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Scoobz0202 07-01-2008 09:50 PM

TV Shows on HBO,Showtime,etc
Hey all. Post sparingly but I have seen you guys talk every once in awhile about shows on HBO and Showtime. I just got pretty much every premium movie channel today and needed some recommendations. I also got the DVR which I am pumped for since I work at weird hours.

Anybody got any good shows I could be checking out? Is most of the stuff out of season? Any new shows coming out that look interesting?

Thanks for the recommendations guys.

DeToxRox 07-01-2008 09:53 PM

On Showtime: The Brotherhood and Dexter are excellent
On HBO: 1% is due out eventually, but I'd just try and catch the Wire, which just had it's series finale this winter. Once you watch it you're hooked.

Scoobz0202 07-01-2008 10:06 PM

I unfortunately didn't get On Demand. I don't think I even looked for it. I should have. Maybe will investigate Time Warner a little further to see if they have it. I'm sure they do.

That is the one thing now that I might want to get anyways. I didn't even think that I would be joining most series on like season 3 or 4, and that might hinder my enjoyment of them.

Btw, is The Wire on quite a bit? I never got to see that and always heard amazing things about it.

headtrauma 07-01-2008 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Scoobz0202 (Post 1767190)
Btw, is The Wire on quite a bit? I never got to see that and always heard amazing things about it.

I just finished the 2nd season from Netflix. Watch the Wire. Now. It's on the same level as the first two seasons of the Shield (assuming you've seen that).

DeToxRox 07-01-2008 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Dobbs2 (Post 1767193)
Not really on much as far as the Wire goes. Plus there's four seasons. You're much better of trying to rent the DVDs if you do Netflix.

But its totally worth it. It would be worth it to sign up for Netflix just to get the Wire and then cancel when its done. Not sure when the fourth season comes to DVD though.

There were five seasons. The first four are on DVD, not sure when five is out.

And yes, the Wire and Shield are basically 1 and 1 A as best shows ever in my opinion. A shame both will end up ending in the same year.

Eaglesfan27 07-01-2008 10:17 PM

I'll 2nd Dexter on Showtime. Season 3 will be starting this fall. It's one of the best shows on TV.

Alan T 07-01-2008 10:21 PM

I do not have Showtime, but I love Dexter and have watched the first two seasons thanks to Netflix. I'm also suddenly a big fan of "Weeds" on Showtime which I only started watching last week, but in that time have managed to watch the first three seasons of it.

My wife likes "Big Love" on HBO also and I have enjoyed the episodes of the Wire that I have seen so far.

Bad-example 07-01-2008 11:47 PM

On Showtime, Dexter is great and The Tudors is well worth a look.

On HBO, The Wire is amazing. Also look for Rome, Deadwood, Entourage and OZ.

YMMV but those are all winners in my book.

Izulde 07-01-2008 11:50 PM

I love Rome and the Tudors. Deadwood I'm kind of meh on, Entourage I hate and Oz I have no opinion on.

JeeberD 07-02-2008 12:00 AM

Rome was awesome. Deadwood was awesome. Big Love is awesome. Tudors didn't really grab me or the wife...

MrBug708 07-02-2008 12:01 AM

I liked Tutors, waiting for season two to come out on DVD

Bad-example 07-02-2008 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by JeeberD (Post 1767307)
Tudors didn't really grab me or the wife...

If Pumpy Tudors didn't grab either of you, consider yourselves lucky. Or sad. Whichever.

Jas_lov 07-02-2008 12:21 AM

Dexter is excellent and the it's the best show Showtime has. Season 2 was just as good as the first and I can't wait for Season 3.

Season 1 of Weeds was superb and it's gone down in quality since, but seasons 2 and 3 are still decent and so far I like Season 4.

The Tudors is ok, but a little too soap operaish. I've only seen Season 1.

Season 1 of Californication was very good. Duchovny's character is awesome. I'm not sure if they can keep it at a good level though with what happened in the finale.

If you get On Demand I think they have all of the episodes of Dexter and Californication on there so you could get caught up easily. Weeds you'd have to rent Seasons 1 and 2 and I'm not sure about The Tudors.

BishopMVP 07-02-2008 01:24 AM

Weeds, Entourage and Curb Your Enthusiasm (more an acquired taste) are all good for light 30min comedies, although the first two have dropped in quality as the seasons went on. Californication has its proponents, but I didn't get sucked in as easily.

I'll 10th The Wire here, but I'd just rent it if possible. You don't necessarily need to start watching at the beginning of the series (most of the seasons are self-contained enough to be enjoyable) but it's infinitely better if you do. I never loved the other HBO dramas (Sopranos, Deadwood, Oz) but they all get good reviews. Generation Kill should be good.

I have less knowledge of the Showtime catalogue, but Dexter is fantastic with an American Psycho type of humor.

korme 07-02-2008 02:41 AM

Showtime series that appeal to me: Dexter, Weeds, Californication
HBO: Entourage, Da Ali G Show

Calis 07-02-2008 02:58 AM

Weeds is a show I think has dropped off considerably in quality. I loved the first season, the 2nd was good, and from then on it's been mediocre at best in my opinion.

Dexter is a show that looks very good, but I've only seen a few episodes. I need to get back to that one.

The TV version of This American Life on Showtime is a very good show as well. It's not on the level of the radio version, but I've really enjoyed what I've seen. I don't know when more new episodes are scheduled.

I'm very excited for Generation Kill on HBO, that should be excellent. I think HBO is in a bit of a dry period right now, because their classics are all ending. I was a huge fan of The Wire, Six Feet Under, Rome, and Deadwood(which also got worse as it went). Entourage has worn a bit thin on me, but Ari is still pure gold.

sachmo71 07-02-2008 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Calis (Post 1767349)
Weeds is a show I think has dropped off considerably in quality. I loved the first season, the 2nd was good, and from then on it's been mediocre at best in my opinion.

We just watched disc 1 of season 3. Nancy really is a whiny tool, isn't she? I find myself having very little sympathy for her at this point.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-02-2008 07:03 AM

+1 to Big Love on HBO. Great series.

Logan 07-02-2008 07:19 AM

Can't wait for Generation Kill. It's got Ziggy!

ArlingtonColt 07-02-2008 08:59 AM

+1 for Dexter, Rome, and Big Love

You should also check out Six Feet Under, and Carnivale.... Carnivale is a little weird though :P

Cork 07-02-2008 09:31 AM

There is also some show that used to be on HBO called the Sopranos that some say might be worth a look. ;)


Scoobz0202 07-02-2008 10:06 AM

Thanks for all the recommendations guys.

While I never had HBO I started watching the Sopranos before the last season started. I got so hooked I watched every episode up until the last season in 3 1/2 weeks. Then whenever it was on with the new season I would go to a friends house to watch it.

Pumpy Tudors 07-02-2008 10:28 AM

Does "Real Sex" count? Do they even still make that?

timmynausea 07-02-2008 11:19 AM

HBO is in a major transitional period. Many, if not most, of the HBO shows mentioned here so far are over or nearing the end of their run. (Hopefully Curb Your Enthusiasm has a couple of seasons left.)

The creator of Six Feet Under, Alan Ball (he also wrote American Beauty) has a new show coming out this fall called True Blood. I think it can best be summed up as a "quirky vampire drama" based on a series of mystery novels by Charlaine Harris. The premise is that the development of synthetic blood (true blood) allows vampires to become accepted members of society. Ball has a dark sense of humor, so I'm hoping it'll be pretty funny. The pilot actually leaked onto the internet recently, and I thought it was decent, though I guess they're reshooting a lot of it as they've recast one of the bigger roles.

Also somewhat Six Feet Under related, Rodrigo Garcia has a show called In Treatment staring Gabriel Byrne as a shrink. It's a half hour show following Byrne's character as he treats patients and also as he himself sees another psychiatrist. Season 1 was something like 40 episodes, so it's a pretty unique project. Garcia directed many episodes of Six Feet Under and Carnivale, and I liked his movies as well. I've only seen the first episode, but I'm hoping to get caught up at some point as I thought it looked promising.

I'm definitely looking forward to Generation Kill, too, but I'm not aware of what other shows HBO has on the horizon. I know they have the rights to George R.R. Martin's A song of Ice and Fire series, but that'd be way down the road if it does happen. Hopefully the Deadwood creator has something else in the works.

timmynausea 07-02-2008 11:22 AM

On showtime, the only thing I've stuck with was Dexter, and I thought season 2 was a bit of a step down from the first year. It did end on a strong note, so I'm really looking forward to season 3.

I gave up on Weeds early in season 3, though I loved the 1st season. I gave up on Tudors and Californication within a few episodes.

Logan 07-02-2008 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 1767660)
Does "Real Sex" count? Do they even still make that?

Ask bsak.

Mizzou B-ball fan 07-02-2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 1767660)
Does "Real Sex" count? Do they even still make that?

Yes, and the Bunny Ranch series is good as well.

Cork 07-02-2008 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by timmynausea (Post 1767708)
Hopefully the Deadwood creator has something else in the works.

He might have blown it with his stellar John from Cincinnati show. That show was just horrible which made it worse since Deadwood was ended because of it.


Cork 07-02-2008 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ronnie Dobbs2 (Post 1767779)

Though I definitely agree that John from Cincinnati was a disappointment, there were things about it that I liked as well. Just not enough to cover for the weaknesses. The new one sounds like it has potential.

I agree, but the show felt forced to me. Like it was trying to hard to become a hit like Deadwood.


Mizzou B-ball fan 06-23-2009 11:20 AM

Anybody else watching True Blood. The ratings have been very good again thus far this season, so I'm assuming my wife and I aren't the only ones. Doesn't hurt that Sookie appears to have thrown her inhibitions to the wind concerning taking her clothes off. The gore has been pretty impressive as well.

Also, the new comedy series 'Hung' premieres this Sunday on HBO. It's about a guy that's, well, big 'down there'. Pretty funny preview on the website.........

HBO: Hung

Honolulu_Blue 06-23-2009 11:32 AM

I dropped HBO over a year ago or so. Shortly after "The Sopranos" ended. I didn't keep it because I watched "The Sopranos", but I just remember seeing the final episode.

I have all of "The Wire", "Deadwood" and "Rome" on DVD.

I never had Showtime.

If the George RR Martin series gets picked up, I may order HBO again. Either that, or I will just go over to my brother's or a friend's house to watch it.

Alan T 06-23-2009 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2055701)
Anybody else watching True Blood. The ratings have been very good again thus far this season, so I'm assuming my wife and I aren't the only ones. Doesn't hurt that Sookie appears to have thrown her inhibitions to the wind concerning taking her clothes off. The gore has been pretty impressive as well.

Also, the new comedy series 'Hung' premieres this Sunday on HBO. It's about a guy that's, well, big 'down there'. Pretty funny preview on the website.........

HBO: Hung

My wife made me stop the movie I was watching on Sunday night so she wouldn't miss True Blood. She's been complaining for two days now that they left it at a cliffhanger.

Mizzou B-ball fan 06-23-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 2055721)
My wife made me stop the movie I was watching on Sunday night so she wouldn't miss True Blood. She's been complaining for two days now that they left it at a cliffhanger.

Yeah, they didn't do a cliffhanger on the opening episode. This week's ending left you guessing. I say they survive.

DaddyTorgo 06-23-2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2055701)
Anybody else watching True Blood. The ratings have been very good again thus far this season, so I'm assuming my wife and I aren't the only ones. Doesn't hurt that Sookie appears to have thrown her inhibitions to the wind concerning taking her clothes off. The gore has been pretty impressive as well.

Also, the new comedy series 'Hung' premieres this Sunday on HBO. It's about a guy that's, well, big 'down there'. Pretty funny preview on the website.........

HBO: Hung

*raises my hand* yes i watch true blood. and so does a buddy of mine and we actually had a discussion about the depth of the show the other day. i enjoy it - even without the toplessness (although that does help).

and hung looks pretty damn funny.

Eaglesfan27 06-23-2009 03:09 PM

My wife loves True Blood (as well as the books it is based on) and we have watched it since it began. I'm enjoying this season more than last so far.

Mizzou B-ball fan 06-23-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 2055920)
My wife loves True Blood (as well as the books it is based on) and we have watched it since it began. I'm enjoying this season more than last so far.

Seems like we're getting a lot deeper story even just through two episodes, does it not? All of the story lines seem like natural progressions. It's well done thus far.

DaddyTorgo 06-23-2009 03:14 PM

thank god i'm not the only guy watching it.

Coder 06-23-2009 03:29 PM

I watched the first season of True Blood, and yes, it had it's moments as far as the storyline, but sometimes I just felt like they showed as much sex as possible just because _they could_.

While the main story-arc about the killer was always interesting, the love-story was poor and extremely trivial. Vampire stories are quickly becoming the new Harlequine-literature for a new generation.

BrianD 06-23-2009 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Coder (Post 2055932)
I watched the first season of True Blood, and yes, it had it's moments as far as the storyline, but sometimes I just felt like they showed as much sex as possible just because _they could_.

About 5 minutes into the first episode I said something very similar. They were clearly making sure everybody knew this was an HBO show and they could show that.


While the main story-arc about the killer was always interesting, the love-story was poor and extremely trivial. Vampire stories are quickly becoming the new Harlequine-literature for a new generation.

We've been there for a while. Witness the whole Twilight thing, Moonlight, The Vampire Diaries, etc.

Lathum 06-23-2009 03:41 PM

Dexter is IMO the best show on TV and nothing even comes close. I also love Entourage and I watch True Blood with the wife and really enjoy it.

Coder 06-23-2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by BrianD (Post 2055940)
We've been there for a while. Witness the whole Twilight thing, Moonlight, The Vampire Diaries, etc.


Let me clarify though, I have nothing against Vampire-stories.. I consider some of the early Anne Rice stuff to be excellent reading, and yes, the whole vampire-setting is very erotic. But it can be done with more subtlety (is that a word?).

In True Blood, the Vampire-nation thingy is also poorly done, but it's something I would have wanted to see more of.

I would have wanted to see something closer to Vampire - The Masquerade, but when Aaron Spelling tried that in the early 90s it turned crap :).

BrianD 06-23-2009 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Coder (Post 2055945)

Let me clarify though, I have nothing against Vampire-stories.. I consider some of the early Anne Rice stuff to be excellent reading, and yes, the whole vampire-setting is very erotic. But it can be done with more subtlety (is that a word?).

In True Blood, the Vampire-nation thingy is also poorly done, but it's something I would have wanted to see more of.

I would have wanted to see something closer to Vampire - The Masquerade, but when Aaron Spelling tried that in the early 90s it turned crap :).

From what I understand, the vampire nation stuff gets more fleshed out later in the book series. Hopefully that gets more attention in the upcoming True Blood stories. Also from what I understand (my wife read all the books), HBO has put much more of an edge onto the story than what was originally written.

It will probably be a long time before we get back to an Anne Rice style of vampire story. When the CW is starting a vampire series, you know we've gone fully into the tween/teen girl fantasy setting of vampires.

spleen1015 06-23-2009 04:12 PM

Dexter. I watched the first 20 minutes or so of the first episode the other night and I turned it off. Am I really missing something?

Eaglesfan27 06-23-2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by BrianD (Post 2055952)
From what I understand, the vampire nation stuff gets more fleshed out later in the book series. Hopefully that gets more attention in the upcoming True Blood stories. Also from what I understand (my wife read all the books), HBO has put much more of an edge onto the story than what was originally written.

It will probably be a long time before we get back to an Anne Rice style of vampire story. When the CW is starting a vampire series, you know we've gone fully into the tween/teen girl fantasy setting of vampires.

My wife tells me they are loosely following the books and that the vampire nation doesn't get fleshed out really well until the 3rd or 4th book. The entire 1st season covered the 1st book (although with many changes and additional material added for the TV show.) Oh yeah, she doesn't mind many of the changes but she really disliked that Merlotte's has a much better menu in the show than the books.


Originally Posted by spleen1015 (Post 2055963)
Dexter. I watched the first 20 minutes or so of the first episode the other night and I turned it off. Am I really missing something?

Yes. It's the best show on TV.

rowech 06-23-2009 04:23 PM

My wife watches Big Love -- I think it's okay.

We both watch Entourage -- I love it.

Last year I watched Sopranos during the summer from start to finish. Pretty sure it's the best TV show ever.

Watched Rome when it was on and I thought that too was extremely good.

I tried to watch Dexter last week during a free preview from DirectTV but I didn't know the characters, etc. and couldn't follow anything.

ISiddiqui 06-23-2009 04:28 PM

I saw Dexter Season 1 on Blu-Ray. I recommend it. Great series.

Jas_lov 06-23-2009 04:41 PM

Dexter is brilliant. You have to watch more than the first 20 minutes. For all the Dexter fans, have you heard who the big guest star for next season is? I don't want to spoil anything so if you're interested it's on wikipedia under Season 4. Jimmy Smits was pretty good last season, but next season looks even better.

BrianD 06-23-2009 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 2055966)
My wife tells me they are loosely following the books and that the vampire nation doesn't get fleshed out really well until the 3rd or 4th book. The entire 1st season covered the 1st book (although with many changes and additional material added for the TV show.) Oh yeah, she doesn't mind many of the changes but she really disliked that Merlotte's has a much better menu in the show than the books.

My wife said many of the same things except no mention of the menu. She also mentioned that there wasn't nearly as much sex in the books as on the show aside from Sookie and Bill who were apparently boinking quite often.

Mizzou B-ball fan 06-24-2009 07:50 AM

I don't mind the apparant need to include sex by HBO. I fell asleep in the last five minutes of the season premiere last week (kid and work had me worn down). I woke up in the credits. Wife says, "Did you miss that ending? You'll want to rewind and see that." I was treated to lots of boobs and lots of gore in the last five minutes.

Did I mention my wife knows what I like? :D

Ronnie Dobbs2 06-24-2009 08:32 AM

Every Week, on Entourage.

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