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EagleFan 10-11-2009 08:49 PM

WW 103? - 42 Attempts (Game Over - Conspirators Win)

10 PM EST - Both day and night phases to be processed. Night orders may be conditional.


The 3rd Reich - Win condition of eliminating all conspirators. Major win condition of keeping Hitler alive and eliminating all conspirators. Additional win conditios may be possible for individual players.

The Conspirators - Win condition of achieving a 1:1 ratio with the 3rd Reich. Major win condition of eliminating Hitler and achieving the 1:1 ratio. Possible individual conditions exist.

Possible Roles

Nazi Roles

Hitler - The leader of the 3rd Reich. A control freak and historically a madman. Once a day he may submit orders for the day which will be passed along to the intended target(s). These orders may include defensive orders or offensive orders. All orders may have both positive and negative consequences (if someone that he orders to guard him is in the conspiracy there will be a greater chance of success in an attempt on his life in a night kill).

Hermann Göring - Appointed by Hitler as Reichsmarschall des Grossdeutschen Reiches (Reich Marshal of the Greater German Reich), a rank that made him the highest ranking member of the Army and Luftwaffe. His personality stood out above all others and he was a master manipulator when sober. Late in the war drugs and questionable traits began to arise. Göring will have the ability to speak to a target each night and gain information. His ability may deteriorate if he is unable to remain sober.

Heinrich Himmler - One of the most notirious Nazi leaders. Responsible for the deaths of millions. It is very frightening to think of the level of hatred which must have consumed this man. I debated including him but a little voice kept telling me to. Himmler will have an ability to change the lynch vote. The details of how he may change he vote will be known only by him.

Albert Speer - The "archictect of the Third Reich" became a Nazi at a young age and moved his way up the ranks. His status with Hitler rose to greater heights than almost any other official. Though his part in the events of the war remain a topic for debate. He claimed no knowledge of the events and was given a relatively light sentence after the war. Since that time more evidence has come out which potentially links him to Auschwitz. One supporting factor in his lighter sentence was that his name was on a list of conspirators and he claimed that we was in the conspiracy though there was no other evidence and the list even included a side note saying that he needed to be swayed. Speers will be able to use his own ability for survival if he remains heads up against a conspirator, he will kill that conspirator and claim a major victory for himself and victory for the Nazis.

Emil Maurice - Not one of the more notorious Nazis but an original member of the SS and many give him credit as the founder of the SS. A personal friend of Hitler with close ties to both him and his family. Was accused by Himmler of being Jewish, or at least part Jewish, in an attempt to remove him from the SS. Hitler refused to remove him. Maurice will be able to communicate with Hitler through one PM per day of no more than 30 words.

Conspiracy Roles

Johann Georg Elser - A carpenter who is very good with his hands and detests the iron fisted rule of the Nazis and what he fears them to be. He has a one time ability to craft an explosive device which may (or may not) cause havoc with the Nazi party. When he decides to plant the bomb it will not go off for two nights (if he sets it on day/night one it will not go off until day/night three). There is no stopping his attack once it has begun and will still detonate if he is killed prior to the event. The device is set when he gives the order. He acts alone and does not have any affiliation with the Nazi party and thus not with the other conspirators. He wins with the conspiracy though he does not have PM rights.

Claus Philipp Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg - Famous for his role in the assassination attempt know primarily in Germany as the 20 July Plot, though more commonly known as Operation Valkyrie (though that was actually a German conditional plan in the event that the government could not function for any number of reasons. Stauffenberg will have the ability to make a one time attempt on Hitler during one of the meeting events though if it is not successful Hitler will gain an ability to order an investigation of the incident in which there is a good chance that he will be discovered and executed. The chance of success will be determined by the following factors: if he is invited to the meeting and the number of conspirators that are attending the meeting (the more conspirators he more help he will have in making it successful, Elser's attendance counts towards this goal)

Major General Herrmann Karl Robert Henning von Tresckow - A man behind the movement to remove (kill) Hitler from power. Not drafted the plan for Valkyrie but also had a plot in 1943 to kill both Hitler and Himmler. Himmler cancelled his planned visit and the assassination was called off (fearing a German civil war between the Army and SS if Himmler were still alive). He also orchestrated another attempt in which a bomb disguised as a wine bottle was transpoted on Hitler's plane but the fuse failed (many attribute the temperature at that altitude to the failure). Additionally he formulated a plan in which a suicide bomber volunteered to wear the bomb. Hitler's schedule changed and instead of being there for 30 minutes was there for just 2. The bomber remove the bomb with minutes to spareafter activating the fuse upon Hitler's arrival. Treskow made several attempts but only Valkyrie would be his undoing. He cannot be detected as a member of the conspiracy unless there is a failed attempt by Stauffenberg in which case he loses his "cunning" ability. Failed meaning Hitler not being killed.


Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel - A legendary German commander. Dedicated to protecting his homeland and serving his country. Began to question Hitler's leadership and joined the conspiracy. He actually was not in favour of the 20 July Plot but did play his part which was to begin taking control of the Western front once it was confirmed that Hitler was killed. Stauffenberg mistakenly declared success and the chain of events began to unfold. Rommel's attempt part was discovered though not publicized. Hitler "allowed" him to commit suicide instead of seeing Germany face the humiliation of a legend. Rommel will begin the game as a Nazi but will be converted upon night attack. His victory condition depends upon which side he is on at the end of the game.

Miscelleneous Rules/Events

Meeting Events - Every third day Hitler will host a meeting to discuss the course of the war, he will submit the list of attendees (the number will be determined by the number of remaining players). Meetings offer risk and reward. The greater the number of invitees, the greater the reward if successful but also the greater the chance for sabotage or worse.

Tie Lynch Vote - Hitler has no patience for indecisiveness. Ties will result in all parties which are tied for the lead to be executed.

Guarding - There is no typical bodyguard role. Hitler will have the ability to order the guarding of someone. He will not know who has the roles but may order a Nazi role to be guarded during the night phase. He may not order the same person guarded on consecutive nights. The person whom he choses to do the guarding will be told that they are guarding someone and the Nazi character whom they are guarding but not the identity of who tha is. They will also not know if they blocked an attack.

Items - No in game items used, with the exception of planted bombs for those with that ability but that is more of an ability than an item as it is not something that can be used by anyone else.

Nightfall - Nightfall must be unanimous and cannot occur on days with a meeting event.

Locations - Locations will be used for the purpose of quartering the troops. Hitler will determine who will be placed in what location (by user name and not role). A bomb attack may be against one of the locations. During the fist day Hitler will select the locations for everyone for day two/night two. Each day he will select the locations for the following day. He may not stay in the same location on consecutive nights and must visit each location at least one time every 5 days. There are no restrictions on the locations for any other player. The locations are: Berlin, Berchtesgaden and Wolfsschanze.

Vanilla Role PM - You are a dedicated member of the 3rd Reich. You will do whatever it takes to the best of your abilities to see that Hitler's vision for Germany comes true.

EagleFan 10-11-2009 08:50 PM

Player List
1. Lathum - Johann Georg Elser (Day Six Lynch)
2. The Jackal - Loyal Nazi (Day Seven Lynch)
3. Schmidty
4. Danny - Heinrich Himmler (Night Six Conspiracy Kill)
5. GoldenEagle - Loyal Nazi (Night Two Conspiracy Kill)
6. Autumn - Major General Herrmann Karl Robert Henning von Tresckow (Day Five Lynch)
7. J23 - Emil Maurice (Day Five Conspiracy Kill)
8. hoopsguy - Loyal Nazi (Night One Conspiracy Kill)
9. Darth Vilus - Loyal Nazi (Day Two Lynch)
10. PurdueBrad
11. Abe Sargent - Hitler (Day Five Bomb Blast)
12. Chief Rum
13. JAG - Loyal Nazi (Night Three Conspiracy Kill)
14. ntndeacon - Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel, Nazi (Night Four Lynch)
15. KWhit - Loyal Nazi (Day Six Duking)
16. Telle - Hermann Göring (Night Four Conspiracy Kill)
17. bulletsponge - Loyal Nazi (Day Three Lynch)
18. LoneStarGirl - Loyal Nazi (Day One Duking)
19. DaddyTorgo - Albert Speers (Day One Lynch)

EagleFan 10-11-2009 08:53 PM

Poland has been invaded. Hiter's vision of the Third Reich in all it's glory has begun. Several high ranking Nazi officials and soldiers are now tasked with carrying out this vision and making it happen. Many believe they truly want this for their Germany, for the world. Others feel that Hitler must be stopped by any means, but they are afraid to speak out so they must go underground and attempt to remove Hitler at all costs.

Game On!!!!

GoldenEagle 10-11-2009 09:01 PM

Another vanilla villager role for me. Death to The Conspirators!

Darth Vilus 10-11-2009 09:06 PM

We weel shwow zem zee twoo poower of ze Aryan race! How Hitler!

Darth Vilus 10-11-2009 09:07 PM

I'll be working late tomorrow so I will have to vote absurdly early, just letting everyone know

hoopsguy 10-11-2009 09:15 PM

Well, I'm mildly disappointed not to have the role of Hitler but it is probably for the best since I'm not sure how the time constraints are going to impact my play.

Darth Vilus 10-11-2009 09:17 PM

and are there 4 or 5 conspirators do u think?

Autumn 10-11-2009 09:24 PM

Yeah, I had kind of thought it would be fun too, Hoops. And I should have time. I'm swamped with work, which counterintuitively means I'll be on here a lot. I'm at my desk and bored while trying to cram through some projects.

I'm strangely excited about this game. I guess it's been a while since I played, and the rules seem fun. I've got my spreadsheet going and I'm ready to go.

With that, I'm turning off for the night. But I'll be around most of the day tomorrow.

LoneStarGirl 10-11-2009 09:26 PM

Vanilla for me! This game should be interesting

Autumn 10-11-2009 09:27 PM

With a possible convert, I would assume 4, I guess. But it depends a lot on what powers Hitler might have, I suppose, and how much of an impact meetings will have on game play.

Schmidty 10-11-2009 09:29 PM

I am here!!!

Darth Vilus 10-11-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 2140755)
I am here!!!


Schmidty 10-11-2009 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Darth Vilus (Post 2140764)

Bumsout!!! Do the Hokey pokey and you shake das Bum about!!!!

Schmidty 10-11-2009 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 2140765)
Bumsout!!! Do the Hokey pokey and you shake das Bum about!!!!

That wasn't funny, you Kraut!!!

JAG 10-11-2009 09:41 PM

Ready and raring to go. Very interesting rule set.

Darth Vilus 10-11-2009 09:43 PM

I thought it was a little funny

bulletsponge 10-11-2009 09:49 PM

Iz checking in. loyal to ze Fuhur

Darth Vilus 10-11-2009 09:52 PM

I believe it's Fuhrer. If u were loyal u would say mein Fuhrer. Kill the conspirator!

Chief Rum 10-11-2009 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Autumn (Post 2140753)
With a possible convert, I would assume 4, I guess. But it depends a lot on what powers Hitler might have, I suppose, and how much of an impact meetings will have on game play.

I don't think we should make any presumptions at this point, as far too much of the game rules are hidden for us to make a correct call.

If you go strictly off of the role list, there are three conspirators (one of whom can't communicate with the others), and a potential fourth as a convert in Rommel. It is unclear if there are "vanilla" conspirators.

EagleFan, are there vanilla conspirators in this game?

Chief Rum 10-11-2009 09:55 PM

FTR, I am a loyal follower of the Nazi Party. But I have no role to speak of.

Like hoops, I might not be able to participate much in the day time during work weeks. It figures to be a busy week at my day job, as we will be short one person (which just means a bigger workload for the rest of us), so I won't be able to dally as much online as I sometimes have.

The good news is that I gave away my shift at my second job tomorrow night, so I should be around for the first deadline.

Heil Hitler!

bulletsponge 10-11-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Darth Vilus (Post 2140776)
I believe it's Fuhrer. If u were loyal u would say mein Fuhrer. Kill the conspirator!

Mein Fuhrer knows i am ze loyal kraut

Chief Rum 10-11-2009 10:10 PM

I quoted in another thread, so I figure it's good here, too:

Lawyer: "But what about that tattoo on your chest? Doesn't it say, 'Die Bart, Die'"?
Sideshow Bob: "No, that's German for, 'The Bart, The.'"
Woman in gallery whispers: "No one who speaks German can be an evil man."

EagleFan 10-11-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2140778)
EagleFan, are there vanilla conspirators in this game?

That may depend upon your definition of vanilla. That's really about all I can say on that one.

bulletsponge 10-11-2009 10:22 PM

ve germans prefer chocolate

Darth Vilus 10-11-2009 10:26 PM

and ze Kreppel

Danny 10-11-2009 10:27 PM

I haven't gone over the roles or rules closely at all yet, so I don't have my analysis of number of wolves etc... like I normally do. Hopefully I will have some time for that tonight.

Darth Vilus 10-11-2009 10:32 PM

kill Danny!

Schmidty 10-11-2009 10:41 PM

It would be so freaking funny if there are 19 villagers. That would be EPIC!!!!

The Jackal 10-12-2009 12:17 AM

Vanilla here, its about time.

Chief Rum 10-12-2009 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 2140790)
That may depend upon your definition of vanilla. That's really about all I can say on that one.

Okay, let me ask another way.

Are there other conspirators besides the ones listed in the rules above.

Schmidty 10-12-2009 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2140912)
Vanilla here, its about time.


Let's get this party started!!!! :D

The Jackal 10-12-2009 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 2140928)

Let's get this party started!!!! :D

Lately whether I've had a role or not people vote for me on the first day, so whatever. :)

Schmidty 10-12-2009 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2140934)
Lately whether I've had a role or not people vote for me on the first day, so whatever. :)

Sorry, I'm just goofing. You can vote for me too!!!!

It's day one. Someone had to start the show. I'm PST and awake, so why not? Just watched "Wanted" with Angelina Jolie. It was ok, but she looked like a heroine addict. Very nasty.

The Jackal 10-12-2009 01:10 AM

Nah, I'm not gonna do a return vote, not yet at least. I haven't seen wanted yet, heard mixed reviews.

Schmidty 10-12-2009 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2140950)
Nah, I'm not gonna do a return vote, not yet at least. I haven't seen wanted yet, heard mixed reviews.

The biggest problem I had was watching Mr. Tumnus trying to be a badass assassin. I missed his scarf.

Danny 10-12-2009 04:00 AM

Now that I have re-read through everything, my best guess is 3 wolves, Claus, Herman +1 vanilla wolf + Elser +Rommell.

So basically, three wolves who can communicate via PM, one who is with them, but can't speak with them and the one convert.

Danny 10-12-2009 04:09 AM

For those who maybe didn't spend the time reading the roles, it seems to break down like this.

Seer (standard seer it looks like)

Duke (details of how the vote may be changed only know to duke)

BG (Hitler) He is able to guard any role he wants as opposed to name of a person

Hunter (seems pretty standard hunter)

And then one player who can communicate with Hitler once per day

There is also a bunch more stuff for Hitler, but I would read through all that stuff.

Danny 10-12-2009 04:27 AM

For the wolves

Lone Wolf (no pm rights)- Has ability to make a bomb,

Wolf with ability to potentially kill Hitler

Cunning Wolf (loses ability if kill attempt on hitler fails)

Convert (pretty standard convert)

Chief Rum 10-12-2009 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2140974)
For those who maybe didn't spend the time reading the roles, it seems to break down like this.

BG (Hitler) He is able to guard any role he wants as opposed to name of a person

I am sure you're just trying to simplify things, but this is not entirely accurate,

Hitler can ORDER someone to guard any role he wants. So the BG control is under Hitler, but the actual BG can change, night to night.

Chief Rum 10-12-2009 07:39 AM

As I said earlier, I will not be posting much if at all, and will almost certainly not vote until after 6 p.m. my time (an hour before deadline). So don't be surprised if I am not chipping in.

Danny 10-12-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2141003)
I am sure you're just trying to simplify things, but this is not entirely accurate,

Hitler can ORDER someone to guard any role he wants. So the BG control is under Hitler, but the actual BG can change, night to night.

Good point

ntndeacon 10-12-2009 07:50 AM

Would "vanilla" townies in this game be happy Nazis?

ntndeacon 10-12-2009 07:51 AM

oh, and Death to the conspirators!

Abe Sargent 10-12-2009 08:09 AM

Morning all, checking in and all of that.

Danny 10-12-2009 08:26 AM

I am going to put a vote down before I have to leave for work. I 99% should be back before the deadline however, so I will certainly reevaluate things when at that time, but just in case I want to have a vote in place.

DaddyTorgo 10-12-2009 08:35 AM

guess i have to check in over here...

Danny 10-12-2009 08:37 AM

I hate these day one votes, especially since it's so early in the day. I am looking through the list and I don't want to vote anyone.

Danny 10-12-2009 08:41 AM

Vote GoldenEagle

Again, this is not based on really anything and should be able to be on an hour or two before deadline to reevaluate the vote.

I am now off for the next 11 hours or so.

Autumn 10-12-2009 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2141003)
I am sure you're just trying to simplify things, but this is not entirely accurate,

Hitler can ORDER someone to guard any role he wants. So the BG control is under Hitler, but the actual BG can change, night to night.

Oh, so this is a litlte bit like the last Marvel game, in that sense. I wonder what happens if he orders a wolf to guard somebody?

Is Hitler not a public role then? Or just hasn't checked in? I wanted to hear from the Fuhrer himself about his abilities.

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