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Marmel 05-24-2004 12:18 AM

Rise of Nations, MP
Neuqua and I have had a few good battles (OK, I killed him) and I wanted to see if anybody else was interested in playing some MP campaigns. Leave your AIM name as well!

MrBug708 05-24-2004 12:28 AM


I don't have the game though.

GoldenEagle 05-24-2004 12:56 AM

Is the game worth the $30 on it? Do you have to buy the expansion pack to play MP?

Marmel 05-24-2004 02:12 AM

GE - yes it is worth it, no you dont need the expansion. You can get it for 25 also.

Chief Rum 05-24-2004 02:44 AM

I happen to have an unused Best Buy gift certificate handy, and I might use it on something like this. But I was wondering if anyone could give me the quick skinny on this.

Maybe a quick review. Particularly, if you can compare it with the Civ series, and contrast the differences, and also talk about the war parts (which, from the screenshots, seem more detailed and MTW-like). I like the all-around civ-building game, but I have to admit to being intrigued if we actually get controlled combat fighting as well.


Neuqua 05-24-2004 03:08 AM

Ey Chief there are a bunch of RoN threads here at FOFC if you're willing to do a search.

Chief Rum 05-24-2004 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Neuqua
Ey Chief there are a bunch of RoN threads here at FOFC if you're willing to do a search.

Yeah, but then I would have to search for them and then read them. Can'tya just tell me? :)


Barkeep49 05-24-2004 07:01 AM

I would love to play Thrones and Patriots sometime with someone here. AIM name is Maiz23.

Quick review: The new Conquer the World campaigns offer a ton of varied missions which adds a lot of fun game play. I have invested a lot of time (perhaps over 100 hours) playing through the campaigns, including a couple from multiple sides, and am still not bored. I haven't played it multi yet so I can't say how the new civs stack up, but they seem like solid additions.

Bonegavel 05-24-2004 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Marmel
Neuqua and I have had a few good battles (OK, I killed him) and I wanted to see if anybody else was interested in playing some MP campaigns. Leave your AIM name as well!

i have RoN (didn't pick up the expansion) and would be ready and willing to give it a go.

I don't have AIM (shudders) but i can PM you my email address.

druez 05-24-2004 08:13 AM

I play RON T&P and it is great. I play multiplayer all the time on gamespy. If you don't have the game its well worth picking up.

Tekneek 05-24-2004 08:38 AM

I have RoN, no expansion pack. AIM would be DaddyOfNick. I don't know when I would actually be able to play, and am often on that AIM when at work as well. :) I have not played in a while and would be out of practice, so probably a quick kill.

Ben E Lou 05-24-2004 08:41 AM

I probably won't have time to play before I leave town this week, but I have the original and expansion pack. AIM is benelou. If I am able to play any, it would be in the 8pm-10pm EDT range on Mon-Tue-Wed.


cincyreds 05-24-2004 09:35 AM

I love Rise of Nations.

When I have played too much Battlefield and other mods, RON is what is a nice change of pace for me.

The expansion is fun. I love playing as the indians.

Marmel 05-24-2004 04:52 PM

We will probably try to get a game going tonight. Not sure what time but it won't likely be until 10pm EST.

Franklinnoble 05-24-2004 04:56 PM

Bah. Life sucks with crappy dial-up access at home.

Ben E Lou 05-24-2004 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Marmel
We will probably try to get a game going tonight. Not sure what time but it won't likely be until 10pm EST.

If I'm online, IM me. The wife and I are about to watch RotK (came a day early), and I'm not sure when I'll go to bed.

Tekneek 05-24-2004 06:46 PM

Definitely message me as well. I won't get on AIM unless I know I am free from family/household obligations.

Marmel 05-24-2004 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bonegavel
i have RoN (didn't pick up the expansion) and would be ready and willing to give it a go.

I don't have AIM (shudders) but i can PM you my email address.

go ahead and do that, and i will try to get you a time and place.

Bonegavel 05-25-2004 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Marmel
go ahead and do that, and i will try to get you a time and place.

PM away.

Marmel 05-25-2004 02:49 PM

Got it.

We had a good game last night with Neuqua, Tekneek and myself. :)

Tekneek 05-25-2004 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Marmel
Got it.

We had a good game last night with Neuqua, Tekneek and myself. :)

I was quickly eliminated once the big powers set their sights on me. I managed to tinker around over in my corner for a long time, though. :)

Raven 05-25-2004 03:45 PM

how long does it take to play out a MP game of 2-3 players?

Barkeep49 05-25-2004 05:01 PM

If you play again soon please think about im'ing me. I would really love to join a game.

Neuqua 05-25-2004 05:09 PM

Our games usually last a little more than an hour long, depending on how quickly Marmel wants to dismantle everybody :)

Chubby 05-25-2004 05:11 PM

I need to get better before I try MP :)

Tekneek 05-26-2004 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Chubby
I need to get better before I try MP :)

I've found that no amount of outside work gets you really prepared for MP. It's something you have to dive into. All the strategy I ever used against the AI, even in the highest settings, does not yield the same results against real players.

Bonegavel 05-26-2004 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tekneek
I've found that no amount of outside work gets you really prepared for MP. It's something you have to dive into. All the strategy I ever used against the AI, even in the highest settings, does not yield the same results against real players.

Indeed, which is why human MP will be hard to beat by any AI for quite some time.

Marmel 05-26-2004 07:58 AM

We had a very late night game last night. Neuqua is a fine player, but really made a huge error in judgement in this game.

6 nations, Neuq and I are seperated basically by 2 other nations. I am in the north, he in the south. I take out the nothern of the 2 AI nations in between us. I notice his capital city is tucked away nicely from my point of view, but is actually really close to the AI's border. So I propose an alliance with Neuq so I can move my troops into his land. I position them on that border, hoping to make him think I will attack the AI from that position. Instead, I break our alliance, declare war and start out on his capital's doorstep. I send in 6 stealth bomber, reduce the city to rubble, and stroll down the red carpet he had set up for my ground troops. Game over.

Marmel 05-26-2004 08:03 AM


bonegavel, i got your PM, and will email you. Last night's game got under way at like 1am, so i didnt bother. I also have the AIM names of you guys who posted, and I do check to see if you are online when we are getting ready.

Rumor has it bsak has already ordered the game, so we are starting to grow a nice group here. Maybe one day we will have 8 human controlled teams in one game. *faints*

Ben E Lou 05-26-2004 08:11 AM

When I get back from Colorado, I am going to devote myself to kicking all of your tails. ;)

Bonegavel 05-26-2004 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Marmel

bonegavel, i got your PM, and will email you. Last night's game got under way at like 1am, so i didnt bother. I also have the AIM names of you guys who posted, and I do check to see if you are online when we are getting ready.

Rumor has it bsak has already ordered the game, so we are starting to grow a nice group here. Maybe one day we will have 8 human controlled teams in one game. *faints*

Sweet. This should be fun fun fun. If you can avoid Tues/Thurs between 9-11 PM that would be appreciated - those are our FOFC City of Heroes nights :)

RainRaven 05-26-2004 10:20 AM

I had played the demo of RON not too long ago and was intrigued but not for 50 bucks it was then... might have to revisit it again :)

Franklinnoble 05-26-2004 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Marmel
We had a very late night game last night. Neuqua is a fine player, but really made a huge error in judgement in this game.

6 nations, Neuq and I are seperated basically by 2 other nations. I am in the north, he in the south. I take out the nothern of the 2 AI nations in between us. I notice his capital city is tucked away nicely from my point of view, but is actually really close to the AI's border. So I propose an alliance with Neuq so I can move my troops into his land. I position them on that border, hoping to make him think I will attack the AI from that position. Instead, I break our alliance, declare war and start out on his capital's doorstep. I send in 6 stealth bomber, reduce the city to rubble, and stroll down the red carpet he had set up for my ground troops. Game over.

Uhh... that's pretty fucking cheap, dude.

RainRaven 05-26-2004 10:36 AM

Actually by that description I just find it to be one hell of a backstab. If at the end of the game the idea is to be the lone guy standing and you give another human opp. an oppurtunity to roll through your lands without any oversight then He had it coming anyways, it could've been damn funny to be on the recieving end of that after he relized what Marmel had pulled off :)

Bonegavel 05-26-2004 10:50 AM

[begins scribbling on piece of paper]
Note to self, "ally with Marmel only after removing left testicle with butter knife."

Franklinnoble 05-26-2004 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by RainRaven
Actually by that description I just find it to be one hell of a backstab. If at the end of the game the idea is to be the lone guy standing and you give another human opp. an oppurtunity to roll through your lands without any oversight then He had it coming anyways, it could've been damn funny to be on the recieving end of that after he relized what Marmel had pulled off :)

Well, Neuqua was an idiot to make the alliance, no doubt. Why bother allying against an AI nation, anyway? They're not that hard to defeat in the first place. I sure as hell wouldn't grant a right of passage to any human opponent. If they want to tackle a nation that is on my border, they can take the long way around or just suck eggs.

Still, it's a pretty cheap tactic. Doing so against an AI nation would be considered an exploit...

Neuqua 05-26-2004 02:59 PM

The reason the victory ended up being so easy for Marm was when we are the only two human owners left, every other time we played a game, we waited to take out the other nations before we set battle against ourselves. The move was cheap, he knows it. It was my fault that I did not have more defenders against my capital but the RoN citizen cap was killing me and I could not build anymore soldiers.

He knows that should our countries have gone in battle last night, mine would have wiped the floor with his and that is why he made the move. Lucky guy. You'll get what's coming though.

RainRaven 05-26-2004 03:03 PM

I did indeed pick up the game this afternoon but not the expansion. Is playing single player going to be helpful at all or should I just jump right into the MP action and learn on the go that way?

Chief Rum 05-26-2004 03:24 PM

I have the game now, too. But Marmel scares me. ;)


Neuqua 05-26-2004 03:31 PM

I'd just check out the tutorial once or twice and you should begin to get a hang of what to do and what not to do.

Marmel 05-26-2004 04:10 PM

Sure it was cheap. But we never had an alliance throughout the whole game, and suddenly I propose one, and then suddenly I have a bunch of troops on his doorstep, and he never saw it coming? Plus he was so trash talking before the game it was not even funny.

And he is right, just based on army size, he could have wiped me out hard at that point in the game.

But, I think all these different options available to you are what makes the game great. Next time I could I play the good guy the whole way through, anf the following time I could forget the citizens and just build a massive ground army, and the next time I can build a huge air force....

heybrad 05-26-2004 05:38 PM

With all of this talk I'll be dusting off my copy of RoN. Do I have to have the expansion also to play with you guys?

finkenst 05-26-2004 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by heybrad
With all of this talk I'll be dusting off my copy of RoN. Do I have to have the expansion also to play with you guys?

as asked by GE previously and thusly answered by marmel:
GE - yes it is worth it, no you dont need the expansion. You can get it for 25 also.(referring to RoN)

Marmel 05-26-2004 06:01 PM

Hoping to get something going around 9:30ish EST.....who's up for it tonight?

Franklinnoble 05-26-2004 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Marmel
Hoping to get something going around 9:30ish EST.....who's up for it tonight?

Hang on, lemme go take my Levitra...

Bonegavel 05-26-2004 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Marmel
Hoping to get something going around 9:30ish EST.....who's up for it tonight?

I should be good to go tonight.

Franklinoble, I'm married. I don't understand your joke?

Franklinnoble 05-26-2004 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bonegavel
I should be good to go tonight.

Franklinoble, I'm married. I don't understand your joke?

Your wife will appreciate it.

Bonegavel 05-26-2004 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Franklinnoble

Your wife will appreciate it.

Don't know if you read it the first time... i'm married, I don't get your joke. :D

Hey Marmel, is 930 still game time?


just received and replied to your email... hopefully there will be others. Oh, I only have RoN and not the expansion.

Franklinnoble 05-26-2004 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bonegavel
Don't know if you read it the first time... i'm married, I don't get your joke. :D

Hey Marmel, is 930 still game time?

Ah... I'm a little slow today... I get it. ;)

Shucker 05-26-2004 08:10 PM

OK, Rise of Nations, great concept, great reviews. I pick it up, being an old Civ 3 guy. The problem I have with the game is that you seem to be able to rumble through the tech so damned fast, maxing out relatively quickly. That took the fun out of it when I could build these great weapons and go knock out a city, but didn't have enough to hold it. It became just a game of attrition and seemed to stalemate like WWI. I got tired of it and put it down not long after I got it.

I am admitedly a poor player. I was playing on like the next to lowest level, maybe one higher, I don't remember. It just seemed to easy to max the tech and then there wasn't much worth shooting for but anhilating the easy ones until it was a stalemate of titans.

What are your comments? Any patches I am unaware of? It would be cool to play MP, but I pity the fool that gets me on their team.

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