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Barkeep49 06-06-2008 09:53 AM

Simple Game Day 4 (Deadline Thursday 10 PM EDT)
With our move to Operation Sports, I'm hoping we can draw in some new people to our game.

As this is a first game of sorts I will be using the same rules that Peregrine, the founder of FOFC Werewolf, used in his first game.

Priority will be given to first time FOFC Werewolf players, and the game will be filled out, if needed with others who are interested.


Werewolf is a game of accusation, deduction, lying, reverse psychology and bandwagoning. Moreover, it's a lot of fun.

The rules are pretty simple: The players represent a village and each member of the village has a role which is kept secret. Most players are ordinary villagers but two or more are werewolves and one is a seer, there are some other roles which are explained later. The goal of the villagers is to eliminate all of the werewolves. The goal of the werewolves is to achieve 1:1 parity with the villagers at which time they can openly rise up and overwhelm the villagers thus winning the game.

The game consists of two different phases: Night and Day. The game begins with a Day phase.

In a night phase the Game Master (GM) will ask the werewolves to choose a villager to “eat” and also ask the seer to choose one player to “view”. The werewolves should decide amongst themselves using the board's PM(private message) function who their victim will be and inform the GM of their choice. The seer should decide who his target will be and inform the GM of his choice.

The werewolves' victim is dead and is removed from the game, but the rest of the village won't find out until daytime who the victim is and what their secret role was.

The seer's target has his role (villager or werewolf) revealed to the seer only.

During the daytime the villagers all wake up and find that one of their own has been killed by the werewolves. At this point at least one player is a werewolf and so someone is gonna get lynched.

During this phase all players, including werewolves who have assumed villager form, must discuss their suspicions. Eventually it will reach a point where villagers start to cast votes for who they feel is a werewolf and must be lynched. Votes are cast by placing bold text in a post like this VOTE PLAYER A. At the end of the day (which is defined as 10:00 pm EASTERN) the player who received the most votes is lynched and is removed from the game. That player’s role will be revealed to the village.

When the lynching is done all the villagers go back to their homes to sleep and the next night begins.

In case it's not clear: The villagers win if they kill all of the werewolves. The werewolves win if they kill enough villagers so that their numbers are equal. At this point the werewolves can openly rise up and slaughter the rest of the villagers.

Special Roles

Roles will be assigned randomly; the GM will inform you of your role via PM when we start the game. The following is a description of the roles in the game.

Seer – There is one Seer in the game and he is on the villagers team. Each night the Seer may choose one other player to “view” by sending a PM to the moderator with that player’s name. The GM will tell the Seer whether his chosen target is a werewolf or a human.

Werewolf – There are two werewolves in the game. The werewolves know who each other are and may send PM’s between themselves to discuss strategy. At night the wolves PM the GM name of the player they’d like to eat. In the morning that player’s death will be announced along with his special role

Hunter – There is one Hunter in the game and he is on the villagers team. If at the end of the game the Hunter is alone with one wolf then he will kill that wolf and what would normally have been a wolf win will be a village win.

Sorcerer – There is one sorcerer in the game and he is on the wolves team. The Sorcerer is an evil human and wants the wolves to win. If the wolves do win then the Sorcerer wins also, but if the villagers win then the Sorcerer loses. However, the Sorcerer does not know who the wolves are and the wolves do not know the Sorcerer. Crucially, the Sorcerer will appear as a simple human if viewed by the Seer.

Villagers – There are four to six regular villagers in the game. The villagers have no special abilities other than their own deductive ability. They will have to vote wisely to win the game.

1) Only the wolves may PM’s between themselves. All other players may not send PM’s (unless to the GM as called for by your role or to ask a question)

2) If there is a tie in the lynch vote then the player with the longest held continuous vote against him or her will be lynched.

If you have any questions please ask.

Barkeep49 06-06-2008 09:53 AM

1. Axxon [b]Lynched Day 4[b/]
2. Cougarfreak Lynched Day 2 - Villager
3. Danny Won - Villager
4. Racer Killed Night 3 - Seer
5. Lonestargirl Killed Night 2 - Villager
6. Clapshama Won - Villager
7. PurdueBrad Lost - Sorcerer
8. Lathum Killed Night 1 - Villager
9. DaddyTorgo Killed Day 3 - Wolf
10. The Jackyl Lynched Day 1 - Hunter

1. Render
2. oliegirl
3. jeheinz

claphamsa 06-06-2008 09:53 AM

ill play. Im new right?

PurdueBrad 06-06-2008 09:56 AM

BK, I would like to hop in if you'll have me

Axxon 06-06-2008 10:07 AM

I've never played before and I have the time. I wouldn't mind playing.

Lathum 06-06-2008 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Axxon (Post 1743509)
I've never played before and I have the time. I wouldn't mind playing.

nice! welcome

cougarfreak 06-06-2008 10:09 AM

I've never played, I'm game.

Lathum 06-06-2008 10:09 AM

I'll play if needed

tyketime 06-06-2008 10:10 AM

How long will overall game run? And does the game run 7 days a week?


DaddyTorgo 06-06-2008 10:11 AM

i'll play if needed. now that i kicked the ho to the curb i can commit time to WW again

Lathum 06-06-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by tyketime (Post 1743517)
How long will overall game run? And does the game run 7 days a week?


depending on the size they take anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks.

The weekend schedule depends on the person running the game, but we usualy do an extended day over the weekend since we all pretend to have a life :).

Barkeep49 06-06-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by tyketime (Post 1743517)
How long will overall game run? And does the game run 7 days a week?


Great questions. I would expect the game to take between 5-8 game days. Generally the players agree on how much, if at all to play on the weekend. Generally though the weekend is very light, or basically off altogether.

The Jackal 06-06-2008 10:23 AM

You can add me to the interest list, but I won't steal a spot from a new player.

RendeR 06-06-2008 10:24 AM

Sign me up! Gotta do something while I'm siting in an empty lab for hours on end.

st.cronin 06-06-2008 10:31 AM

What's happening with Schmidty's game?

Barkeep49 06-06-2008 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1743555)
What's happening with Schmidty's game?

The idea is not for this to usurp Schmidty's game, but rather have (as we used to do) a simultaneous simple and large game.

oliegirl 06-06-2008 10:42 AM

I'll play if there is room...I guess I'm not considered a n00b anymore :(

jeheinz72 06-06-2008 10:58 AM

I'm in if there is room. If it's a smaller game starting early next week I should be a-ok before I leave for Jamaica.

mccollins 06-06-2008 11:40 AM

Wow, less than 2 hours and the game is practically full for non-first-time players.

I'm here if ya need another.

st.cronin 06-06-2008 11:56 AM

I think a lot of these people will want to play in Schmidty's game, but not both. Hopefully he gets his signup thread back up and running.

claphamsa 06-06-2008 12:04 PM

has anyoen talked to him?

Barkeep49 06-06-2008 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by claphamsa (Post 1743697)
has anyoen talked to him?

Just sent him a PM.

Danny 06-06-2008 03:08 PM

I've never played, but I'll give this a try :)

The Jackal 06-06-2008 03:10 PM

Nice, I like the quick response from new players.

EagleFan 06-06-2008 05:47 PM

I'm game

The Jackal 06-06-2008 07:30 PM

Anyone who needs a serious fix - I'm trying to restart werewolf at TSW and we've only got five players in a game. I feel like if people that haven't played could just see what it's like, maybe there would be more interested parties. I'd be running a game very similar to this one, very simple rules. PM me for more info.

Racer 06-07-2008 11:17 AM

I'll play if there's room. I'm not really a newbie or a veteran though.

LoneStarGirl 06-08-2008 05:21 PM

Uhm am I a newbie?

Its like the girls I teach in high school, they go months without having sex and they call themselves born again virgins... I guess taking almost a year off of werewolf will make me a born again newbie!

The Jackal 06-08-2008 05:46 PM

Abstinence making a comeback, eh?

Barkeep49 06-08-2008 08:41 PM

I'm obviously including our three genuinely new players. I've also decided to give preference to LSG and Racer as they come back into the fold. I'm going to be sending out roles shortly and we'll then go into a long D1 so everyone has time to get their bearings.

claphamsa 06-08-2008 08:46 PM


claphamsa 06-08-2008 09:19 PM

howdy all! welcome to Warewolf. i would love to school you all in my knowledge of wolfdom, but im really kinda bad at being a wolF.

I am however in this game just a regular old joe blow vilegar!

Barkeep49 06-08-2008 09:20 PM

Your village is just like any other village here in the forests of Germany. People go about their everyday lives, most farming a small patch of land to live on. This is what your parents did and their parents before them (though perhaps their parents before them did something else). Everyone knows everyone else. It’s a life that demands hard work but often a happy one.

Or it was happy, until last night, when the wolves sounded particularly loud and close by. Then this morning you found Barkeep49’s mangled body. At first you just thought that he’d been foolish and gotten caught by the wolves. Until you look closer and you discover footprints that had turned into pawprints. There had always been legends of werewolves but you never thought they’d come to your village. But now they have and now your life is at risk. It’s time to find the evil that has infested your village.

Day 1 has now started. A reminder that the rules are complete and there are no hidden roles or mechanics in this game. Every person (except the two wolves) received a unique PM. When voting please BOLD and make it green. For example: VOTE BARKEEP49. The way to do that is to go [b][color=green]VOTE NAME[/b][/color]. This makes sure I see your vote. Any questions please let me know.

The Jackal 06-08-2008 09:23 PM

Howdy, checkin' in as a regular villager.

Barkeep49 06-08-2008 09:24 PM

I see henry lurking. You should have joined this game, being one of the players who played at the start.

Axxon 06-08-2008 09:27 PM

Hi guys. Darned. Why'd we lose our barkeep on the first night? I'm kinda feeling parched right about now. Maybe a dry spell might make sense considering the danger afoot though.

DaddyTorgo 06-08-2008 09:29 PM

checking in. Need to go read my PM and catch up on the setup of the game (as per my usual M.O.)

henry296 06-08-2008 09:30 PM

The move to OS has allowed me to read again at work which should allow me to participate again. I just finished reading the kitten game. In fact, I saw the thread earlier this weekend and was checking the deadline times because if they are during the day like the kitten game it probably won't work. I'll sign up for the next one.

Barkeep49 06-08-2008 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by henry296 (Post 1745157)
The move to OS has allowed me to read again at work which should allow me to participate again. I just finished reading the kitten game. In fact, I saw the thread earlier this weekend and was checking the deadline times because if they are during the day like the kitten game it probably won't work. I'll sign up for the next one.

That's great to hear.

hoopsguy 06-08-2008 10:00 PM

Welcome back, henry.

Racer 06-08-2008 10:39 PM

Villager checking in.

Lathum 06-08-2008 10:55 PM

villager checking in.

Danny 06-09-2008 12:45 AM

Checking in, I can't wait to get started on my villaging!

claphamsa 06-09-2008 06:16 AM

danny, your not supposed to edit your posts. you get used to lots of wierd typos and such....

claphamsa 06-09-2008 07:37 AM

So at this point we need to decide who to lynch. Some people think no lynching is a good idea, I do not! If you dont lynch anyone you cant possibly learna nythign about who may or may not be bad. The down side is you may lycnh someone with an important roll.....

since there are 10 peple in the game it would be safeto assume that there will be either 2 or 3 wolves. The seer needs to start scanning people to find the wolves. I woudl suggest starting with the more skilled and senior people (the ones we should be scared of) Im gonna say Lathum makes a good first ngiht scan.

Alos you shoudl not reveal your rolls unless there is real good reason too (ie to save yourself from being lynched)

Also Im usualy the first one lycnhed :( please do nto kill me until at least day 3.


claphamsa 06-09-2008 07:37 AM

vote purdue brad

as usual this is a random first day vote, and is subject to frequent and multiple changes.

DaddyTorgo 06-09-2008 08:40 AM


new players: lathum is almost always a wolf (he has really good/bad luck with the die). therefore the old saying goes "when in doubt vote lathum". Now this generally isn't followed all the time, but as a random D1 vote it's somewhat amusing, and I really don't have a better thought on who to vote for right now.

disclaimer: this vote subject to change

Barkeep49 06-09-2008 08:47 AM

No lynch is not an option in this game.

claphamsa 06-09-2008 08:48 AM


PurdueBrad 06-09-2008 09:32 AM

Checking in, villager in the house!

vote Jackal

As usual, subject to change (and at least I spell your name correctly Jackal!).

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