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Ben E Lou 06-04-2008 08:28 AM

Commish Pitfalls To Avoid
Others, please feel free to chime in. Thought this would be a good list for new commishes.
  • Do not import files more than once in the same stage, especially the franchise stage. The Franchise Tag will be applied twice, and the players who get franchised twice will refuse to re-sign.
  • Do not put the .fpn file in the zip that you send to the owners. It will cause their game plans to be reset on their machines.

Subby 06-04-2008 09:13 AM

Do not sim games or midweeks on separate machines unless you have copied the FPN file that was used in the previous sim to your Leagues folder.

Location of FPN:

\Solecismic Software\Front Office Football 2007\leagues

The FPN file contains all of the latest depth chart and saved gameplan information for each team.

During the offseason stages it isn't necessary to maintain a current FPN file on separate machines.

sovereignstar 06-04-2008 11:33 AM

-*.fmk (ie commish file) is another thing that shouldn't be handed out to GM's.

-I'm not totally sure on this one, but do commishes need to check out the stadium proposal/league suspension e-mails after they enter the draft and before they start late free agency? If I'm remembering right they are deleted before users even get a chance to see them themselves.

Ben E Lou 06-04-2008 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by sovereignstar (Post 1741650)
-I'm not totally sure on this one, but do commishes need to check out the stadium proposal/league suspension e-mails after they enter the draft and before they start late free agency? If I'm remembering right they are deleted before users even get a chance to see them themselves.

Yes. And that reminds me of another one.
  • If you're going to enter draft picks in before free agency is done, do not enter in the 7(32) pick.

Vinatieri for Prez 06-08-2008 12:48 AM

Also, if you have a team in your league, you should not re-sim the current week's games more than 10 times. If you can't win 1 in 10, you should take the loss.

JetsIn06 06-08-2008 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Vinatieri for Prez (Post 1744734)
Also, if you have a team in your league, you should not re-sim the current week's games more than 10 times. If you can't win 1 in 10, you should take the loss.


marcmoustache 06-14-2008 02:44 PM

Thinking you can please everyone - you can't!

Saying that, I think most players are reasonable and realise that the commish does the work on their own time for nothing. I know the GMs in the league I commish are great at accepting what I can do and can't do and how I deal with any issues.

headtrauma 06-14-2008 03:45 PM

To back up your league (and always do this before each sim), copy the "leagues" directory. May seem obvious, but I didn't know this for the first few weeks commishing the Shiba League.

OldSchool 08-27-2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by headtrauma (Post 1750060)
To back up your league (and always do this before each sim), copy the "leagues" directory. May seem obvious, but I didn't know this for the first few weeks commishing the Shiba League.

worst commish evar :(

PhinsFan 06-03-2012 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by sovereignstar
-I'm not totally sure on this one, but do commishes need to check out the stadium proposal/league suspension e-mails after they enter the draft and before they start late free agency? If I'm remembering right they are deleted before users even get a chance to see them themselves.


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 1741653)
Yes. And that reminds me of another one.
  • If you're going to enter draft picks in before free agency is done, do not enter in the 7(32) pick.

This is great stuff and a very helpful thread to have.

My question is about Ben's post quoted above. How do you input draft picks during the FA period? Maybe this is referring to late free agency? or is it referring to early free agencey?

How can I input draft picks during early free agency? Is this possible? I haven't seen where this could be done in-game

Firefly 06-15-2012 07:43 PM

Just open the draft window and start making the picks. Nothing to it.

PhinsFan 06-16-2012 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Firefly (Post 2671826)
Just open the draft window and start making the picks. Nothing to it.

thanks, felt dumb on that one after I was told how by another league member...:lol:

Firefly 02-15-2013 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 1741439)
Others, please feel free to chime in. Thought this would be a good list for new commishes.
  • Do not import files more than once in the same stage, especially the franchise stage. The Franchise Tag will be applied twice, and the players who get franchised twice will refuse to re-sign.

I didn't know about this one. Did it during the regular season (found a late export) and the game applied the bonuses twice (only the bonuses, though). Luckily no one was hit too hard.

Btw, I don't think it's here: do not sim the Bowl game and End of Season at the same time. If you do not have separate files for each of those, participants won't be able to see the Bowl in Solevision.

Mike Lowe 01-04-2014 08:43 PM

When is it best to process a trade on a game sim? I was going to do it after the game, but what if a guy gets hurt?

PackerFanatic 01-07-2014 09:16 AM

I've always done it post-sim - the onus is on the GM to make sure the guy is not in the lineup then.

Mike Lowe 01-07-2014 09:47 AM

Thank you.

Yoda 01-07-2014 06:36 PM

I've always done it pre-sim. You make a trade before the game, you'd expect the player to be on your team. Especially when it comes to the trade deadline. Granted, in fof you just click through the warning and process the trade anyway.

Unless the owners have asked otherwise.

PackerFanatic 01-08-2014 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2891376)
I've always done it pre-sim. You make a trade before the game, you'd expect the player to be on your team. Especially when it comes to the trade deadline. Granted, in fof you just click through the warning and process the trade anyway.

Unless the owners have asked otherwise.

I'm always more concerned about the AI jacking with rosters when that happens, although I suppose it's a horse a piece. Either way you decide, the GMs would still need to be responsible for making sure the players involved are inactive and that their depth chart is set appropriately.

w24olfpack 01-09-2014 11:22 PM

I've always done post sim unless requested. THe GM's know they can request the player to be put in the lineup.

Mike Lowe 01-03-2016 06:34 PM

What would be causing this error when trying to import team files from the sever?

No import files in proper state and stage to import

aston217 01-03-2016 07:50 PM

Have you imported stage files correctly before? What happens when you use an FTP client to login with the provided FTP credentials?

Mike Lowe 01-03-2016 08:42 PM

I haven't imported yet with this league. I can login to FTP no problem. I can also create an export myself as a GM for my team.

I also tried importing these files from the local directory (clicking No), but that didn't work either.

The files up on the server are those ".xxQ" files. Is that not right?

aston217 01-03-2016 11:05 PM

This is an area I'm not 100% familiar with, but the .xxQ files are not the stage files (I dunno exactly what they are, but they're also necessary I think? So don't delete them). The stage files are .0xx files.

To check out what's in the local directory, open the folder

%appdata%\Solecismic Software\Front Office Football Seven\import

and click on the folder named for your league ID. If you have stage files downloaded, then I suppose all of them must be showing as "Wrong Stage"? Which is weird, and suggests a mismatch between the stage of the commish's save game and the stage the GMs are exoprting from.

If you don't have the stage files themselves, either locally or on the server, that's another issue...

PackerFanatic 01-04-2016 12:54 PM

As far as I know, you do not need to keep the .xxQ files in there (at least I have removed them without any ill effects). Those are created when a team first connects to the site - more of a "your connection was successful" file.

But you are right in that if there are no .0xx files in the import folder on the server, then you truly do have nothing to download. Those are the only ones that are pulled down.

Mike Lowe 01-05-2016 02:34 PM

I had this all working until I tried moving a guy to another team. Here is what I did:

First, we're still in that initial league file stage. First ever file, before preseason Week 1.

I loaded the league as a commish
I added Seattle as human (his new team)
I unclicked his old team

I imported the files, and it worked perfectly--even the new Seattle file was accepted that we tried.

I did NOT save anything since I didn't want to do anything but test.

Now, when I go in and try to repeat those steps, none of the files can be accepted. I even went in and copy/replaced the older zipped commish files from here: \AppData\Roaming\Solecismic Software\Front Office Football Seven\export

Still doesn't work...what happened?

Mike Lowe 01-05-2016 02:44 PM

I wish there was a way for me (commish) to just update back to the commish files that the other GMs are downloading to create files from. It seems so obvious, but doesn't seem to be possible????

aston217 01-05-2016 04:43 PM

I'm not sure I understand what's happening here...

When you import files, they're deleted off the server. If you want to import files again, you'll have to either
1. Upload the old imported files back onto the server, - OR -
2. Download any new stage files from the server to the local import folder, and click "No" after clicking "Import Stage Files" to use the local folder only.

You want to be extra careful, or you could end up losing everybody's imports.

If you didn't save anything, using the local imports folder should be sufficient.


I wish there was a way for me (commish) to just update back to the commish files that the other GMs are downloading to create files from.

I'm not too sure what this means, but as long as there is a set of game files on the server, everybody can "import game files" to load the stage -- including you. You just need to open the game as your team, not as the commish. However, if you didn't advance your stage locally or even alter the sim, this should not be necessary.

My guess is that you didn't anticipate the game would delete the uploaded stage files after importing, but I'm not sure.

PackerFanatic 01-06-2016 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by aston217 (Post 3075456)
My guess is that you didn't anticipate the game would delete the uploaded stage files after importing, but I'm not sure.

This is what it sounds like to me too. This has bit me one time and that was enough times for me to be really careful with that :)

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