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Suburban Rhythm 09-23-2007 10:28 AM

My Olive Garden experience...aka WWJD (What Would Jeeber Do?)
Last night we went to the local Olive Garden, around 4:30. Both my wife and I feeling lazy, didn't want to cook, and planned on heading to 6:00 Saturday night Mass.

So, we get to OG, pretty packed, wait our 20 mins, and get seated.

The table behind us (me, wife, 3 year old daughter, 1 year old son) was a middle aged couple, probably early to mid 50's.

The guy is bitching up a storm. From his ramblings we learned this much-
-Wife's meal came cold.
-They were at OG, because that's where his wife wanted to go. He had no desire to go, but deferred to her decision.
-The area around his table was "too busy"

So, the waitress, who happened to be our waitress as well, was pleasant, and got the manager. Once the manager arrives, the guy goes into the same blah blah blah, this time including his insight on how the manager runs his restaurant.

I thought the manager handled it really well in the beginning. He said he's not going to apologize for his restaurant "being what it is"-- that is, family friendly, quick service, good value, etc. The guy repeated the area around their table being "busy" and criticized the manager for tables being turned around so quickly (which, I'd think, is just good business!).

Again the manager said that's how the operation runs, that they are not in the business of selling $100 meals.

I get the guy's complaint about his wife's meal being cold...meanwhile, I could see he sure woofed his down really quick.

What got me was the manager relented, and comped their entire meal. I know in the whole scheme of things, their $30-40 meal wasn't going to break the place, but why placate a guy who obviously is never coming back again? He wants to go to a 7 course, valet-parked, $100-meal restaurant, so let him go. And I imagine his circle of friends are the same type, so his word of mouth advertising also wasn't going to hurt the business.

We love OG-- the kids will mow through some breadsticks, and what kid doesn't like pasta? We are at the local one fairly often, and honestly this is the first time I remember seeing someone that visibly upset.

So, just curious....WWJD??

(PS-- never ending pasta is a beautiful thing)

JeeberD 09-23-2007 10:33 AM

Management is trained to pretty much give guests anything they want. Our regional directors mantra is, "Find a way to say yes to the guest." It can be VERY frustrating, but that's what they're told to do.

wade moore 09-23-2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Suburban Rhythm (Post 1553581)
What got me was the manager relented, and comped their entire meal. I know in the whole scheme of things, their $30-40 meal wasn't going to break the place, but why placate a guy who obviously is never coming back again? He wants to go to a 7 course, valet-parked, $100-meal restaurant, so let him go. And I imagine his circle of friends are the same type, so his word of mouth advertising also wasn't going to hurt the business.

I have a friend that was in restaurant management at several restaurant chains for about a decade.

My impression was that if you really wanted a free meal every time you go out, you can get it. This is just kind of how it goes - if you make a big stink, you're getting a free meal. Even when it's obvious someone is doing it on purpose, you just kind of have to. I'm not sure the reasons, but I'm guessing the fact that they may pull this same song and dance to their district, regional, corporate, whatever manager and convince them probably plays a role.

wade moore 09-23-2007 10:33 AM

Dola: Jeebs beat me to it with a lot less words ;).

JeeberD 09-23-2007 10:39 AM

Oh, and I'm glad that your meal was enjoyable. Which sauce did you like the best?

Lathum 09-23-2007 10:42 AM

Having been in upper level managment for Carlson Restaurants I can tell you that it is far eaiser to comp his meal and have it done with.

If someone decides to call the corporate office and complain not only will the manager get shit but the head office knows, the managers boss, his boss, etc... Shit rolls downhill.

Plus the end result would probably be the corporate office sending out complimentry gift cards, etc... They do this to get the person back into the restaurant for a "second chance"

It's eaiser to just comp it and be done.

Calis 09-23-2007 10:47 AM

Yeah I worked at a small local restaurant, not a chain and I remembered being so aggravated sometime because regardless of how lame or assholish a customer would be, the owner would comp everything. It's just the way it's done.

I suppose even if they're not coming back, the word that they spread is going to be a lot better if the meal ends in being free. It's hard to bitch too much about that, and hey..people love free food.

I hated the food business though. We were a place catering to a "higher-class" crowd and it just got terribly grating after a while. A person can only take so much condescension.

rowech 09-23-2007 10:54 AM

Skip Olive Garden and go to Carraba's if you have one.

cartman 09-23-2007 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 1553599)
Skip Olive Garden and go to Carraba's if you have one.

One of the co-founders of Carrabba's, Damian Mandola, just opened an Italian trattoria a couple of miles from my house at the winery/vineyard he is starting. Went there a couple of weeks ago, and it was awesome. So little ole' Driftwood now has two great places to eat, the Salt Lick and Trattoria Lisina. That's one great restaurant for every 200 residents. :)

Desnudo 09-23-2007 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 1553585)
I have a friend that was in restaurant management at several restaurant chains for about a decade.

My impression was that if you really wanted a free meal every time you go out, you can get it. This is just kind of how it goes - if you make a big stink, you're getting a free meal. Even when it's obvious someone is doing it on purpose, you just kind of have to. I'm not sure the reasons, but I'm guessing the fact that they may pull this same song and dance to their district, regional, corporate, whatever manager and convince them probably plays a role.

My understanding is that you can get comped once, but then you may have service refused to you in the future if you're a known trouble maker. Of course it may be different at large chain restaurants.

Lathum 09-23-2007 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Desnudo (Post 1553618)
My understanding is that you can get comped once, but then you may have service refused to you in the future if you're a known trouble maker. Of course it may be different at large chain restaurants.

not true unfortunantly.

i have personaly witnessed people who come in on a regular basis and complain and get their food comped every time.

saldana 09-23-2007 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1553620)
not true unfortunantly.

i have personaly witnessed people who come in on a regular basis and complain and get their food comped every time.

at least have the courtesy to refer to me by name!

DaddyTorgo 09-23-2007 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by saldana (Post 1553625)
at least have the courtesy to refer to me by name!


StarBuck 09-23-2007 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by JeeberD (Post 1553584)
Management is trained to pretty much give guests anything they want. Our regional directors mantra is, "Find a way to say yes to the guest." It can be VERY frustrating, but that's what they're told to do.

Yup. And asshats like this guy know it too. I worked in restaurants at one time and you can spot the people looking for a comp of some sort a mile away, but the ones who have a plan for a comped meal are really something.

sterlingice 09-23-2007 12:09 PM

Wouldn't you be careful about wanting another meal (the wife's cold food) after bitching to the manager? It's not as if kitchen staff are known to, say, do something to bad customers.


Lathum 09-23-2007 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 1553660)
Wouldn't you be careful about wanting another meal (the wife's cold food) after bitching to the manager? It's not as if kitchen staff are known to, say, do something to bad customers.


In all of my years I have never once seen a cook tamper with someones food.

JeeberD 09-23-2007 12:11 PM

Very true. That myth is WAY overblown.

StarBuck 09-23-2007 12:31 PM

I have. A few times,the waiter and the cooks.

rowech 09-23-2007 12:38 PM

I'm going to disagree with a lot of you I guess. I'm paying money....good money for the idea that my meal will be fresh, delievered in a reasonable amount of time, and that my waiter/waitress will be polite and attentive to refills, whether the food is good, and other items. I tip 20% everytime unless something happens with the waiter/waitress and then it usually goes to 15%. When it comes to the food/meal though, if something comes out cold, under or over cooked, etc. or something else within reason, I should be compensated as this is not what I was spending my money for.

A free meal? Not every time but free dessert should be fairly standards. Keeps the customer happy and is of minimal cost. A free meal should be an option though in some cases. Surely it's their right to not do anything and I will not raise a big fuss like this guy seemed to have done. Certainly though, I choose not to give them my business in the future.

Comes down to future customer and revenue versus one meal/dessert.

GreenMonster 09-23-2007 12:41 PM

The reason this guy is at OG and not a $100 meal with valet is he probably never goes to establishments like that. People like this are total asshats, but completly unavoidable at establishments in this price range. Nothing will ever satisfy a group like this except free food. If I were a restaurant I would do everything in my power to make it right, but I would never give away anything for free except in dire circumstances. This wasn't one.

Desnudo 09-23-2007 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by saldana (Post 1553625)
at least have the courtesy to refer to me by name!

Saltina is a notorious grifter

Buccaneer 09-23-2007 12:55 PM

You had me at "went to the local Olive Garden". You could have stayed home instead and nuked a can of Spaghetti-O's. :)

sterlingice 09-23-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Buccaneer (Post 1553698)
You had me at "went to the local Olive Garden". You could have stayed home instead and nuked a can of Spaghetti-O's. :)

Tell us how you really feel, Bucc ;)


Atocep 09-23-2007 01:07 PM

He complained about cold food, but the wife ate the food?

Sounds to me like he was out to get a free meal from the begining and was looking for things to nitpick in order to magnify his dissatisfaction. This guy was putting on a show in hopes of getting the manager to do exactly what he ended up doing.

Karlifornia 09-23-2007 01:16 PM

Fuck that regional director mantra. If a customer gives me a hard time for something that is clearly not my fault, I responded with a firm, uncaring "Yes, Sire/Ma'am", and then if they press the issue, I make sure to let them know how unreasonable they're being, and that they should accept my invitation never to return.

Screw that...I'm not working for some fledgling start-up that needs to deal with asshole customers, and neither are the people at the Olive Garden.

Desnudo 09-23-2007 01:18 PM

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays

sterlingice 09-23-2007 01:19 PM

And needs flair?


Lathum 09-23-2007 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Karlifornia (Post 1553734)
Fuck that regional director mantra. If a customer gives me a hard time for something that is clearly not my fault, I responded with a firm, uncaring "Yes, Sire/Ma'am", and then if they press the issue, I make sure to let them know how unreasonable they're being, and that they should accept my invitation never to return.

Screw that...I'm not working for some fledgling start-up that needs to deal with asshole customers, and neither are the people at the Olive Garden.

well then you'll never be employed in restaurant managment.

Lathum 09-23-2007 01:23 PM

dola- not very long anyway. The second you invite a customer to accept your invitation not to return you can kiss your ass goodbye.

Passacaglia 09-23-2007 01:25 PM

The thing that always bugs me about the Olive Garden is that their salad plates are always freezing cold for some reason.

Karlifornia 09-23-2007 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1553754)
dola- not very long anyway. The second you invite a customer to accept your invitation not to return you can kiss your ass goodbye.

I guess not..luckily, that's never been a dream of mine. I just don't have to patience or the ability to force a fake smile as someone projects all their personal problems on to me. It's hard, and I commend anyone who is able to do it gracefully.

wade moore 09-23-2007 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 1553683)
I'm going to disagree with a lot of you I guess. I'm paying money....good money for the idea that my meal will be fresh, delievered in a reasonable amount of time, and that my waiter/waitress will be polite and attentive to refills, whether the food is good, and other items. I tip 20% everytime unless something happens with the waiter/waitress and then it usually goes to 15%. When it comes to the food/meal though, if something comes out cold, under or over cooked, etc. or something else within reason, I should be compensated as this is not what I was spending my money for.

A free meal? Not every time but free dessert should be fairly standards. Keeps the customer happy and is of minimal cost. A free meal should be an option though in some cases. Surely it's their right to not do anything and I will not raise a big fuss like this guy seemed to have done. Certainly though, I choose not to give them my business in the future.

Comes down to future customer and revenue versus one meal/dessert.

I don't think you're understanding people in this thread fwiw.

There's a difference between a legit problem and throwing a fit to intentionally get free food. The biggest sign, imo, is when they eat the food and THEN complain. If it's really a problem (as I've had before) youd on't eat it and get a replacement and complain at that point.

Lorena 09-23-2007 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1553662)
In all of my years I have never once seen a cook tamper with someones food.


Originally Posted by JeeberD (Post 1553663)
Very true. That myth is WAY overblown.

They beg to differ. Probably NSFW:

JeeberD 09-23-2007 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Passacaglia (Post 1553760)
The thing that always bugs me about the Olive Garden is that their salad plates are always freezing cold for some reason.

It's because we keep them in a freezer. Keeps the salad on your plate cold and fresh. Or do you like warm, wilty lettuce?

Lathum 09-23-2007 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by JeeberD (Post 1553835)
It's because we keep them in a freezer. Keeps the salad on your plate cold and fresh. Or do you like warm, wilty lettuce?

he just wants something to complain about so its free

Passacaglia 09-23-2007 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by JeeberD (Post 1553835)
It's because we keep them in a freezer. Keeps the salad on your plate cold and fresh. Or do you like warm, wilty lettuce?

When you have salad at home, do you put it on a plate that came out of the freezer?

JeeberD 09-23-2007 02:51 PM

My freezer is too small and too crowded for any plates, dammit... :(

Logan 09-23-2007 02:52 PM

Yeah I'd prefer a room-temperature plate for my salad.

JeeberD 09-23-2007 02:55 PM

Whiny bitches

JeeberD 09-23-2007 02:55 PM


AZSpeechCoach 09-23-2007 04:11 PM

I want my soup in a bowl that just came out of the oven. I want toasty soup. Then, I want my pasta on a dish that was simultaneously in the freezer AND the oven, so that they can fight it out for my amusement. I'm the customer...make it happen bitches!

Chief Rum 09-23-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 1553683)
I'm going to disagree with a lot of you I guess. I'm paying money....good money for the idea that my meal will be fresh, delievered in a reasonable amount of time, and that my waiter/waitress will be polite and attentive to refills, whether the food is good, and other items. I tip 20% everytime unless something happens with the waiter/waitress and then it usually goes to 15%. When it comes to the food/meal though, if something comes out cold, under or over cooked, etc. or something else within reason, I should be compensated as this is not what I was spending my money for.

A free meal? Not every time but free dessert should be fairly standards. Keeps the customer happy and is of minimal cost. A free meal should be an option though in some cases. Surely it's their right to not do anything and I will not raise a big fuss like this guy seemed to have done. Certainly though, I choose not to give them my business in the future.

Comes down to future customer and revenue versus one meal/dessert.

Hmm, not sure a single thing you have said here works against anything said before it.

rowech 09-23-2007 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 1553973)
Hmm, not sure a single thing you have said here works against anything said before it.

I was getting the idea people were saying you shouldn't complain about anything to get something done.

JeeberD 09-23-2007 04:35 PM

I didn't see that at all.

If someone isn't happy with something, I'll be more than happy to let the manager know and it'll get taken off, or remade, or both. But don't get huffy and start demanding the entire meal for free, and don't eat almost the whole thing and then say you didn't like it...

Schmidty 09-23-2007 05:44 PM

Pet peeve of the day:

People who loudly mock places like OG in order to sound intellectually superior and more socially refined.

Suggestion - Shut the fuck up, and let us peasants eat our Tour of Italys in peace.


Logan 09-23-2007 05:45 PM

I agree. Sometimes, shit just tastes good.

Buccaneer 09-23-2007 05:47 PM

I had Spaghetti-O's for lunch yesterday.

JeeberD 09-23-2007 05:51 PM

Bucc mocks anything that has to do with me... ;)

Schmidty 09-23-2007 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by JeeberD (Post 1554084)
Bucc mocks anything that has to do with me... ;)

I know. I do the same thing to him. :)

Passacaglia 09-24-2007 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by JeeberD (Post 1553835)
It's because we keep them in a freezer. Keeps the salad on your plate cold and fresh. Or do you like warm, wilty lettuce?

How long is lettuce on your plate for? Half an hour, tops? It's not like the only choices are out of the freezer or a hotplate -- just a basic, normal plate will do nicely. I can't imagine that will make the lettuce "warm" and "wilty" -- millions of people do it that way at home, and I haven't seen any evidence of the lettuce revolution yet. Do you honestly notice any difference when you eat salad at home, because of the plate?

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