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Shaun Sullivan 04-01-2010 07:01 PM

Baseball GM/Text Sim for iPad
Hi guys, I have been diving into iPad development, and I was wondering if any of you were looking at purchasing an iPad? I think it would be great for our genre.

Any thoughts?

spleen1015 04-01-2010 07:17 PM


Marc Vaughan 04-01-2010 07:17 PM


The one warning I'll mention with making a sim for it is that at present Apple appear to be enforcing ALL applications supporting both landscape and portrait mode .... for a game like a text-sim that might be a lot of additional work as you'd have to work out double the number of page layouts as for a traditional game.
Looks like Apple have relented on this some games appear to only be supporting landscape mode which should make things somewhat easier for developers in general.

Icy 04-02-2010 04:23 AM

Will Ipad apps be fully compatible with iphone or not necessarily? I love the iphone, but can't really find where would the ipad fit for me between a iphone and a notebook that i already own.

Marc Vaughan 04-02-2010 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Icy (Post 2256919)
Will Ipad apps be fully compatible with iphone or not necessarily? I love the iphone, but can't really find where would the ipad fit for me between a iphone and a notebook that i already own.

iPhone apps are fully compatible with the iPad* (they run as 'scaled up' versions of themselves) - the opposite isn't true.

*So long as they don't rely on things the iPad doesn't have like a camera.

lordscarlet 04-02-2010 11:03 AM

For me, the ipad is nowhere near the proper way to implement a tablet device.

Marc Vaughan 04-02-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 2257068)
For me, the ipad is nowhere near the proper way to implement a tablet device.

I'm intruiged by it - apple have been quite brave in its implementation I think and its targetted squarely at people who ARENT geeks imho (although the early adopters will be I expect the price to drop considerably within a year or so of its initial release) .... it could be a huge hit or a damp squid ... too early to say either way really (although I have a sneaking suspicion that 249,995 of the 250,000 pre-orders are developers intruiged by the device ;) ).

lordscarlet 04-02-2010 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Marc Vaughan (Post 2257091)
I'm intruiged by it - apple have been quite brave in its implementation I think and its targetted squarely at people who ARENT geeks imho (although the early adopters will be I expect the price to drop considerably within a year or so of its initial release) .... it could be a huge hit or a damp squid ... too early to say either way really (although I have a sneaking suspicion that 249,995 of the 250,000 pre-orders are developers intruiged by the device ;) ).

I just don't really see the point -- the iphone being such a closed device, fine. It has limited usability. But the ipad? I think it needs to be a little more free form like Android or Windows.

Glengoyne 04-02-2010 01:21 PM

If you build it. I'll buy one. I'd buy a copy of E. Dombrower's Earl Weaver's baseball for the iPhone every month, if he would start devoting time to it again. At one point he was looking for help. I seem to recall a bit of EW fan boy in you, so I'll selfishly suggest that you join forces with him.

PadresFan104 04-02-2010 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 2257068)
For me, the ipad is nowhere near the proper way to implement a tablet device.

But I think it's interesting that nobody else seems to have solved the problem. Tablet PC's were supposed to have had a much larger market share if you go back and listen to the analysts from about 5 years ago. I'm hoping that if the iPad isn't the answer, at least it's a bridge to it...

Eaglesfan27 04-02-2010 01:55 PM

I'm considering an iPad, but will probably wait until the price comes down considerably. If I bought one, I'd definitely be interested in a baseball sim on it.

Klinglerware 04-02-2010 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by lordscarlet (Post 2257113)
I just don't really see the point -- the iphone being such a closed device, fine. It has limited usability. But the ipad? I think it needs to be a little more free form like Android or Windows.

I would love to see development on a mobile linux or linux-ish platform, like Android or Maemo. Understandably, it is still a niche market (especially since Linux people love getting stuff for free).

But, Android is gaining some traction, and Nokia and Intel recently announced that they are joining forces to combine their open-source mobile linux offerings (Maemo and Moblin, respectively). It is early in the game, but Android and Meego (the planned Nokia/Intel OS) might emerge as viable alternatives to the locked-down Apple distribution model)

Qrusher14242 04-02-2010 04:53 PM

i dont see the point of it either. No usb, no flash, no multitask, no sale. I'll get a netbook before an ipad any day. Just another overpriced crappy apple product. Reminds me of that Onion video lol about that new apple product.

k0ruptr 04-02-2010 05:34 PM

I'd love something like this, but I really think makin it compatible with the ipod/iphone as well would be awesome

SackAttack 04-02-2010 10:58 PM

I'm thinking an FM/PureSim style game for the 3DS, where it's a text management sim, but the match engine that displays the game does so in 3D.

Marc, Shaun, make this happen.

PadresFan104 04-03-2010 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Qrusher14242 (Post 2257228)
i dont see the point of it either. No usb, no flash, no multitask, no sale. I'll get a netbook before an ipad any day. Just another overpriced crappy apple product. Reminds me of that Onion video lol about that new apple product.

I sorta understand the "overpriced" comment (although I don't agree), but it's been a long time since Apple has released anything that could be considered "crappy". Maybe I drank the kool aid a long time ago, but I've been buying and using Apple products for over 20 years, and don't regret one purchase. Tired of the Apple hate, but I guess it's here to stay.

Danny 04-03-2010 12:37 AM

I don't get the apple hate. I use PC's, but that's primarily because it's what I'm used to, they play game and I can build a quality machine a lot cheaper. Apple products are very well made though.

Calis 04-03-2010 08:14 AM

I think most of the Apple hate comes from their practices, not from the quality of their products. They make solid stuff, but I don't think their practices are helpful to consumers or developers.

Count me out on the iPad. I agree, it's too big for me to carry around all the time like a phone, and if I'm at home I'd like something that isn't completely locked down. I'll be curious to see if ChromeOS can become anything decent. I hope we see an influx of tablets from this.

Young Drachma 04-03-2010 08:22 AM

I can see where it'd be appealing say, in the sense that no one else has done it yet. Maybe from that perspective it's attractive, but I think it'd honestly be segmenting a market that's not exactly a deep pool to begin with.

Web-based makes way more sense, gives a lot more flexibility and could lead to iPad/iPod/Facebook integration down the road. You maintain your current base, without pulling them from their current game of choice by giving them something easier to load, less "pretty" so it can be played at work and more immersive.

lordscarlet 04-03-2010 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by PadresFan104 (Post 2257146)
But I think it's interesting that nobody else seems to have solved the problem. Tablet PC's were supposed to have had a much larger market share if you go back and listen to the analysts from about 5 years ago. I'm hoping that if the iPad isn't the answer, at least it's a bridge to it...

This is supposed to be the year of the tablet. I think the landscape is going to change a lot, not just because of the iPad. I'm sure it will sell the best, but that does not necessarily mean it will be the best.

FYI, I own an iPhone and my only computer is a macbook.

PadresFan104 04-03-2010 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Shaun Sullivan (Post 2256769)
Hi guys, I have been diving into iPad development, and I was wondering if any of you were looking at purchasing an iPad? I think it would be great for our genre.

Any thoughts?

Shaun - Just wrote a short entry in my blog about the iPad, with an image of what OOTP and PureSim might look like in the future... :)

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