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Mustang 10-02-2009 10:36 AM

Stargate Universe
Not sure how many people here are fans of SG-1 or Atlantis, but Stargate Universe (SGU) premieres tonight. I'm a little hesitant at how this one is going to turn out, seems like they are taking a page from Star Trek Voyager and that was my least favorite on the Star Trek side. On the positive side doesn't appear that there is going to be one Uber enemy in the show. I'll watch and be hopeful, but I'm still a little miffed they took Atlantis off the air. I still think that show had some juice left.

RomaGoth 10-02-2009 10:47 AM

Is this on the Sci Fi network? I never got into the Atlantis show, but the original show with Richard Dean Anderson wasn't too bad.

Mustang 10-02-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by RomaGoth (Post 2132392)
Is this on the Sci Fi network?

IT'S SYFY, get it right.. geez... :D

Yes, it is on the Sci-Fi channel. If you liked SG-1, check out Atlantis. They did a pretty good job of branching out. It took me 1/2 season to get into it fully though.

RomaGoth 10-02-2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 2132406)
IT'S SYFY, get it right.. geez... :D

Yes, it is on the Sci-Fi channel. If you liked SG-1, check out Atlantis. They did a pretty good job of branching out. It took me 1/2 season to get into it fully though.

Haha, I saw that SYFY thing on there the other day and laughed. I liked the characters in the original.

NewIdentity 10-02-2009 10:07 PM

To many Flashbacks, flashforwards, and I think there were a couple of Flashsideways thrown in there to just totally breakup the story.

Hope the series is not like this.

Also, IF the ship had never been used how could the CO2 scrubbers be bad. They should be brand new having never been used right?

Galaril 10-03-2009 12:32 AM

As a big fan of the first two series this was abso -fucking-lutely a complete waste of the limited money for new shows and my time. They obviously are trying to hit the Battlestar Galactica "magic" twice with a gritty darker series........God just terrible.

Bad-example 10-03-2009 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Galaril (Post 2133114)
As a big fan of the first two series this was abso -fucking-lutely a complete waste of the limited money for new shows and my time. They obviously are trying to hit the Battlestar Galactica "magic" twice with a gritty darker series........God just terrible.

Yep. Not a good start for a show I didn't have high hopes for at all. They BSG'ed that series up something fierce. Maybe it will turn out to be something but its not looking good. The camera work is especially foul. That steadycam shit is really distracting.

Mustang 10-03-2009 09:36 AM

BattlestarGate 90210

I'm just getting old, that sex scene was pretty pointless. Guess this is what we have to look forward to. In the end, they will all be Goa'uld

Mustang 10-03-2009 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by NewIdentity (Post 2133082)
Also, IF the ship had never been used how could the CO2 scrubbers be bad. They should be brand new having never been used right?

I had thought the Ancients ascended while they were piloting the ship so, it is pretty much the same plot device as Atlantis when they showed up and the power quickly when it was actually used as opposed to being in a minimum operational state.

NewIdentity 10-03-2009 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Mustang (Post 2133201)
I had thought the Ancients ascended while they were piloting the ship so, it is pretty much the same plot device as Atlantis when they showed up and the power quickly when it was actually used as opposed to being in a minimum operational state.

If I remember correctly, they said they launched the ship with nobody on board. and then they were going to use the Stargate to travel to the ship when it got out far enough. But, before this happened they ascended so there was no need to ever use the ship.

Glengoyne 10-03-2009 07:51 PM

Yeah ....Last night's episode was a bit disappointing. The darker gritty nature of the show was part of it. It just seemed too big of a departure from the SG theme.

I had hopes coming in, thinking that we'd see the SG camaraderie in a Star Trek or Voyager like story line. Galaxy to Galaxy exploring as they went with the occasional chance to get home.

I'm not sure I like any of the characters enough to even root for them to make it home.

Schmidty 10-03-2009 08:11 PM

I love the movie, but never watched any of the TV shows because the idea just seemed cheesy and lame. Maybe I'll watch a season on DVD with an open mind or something.

Galaril 10-03-2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Glengoyne (Post 2133688)
Yeah ....Last night's episode was a bit disappointing. The darker gritty nature of the show was part of it. It just seemed too big of a departure from the SG theme.

I had hopes coming in, thinking that we'd see the SG camaraderie in a Star Trek or Voyager like story line. Galaxy to Galaxy exploring as they went with the occasional chance to get home.

I'm not sure I like any of the characters enough to even root for them to make it home.

Yeah it was bad enough that I won't bne tuning in anymore. I will be shocked if this show is not pulled after the half way point 10 episodes. Scifi canceled Firefly but gave the greenlight to make this piece of crap?

bronconick 10-04-2009 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Galaril (Post 2133736)
Yeah it was bad enough that I won't bne tuning in anymore. I will be shocked if this show is not pulled after the half way point 10 episodes. Scifi canceled Firefly but gave the greenlight to make this piece of crap?

What I saw didn't look interesting, and I loved Atlantis and SG-1.

To be fair, FOX canceled Firefly. After jerking it around, lighting it on fire and pissing on the ashes.

Thomkal 10-04-2009 09:32 PM

I didn't think it was that bad really, and it will get better as the actors get more into their characters. Liked the actor playing the head military guy and the Lt. was pretty good too. Very surprised to see Ming Na in the cast-hope she gets more airtime than she did this episode. Don't know if I like the head science guy or not, and I could get sick of the geek quickly, but I guess they need him for comic relief. Glad they got rid of the character that they did.

I think there will be a lot of flashbacks-I mean we know nothing about these characters. I liked too that this show is set far away from the usual Stargate locations/mythos. Stargate had gotten pretty tired after so many seasons of the original then Atlantis. I'm looking forward to seeing the new people they meet/enemies/mysteries.

The one thing that disappointed me the most was the tech used to contact Earth-way too early for that to happen in my opinion and convenient-how the heck could it reach all they way across the universe?

flere-imsaho 10-05-2009 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by bronconick (Post 2133993)
To be fair, FOX canceled Firefly. After jerking it around, lighting it on fire and pissing on the ashes.

I'm going to bet he meant Farscape which SciFi did indeed cancel.

Galaril 10-05-2009 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by flere-imsaho (Post 2134584)
I'm going to bet he meant Farscape which SciFi did indeed cancel.

Yeah both actually though I did not realize Fox was the ones who canceled Fire fly.

flere-imsaho 10-05-2009 09:14 AM

I watched the trailer on YouTube (absolutely terrible trailer, btw) and someone noted in the comments that it looked like they actually, with this, filmed a series of which they had previously made fun with the "Wormhole Extreme!" episodes in SG1. Seemed like a pretty astute comment for YouTube.

JonInMiddleGA 10-05-2009 09:35 AM

Just FWIW, not a great debut rating but not a bad one either.
GateWorld » Stargate Universe premiere draws over 2 million

2.35m total viewers, 1.12m 18-49, 1.32m 25-49, biggest numbers for any Stargate season premiere since Atlantis in 2005.

As a random aside, it beat Dollhouse on Fox by about 200,000 viewers for the night.

NewIdentity 10-10-2009 04:00 AM

I tuned in again to be only disappointed again. Everything that made SG great is missing here. The show still has that very depressing look of BSG; not the bright optimistic feel of all the Stargate series I have come to expect.

Where is the cocky Alpha Male Hero that every Stargate has Had? The character that you can get behind and cheer for?

Colonel Jack O'Neill
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell
Lt. Colonel John Sheppard

These were all Hero's you could root for; that had the whole "Kirk" thing going for them that made this a very fun show to watch every week.

Glengoyne 10-10-2009 06:01 AM

I have to admit that this has grown on me. I'll be watching. I enjoyed tonight's episode. I even watched the first episode again, and liked it better. I like the mechanic that the ship is stopping where they need it to. I can't explain why, but that is just different enough that I want to see how it develops.

Bad-example 10-10-2009 04:52 PM

It will be a few weeks before this series shows what it can do. I liked the first two Stargate series mainly because they didn't take themselves too seriously. The humor kept the show entertaining even when the main plot was weak. SGU looks like serious business and laughs will be in short supply.

Galaril 10-11-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Glengoyne (Post 2139292)
I have to admit that this has grown on me. I'll be watching. I enjoyed tonight's episode. I even watched the first episode again, and liked it better. I like the mechanic that the ship is stopping where they need it to. I can't explain why, but that is just different enough that I want to see how it develops.


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 2139625)
It will be a few weeks before this series shows what it can do. I liked the first two Stargate series mainly because they didn't take themselves too seriously. The humor kept the show entertaining even when the main plot was weak. SGU looks like serious business and laughs will be in short supply.

Agree. I am not sure if I like the darker "more reallife" atmosphere of this series. That being said at least last night's episode (the second) was better than the first one. I agree if the ships stops every week where it wants that could be an interesting mechanic. I hope the show brings some more alien life into like Atlantis did, The Eli character could be interesting but God do I already hate the Lou Diamond character.

Glengoyne 10-11-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Galaril (Post 2140327)
.. ... but God do I already hate the Lou Diamond character.

I thought he was killed off, but then he showed up. I was a bit disappointed when he appeared in the second.

I don't think we're supposed to like him though. It was pretty funny when he and the colonel switched bodies and the LD Philips character was pretty much incapacitated by the Colonel's pain.

NewIdentity 10-24-2009 05:30 AM

I am beginning to hate this show more and more. Have not seen tonights episode yet, but last weeks episode was a toal snooze fest as nobody used the stargate.

2 more complaints.

1) When will we be meeting the Bad Ass alien with a heart of gold that all star gate series have as a main character?

2) Why can't they use the Ancient mind swapping "Rocks" to bring useful people to the ship from earth? Last weeks episode was all about how nobody on the ship could help Dr Ross, and I kept thinking they would do a mind swap and bring some people from earth that know Anciet technology. Instead the only person who showed up was Lou Diamond's character?

Bad-example 10-24-2009 09:08 AM

The crappy camera work really bugs me. Yes, I know. There is a shortage of tripods on the ancient ship. Of course they have to use those annoying hand-held jobs. :rolleyes:

The humor and lightness was the best thing about the SG shows. There isn't much of that here. Maybe they will find a better balance as they progress. Not giving up yet.

NewIdentity 10-24-2009 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 2151994)
The crappy camera work really bugs me. Yes, I know. There is a shortage of tripods on the ancient ship. Of course they have to use those annoying hand-held jobs. :rolleyes:

And, I don't get this with the show's direction and editing in the last 2 episodes coming from Peter Deluise? None of his work on SG1 would indicate this.

I am kind of curious if they are going to try to turn the Lt. Vanessa James character into their Sex Symbol. She does seem to have that 7 of 9 warrior quality and matching assets. :)

Thomkal 10-24-2009 09:40 PM

I was disappointed a bit with the latest episode because I didn't like that no one but apparantly Dr. Ross (and how creepy is that if he did know and didn't tell anyone) figured out why the ship might be purposedly flying into a star. I mean afterall the ship already has shown a "mind of its own." And I had figured out last episode why it was going to fly into a star anyway. Same with the shuttle ship and the Lt not knowing to "slingshot" around the planet to catch up to Destiny. So just kind of a predicatable episode for me. Did like the tension and drama of the lottery scene though.

Glengoyne 10-24-2009 09:48 PM

Yeah. I'll agree that no one suggesting that the ship might have aimed at the star was kind of bothersome.

'cause like two weeks ago, when the preview indicated that there was a power shortage...I though..."Oooh I wonder if the ancients made Destiny to be really solar powered?" Cause seriously...where else could you charge up a ship like that, it isn't like you're going to find a zed PM abandoned in the sand on some planet. The fact that they didn't trust their audience to figure that out ahead of time was fairly frustrating. I'm disappointed that the last two episodes didn't end up shredded in the producer's trash.

Bad-example 10-30-2009 11:45 PM


Galaril 10-31-2009 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 2157524)

God this show is real go bad. Not that it had far to fall but what the hell was that crap last night. Geez someone at Sci Fi or Syfy whatever it is now is lossing there job for paying for this one. I will love to see what it's rating number was last night.

Thomkal 11-02-2009 05:04 PM

have to say that they need to move on from the "oh my god, we need water/power/food or we're gonna die" storylines now that the show is a few episodes old. was an OK episode this week, liked that they brought back the creature that was in the earlier episode. And you just knew that security guy was a "red-shirt" when that was the first time he appeared in an episode. They have to be careful about killing people off on this show-since there are no replacements coming from Earth, makes it less believable if they kill off a "red-shirt" every couple of weeks.

Not liking what I saw in the preview of Lou Diamond Phillips character taking over as the commander. He hasn't been very likeable on this show so far.

NewIdentity 03-07-2010 09:55 PM

Rewatching the pilot episodes now, and I was just curious if there were any Last Starfighter inside jokes with the video game idea? You know the whole you play and win a video game, then the next day someone is knocking on your door taking you to outer space thingy.

There should be at least one Centauri reference.

Greetings, Starfighter.
You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada.

Glengoyne 03-08-2010 05:42 PM

I caught the Last Starfighter bit. Though I was disappointed that I didn't pick up on this being BSGish near soon enough.

I will add that the end of the final episode of the first half of the season was fantastic, and I can't wait to see the next episode.

Thomkal 04-02-2010 01:08 PM

Just a heads up to those interested-returns for its second season tonight at 9pm EST. They are running a marathon of season 1 episodes all the way up to the new episode tonight. Show got off to a very rough start but I'm curious to see how/if they follow up on what happened with Dr. Ross in the last episode.

PraetorianX 04-03-2010 12:48 AM

Thanks for the reminder, I'd completely forgotten about it. I mean, I thought it was mid April when it was supposed to return. Managed to catch the eppie 'elsewhere' since I missed it on syfy.

Excellent episode imho. Be interesting to learn more about these new aliens.

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