Keep on the Borderlands [classic, obviously], the Drow series and Ravenloft.

Does make a guy nostalgic.

Senator 04-23-2010 04:23 PM

Name it.

cubboyroy1826 04-23-2010 04:29 PM

Senator isn't that the map from one of the Basic books?

Senator 04-23-2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 2270928)
Ditto this. I don't think I've ever played an actual module in any system. I always wrote/mapped/designed my own campaigns. That was the way the guys who introduced me to D&D did it, so I thought that was just how it was done...and honestly, scripting the adventure and having other people play it out was where most of my joy came from -- even the parts that never actually made it into game play because of player decisions.

cubboyroy1826 04-23-2010 05:04 PM

By the way I have the Oriental adventures along a whole of of the other books and never really like it. One of my favorite supplements was the Rogues Gallery. I also picked up the Return to the Keep on the Borderlands module.

cubboyroy1826 04-23-2010 05:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Forgot the attachment.

Mustang 04-23-2010 05:38 PM

One of my favs

I can't count how much time I spent pouring over the maps and reading the 2 books.

Thomkal 04-23-2010 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 2270928)
Ditto this. I don't think I've ever played an actual module in any system. I always wrote/mapped/designed my own campaigns. That was the way the guys who introduced me to D&D did it, so I thought that was just how it was done...and honestly, scripting the adventure and having other people play it out was where most of my joy came from -- even the parts that never actually made it into game play because of player decisions.

Still, I bought the modules for ideas, raw materials and monster/weapon/treasure stat references.

Reading this thread, I feel like I missed out on some of these great stories. :D

I used modules and Dragon Magazine articles a lot in my campaigns. I adapted them to fit my campaign ideas and got some ideas for my campaigns from them, but some were good to use practically untouched. Wish I could remember the name of my favorite module-it actually came after Gary Gygax left TSR. He either wrote it, or it came from the campaign world he created. Had an art gallery room in it that fueled the main villain in my campaign and allowed me to connect it to a regular TSR module.

Abe Sargent 04-25-2010 08:42 PM

The D&D Dynasty: The Path of Alzar the Mighty - Front Office Football Central

Lonnie 04-25-2010 09:53 PM

That looks like a Zork map Senator. Did you draw it?

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