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Flasch186 04-19-2010 07:34 PM

New Business Logos - Opinions Wanted
Please give opinions on this logo, media it would be used on AND if you can visualize some good colors on it, let us know, that would work in the following veins:

as small as,

Business Cards, Logos, Door Knockers...

and as large as,

yard signs, table skirts, etc.

This would also be used on and throughout electronic media.

Obviously this is a Realty site and company that specializes in Full Service real estate transactions.




path12 04-19-2010 07:57 PM

Picked #1. The logo seems best on the left for me.

Also, any of these beat the last bunch IMO.

Danny 04-19-2010 08:03 PM

3 is the best

Flasch186 04-19-2010 08:45 PM

some notes fromt he USFL site so I can have them all in one place:


With the round table logo with an empty seat.

Trying to imagine how to best set it up so you GET that the open seat is for the customer......

Maybe an empty circle? Dunno. But something to convey the open seat is for them and the table is filled with folks working for them.

Just my 2 c.


I like #3 Flasch. I kinda got more of a feeling that the empty seat was for the customer with that one, for some reason. Good luck with the new business!


I'm an engineer and a lousy artist, so I'd probably just try trial and error putting the 'empty' seat at each of the four positions to see if any give the effect that House of Lords is mentioning.

Although, a slightly different 'tag line' occurred to me. "Get a seat at the table" is what popped into my mind. In that case, its not so much people working for them that are sitting at the table, but its more that the customer's investments with RoundTable realty will get the customer a seat at the table with the big (rich) dogs.

I suppose you've already rejected all the Arthurian and Camelot sort of themes that come to mind with a name like "RoundTable".

Flasch186 04-19-2010 08:48 PM

also tag lines:

we thought of

[Pull up a chair]

[Take a Seat at the table]

[Have a seat at the table]


any good ones youve thought of?

Danny 04-19-2010 08:53 PM

I like Grab a seat at the table, it emphasizes action more.

JonInMiddleGA 04-19-2010 08:54 PM

Hmm ... my gut reactions (which are usually the best I come up with on graphics questions)

-- definitely prefer text to the left/image to the right orientation

-- pretty much hate the image here, looks like someone tried to draw a d-pad from a 360 controller (so much that I figure your artist is in their 20's) ... or an apple with a bite missing ... or a fat man stick figure missing an arm and with only one leg ... but nothing like a table. So bad it's distractingly bad (just IHMO)

-- font is fine by me

-- I see the logo working fine on pretty much any rectangular shaped media, not sure about how it'll present on square formats such as old-school shaped yard signs or print classifieds though. I worry that it might seem cramped/crowded on a true square.

edit: Also, I agree with this suggestion from the USFL site Trying to imagine how to best set it up so you GET that the open seat is for the customer......
Maybe an empty circle?

DaddyTorgo 04-19-2010 08:59 PM

text traditionally goes to the right of the image i think. i don't my mind at least that's how i'm conditioned to see it.

the image does look a little odd. couldn't you have something more in profile with 3 figures sitting at the table and one empty chair pushed back?

Bad-example 04-19-2010 09:11 PM

#3 would get my vote. #1 almost hurts to look at.

Swaggs 04-19-2010 11:07 PM

I'm not a fan of that look -- it just doesn't look like something that indicates real estate to me. It seems more like something that a pharmaceutical rep, scientist, or maybe an engineer would use. My first thought is that it looks like rudimentary bonded molecules or some sort of gear.

cuervo72 04-19-2010 11:36 PM

I say you make the embedded circles houses instead. :D

Out of these I like #3. Definitely text to the right, with 'realty' under 'table' (basically the layout of the first image I did up, so maybe I'm biased).

path12 04-19-2010 11:58 PM

I got the open seat meaning with the logo on the left. The empty chair is for you.

wade moore 04-20-2010 07:51 AM

I like cuervo's logo a LOT better than this personally.

cuervo72 04-20-2010 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 2267898)
I like cuervo's logo a LOT better than this personally.

In fairness, mine probably had too many elements (houses). But I appreciate that.

lordscarlet 04-20-2010 08:44 AM

Certainly better than the last bunch. And I definitely prefer #3.

Having said that, I didn't "get" the image. I think I only figured out it was a table because of the last thread. I had no idea that the empty spot was for the customer.

Do you plan to add any color? Being able to gracefully go to monocolor is fine, but do you want black on yard signs? Perhaps that's the next stage after picking the layout, though.

albionmoonlight 04-20-2010 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 2267593)
-- pretty much hate the image here, looks like someone tried to draw a d-pad from a 360 controller (so much that I figure your artist is in their 20's) ... or an apple with a bite missing ... or a fat man stick figure missing an arm and with only one leg ... but nothing like a table. So bad it's distractingly bad (just IHMO)

I agree with Jon. That logo looks like one of my son's toys after he has broken off a leg or something.

I assume you are looking for honest criticism here.

wade moore 04-20-2010 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by cuervo72 (Post 2267917)
In fairness, mine probably had too many elements (houses). But I appreciate that.

Maybe some combination of this logo and the house theme?

I'm kind of like LS, I don't "get" it either and there doesn't seem to be much identifiable about it.

Mustang 04-20-2010 12:10 PM

I got the meaning of the open spot however, I saw it as an open spot for the realtor and not the customer.

I noticed in the last batch there was a theme towards highlight Round, the same goes here where the Round is more bold. Any reason? I generally hate highlighted words so in seeing that, when I say Roundtable Realty, I want to say ROUNDtable realty and I don't see the point.

Raiders Army 04-20-2010 12:48 PM

Personally, I don't like any of them much but I like the third the best out of the three.

I would probably go with #1 if there were an open circle (not filled in) in the empty spot.

Psychologically I look at this as you have no business, which portrays weakness. You don't see commercials where restaurants are empty, right?

All that being said, I think I'm probably overthinking it so maybe you want to disregard my comments.

Raiders Army 04-20-2010 12:55 PM

"Have a seat at the table and we'll provide full-service real estate transactions!"

"We round up the real estate for you at the table!"

"Nothing is off the table at the RoundTable!"

"You spin my head right round at the RoundTable!"

"There are no scraps at this RoundTable!"

"We make no deals under the RoundTable!"

"Real estate is right around the RoundTable!"

Mustang 04-20-2010 01:00 PM

You show me right round baby right round, like a record baby right round table round.

Danny 04-20-2010 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army (Post 2268195)
"You spin my head right round at the RoundTable!"

This will get you more business, but probably not the kind you are looking for.

Mustang 04-20-2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2268211)
This will get you more business, but probably not the kind you are looking for.

Guess they shouldn't use, "There is always a Happy Ending when we come to your home"

Bad-example 04-20-2010 01:26 PM

Black Pacman with tumors.

Rotated 90 degrees, it looks like the back of a girl's head.

lordscarlet 04-20-2010 01:33 PM

This does occur to me:

Is this the only design you got? If you commissioned a single artist I would think you should get at least 3 designs.

Flasch186 04-20-2010 02:43 PM

We got 3 designs all of which we didn't like. This was the fourth. Green table, blue spots, black font helps somewhat but I'm certainly not in love but were going to be overbudget on this line item.

DaddyTorgo 04-20-2010 02:51 PM

If you go with this last design, at least make sure you get some sort of tagline in there under it explaining the whole "empty seat" thing - that should help make it clear.

I feel your pain - I've done one of those "logo shops" before for our logo.

JonInMiddleGA 04-20-2010 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 2268388)
Green table, blue spots, black font helps somewhat but I'm certainly not in love but were going to be overbudget on this line item.

Which is why you never (and I'm hoping that you didn't) make an agreement with an artist that they keep getting paid for failure. At some point there has to be an escape clause for you that let's you go elsewhere to get it right.

Just remember, it's easy enough to say "we'll settle for this one" but you're either going to be staring at that logo for a long time (and hating it) or going back through this process again shortly (with the accompanying cost of reprinting of cards, letterhead, signage, etc). And rebranding the company to boot.

Flasch186 04-20-2010 03:17 PM

Flat fee Jon.

DaddyTorgo 04-20-2010 03:19 PM

flat fee for a certain # of designs? or until he gets it right?

JonInMiddleGA 04-20-2010 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2268440)
flat fee for a certain # of designs? or until he gets it right?

What DT said.

Flasch186 04-20-2010 03:32 PM

Until either side throws up its hands

Logan 04-20-2010 03:33 PM

If you didn't address this in your prior thread (feel free to tell me that you did and I'll go check it out), can you briefly describe the business? I'm not exactly sure what is meant by full service realty transactions, as it doesn't seem to be in the context of how I know it.

I ask because I'm not getting the "seat at the table concept" either but if I knew what you were going for (which I assume your customers would already know) that could help.

DaddyTorgo 04-20-2010 03:35 PM

Cool. Well then let's try to help you be more constructive with this next round and hopefully wind up with something that you like.

cuervo72 04-20-2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 2268456)
I'm not exactly sure what is meant by full service realty transactions, as it doesn't seem to be in the context of how I know it.

They pump your gas and clean your windshield.

Mustang 04-20-2010 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 2268454)
Until either side throws up its hands

Until either side throws up it hands???

So, if he creates 2 logos that you don't like and tells you that you can't be pleased, he keeps his fee?

Flasch186 04-20-2010 03:44 PM

Meaning its not buyers only or seller's only nor a flat fee MLS Co. We offer full service real estate out of our Co.

DaddyTorgo 04-20-2010 03:48 PM

is that a common term to someone looking to sell their house or buy a house (rather than to someone in the industry)?

if not you might be well-served to put something below the "open seat" graphic (however that is accomplished...i like the idea though), to that effect...

Flasch186 04-20-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 2268463)
Until either side throws up it hands???

So, if he creates 2 logos that you don't like and tells you that you can't be pleased, he keeps his fee?

Traditionally yes. You're paying for the process too. Fwiw we've gotten 4 concepts so far and being "ripped off" isn't the concern, finding the right concept is the concern. I still want to go the 99 route.

wade moore 04-20-2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2268470)
is that a common term to someone looking to sell their house or buy a house (rather than to someone in the industry)?

if not you might be well-served to put something below the "open seat" graphic (however that is accomplished...i like the idea though), to that effect...

I've purchased a home twice and sold once - never heard the terminology. And flasch's explanation of it sounds like every realty company I've ever dealt with. So, I'm not really sure the distinction either.

digamma 04-20-2010 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 2268570)
I've purchased a home twice and sold once - never heard the terminology. And flasch's explanation of it sounds like every realty company I've ever dealt with. So, I'm not really sure the distinction either.

I think it's a fair distinction, actually. In my limited exposure to the real estate market, I've definitely heard people referred to as more of a "buyer's agent" and even seen someone use one agent for their sale and a different one for their subsequent buy.

Logan 04-20-2010 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 2268464)
Meaning its not buyers only or seller's only nor a flat fee MLS Co. We offer full service real estate out of our Co.

I'm not trying to downplay what your company could actually do, I'm just having trouble figuring out the "seat at the table" connection (and I'm only focusing on that because that's the intent of your logo). Is this because traditionally, in your area maybe, people who want to buy a house are being pushed towards something they don't want and aren't being shown the houses/areas/neighborhoods etc they want? So you're trying to show that your company will value their wishes? Similarly, I don't see how that hooks in sellers.

Very possible I'm just being obtuse or showing my lack of knowledge on how the transaction-side of the real estate market works, so keep that in mind.

Maybe it's because my Treasury Dept union (which I'm not a member of but I still receive the benefits for) has "a seat at the table" in their tagline as in "we're representing your interests when you can't be there to speak for yourself".

Flasch186 04-20-2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 2268570)
I've purchased a home twice and sold once - never heard the terminology. And flasch's explanation of it sounds like every realty company I've ever dealt with. So, I'm not really sure the distinction either.

As I said, because there are buyer's brokerages that market that as their niche, there are seller's broker's as their niche and then there are some that offer seller's a flat fee MLS service while there are some that offer full service sales which would include more than simply dumping a listing in the MLS. Our company would offer all of these services which, as Wade said is not unique but does affect the way you would want to brand your company.

JonInMiddleGA 04-20-2010 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 2268587)
As I said, because there are buyer's brokerages that market that as their niche, there are seller's broker's as their niche and then there are some that offer seller's a flat fee MLS service while there are some that offer full service sales which would include more than simply dumping a listing in the MLS. Our company would offer all of these services which, as Wade said is not unique but does affect the way you would want to brand your company.

I'm wondering if this is a difference in the FL real estate market vs other parts of the country. I've never seen anyone in Georgia - from rural to midtown Atlanta - market themselves as specializing as buyer/seller brokers, and can't think of any who market the flat fee MLS thing either.

I'm familiar with all three things, just never seen anyone even remotely market themselves that narrowly.

Flasch186 04-20-2010 08:06 PM

Jon do a search Florida flat fee MLS LOL

Logan 04-20-2010 08:08 PM

Yeah I would agree that in NY/NJ, this would be unusual.

Swaggs 04-20-2010 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 2268592)
I'm wondering if this is a difference in the FL real estate market vs other parts of the country. I've never seen anyone in Georgia - from rural to midtown Atlanta - market themselves as specializing as buyer/seller brokers, and can't think of any who market the flat fee MLS thing either.

I'm familiar with all three things, just never seen anyone even remotely market themselves that narrowly.

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, but when I lived in North Carolina there were a few brokerages that specialized in selling only (in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area). I'm guessing realtors can be more selective and specialized in well-populated areas vs most of the rest of America where it is likely more along the "beggars cannot be choosers" line of business.

Flasch186 04-20-2010 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 2268583)
I'm not trying to downplay what your company could actually do, I'm just having trouble figuring out the "seat at the table" connection (and I'm only focusing on that because that's the intent of your logo). Is this because traditionally, in your area maybe, people who want to buy a house are being pushed towards something they don't want and aren't being shown the houses/areas/neighborhoods etc they want? So you're trying to show that your company will value their wishes? Similarly, I don't see how that hooks in sellers.

Very possible I'm just being obtuse or showing my lack of knowledge on how the transaction-side of the real estate market works, so keep that in mind.

Maybe it's because my Treasury Dept union (which I'm not a member of but I still receive the benefits for) has "a seat at the table" in their tagline as in "we're representing your interests when you can't be there to speak for yourself".

I wanted to answer this when I got home instead of from my phone:

I think I should paint a brief landscape of North Florida Real Estate...

There are some big houses (Prudential, Watson, Re/Max etc.) where they have the big building and the stable of agents. However, just because they have the brand doesnt mean you'll get a good agent under that umbrella. We also noticed that these companies rest on their laurels in regards to a lot of things because of their 'brand'. They also take a HUGE cut of their agents money for that brand AND the agent still has to pay for ALL their own marketing so get a poor agent from the big shop and the client is still SOL (especially if the agent is part time which is happening a lot).

There are some mom and pop shops, side of the road kind of places that are just trying to make it work.

Edit to add:

Oh i left out that there are some brokerages that are really MLM schemes where you get residuals off of agents you bring in 'under' yourself....we have no interest in doing this as we think that have a taint on themselves and eventhough the business model works, their goal is not to bring on quality agents but simply expand. Get as many people under you as possible (possibly forgetting about doing your own real estate work) and recruit recruit recruit.

There are some boutique shops that dont put much marketing power behind themselves or attempt to grow but are just happy having 20 or so agents working there and thats cool.

There are some warehouses that will just dump your FSBO home in the MLS for you for a flat fee.

There are some broker's that only take buyers and that is their marketing niche. There are some that call themselves sales specialists and thats all they do. Then there are some that really only market Shortsales, and REO's.

Our place is going to offer full service, meaning from sign in the yard, professional photography, videography, flyering, internet marketing, non-traditional marketing, etc. for sellers. We will also offer buyer's services. We will offer on an as needed basis some sort of a la carte way to have a flat fee listing for those who just simply refuse to pay anyone a commission because they think they can do it themselves (more power to ya). We intend to have Shortsale and REO services as well and what we think will be a website (our building on the side of the road) as good as any in the area.

There's obviously more to the business model but I thought that should be expanded upon for explanation.

We believe that our philosophy does in fact translate to a type of approach wherein "you'll" join us at the table and as a team we'll help you figure out your goals and help you achieve them. Rather than trying to sell at you we truly want to embody that 'team' approach to people's housing needs. It actually will run all the way through our corporate setup to how the agents are brought on and their mindset of how they handle clients and other agent's clients. "Pull a chair up to the table" is a good label for our ideal. Now whether or not we can get that to come across is 'who knows'. Anyways, there's more than just that to the brokerage, obviously, but I wanted to touch on your post before my wife gets mad at me for not joining them in watching "Glee".


Logan 04-20-2010 08:34 PM

Good explanation, and good luck!

DanGarion 04-21-2010 03:18 PM

Here use this to figure out the right font to use...

Portfolio of grahic design student Julian Hansen

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