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cthomer5000 03-12-2006 07:08 PM

The Sopranos - Season 6
Anybody else watching tonight?

I'm lucky to have not been tortured by all the delays - I never watched the show before about 4 months ago. So getting caught up on DVD all I had to judge was the shows themselves, not all the time passing between some of the seasons.

Personally, I think the show pretty much started losing it in Season 4. Or whenever the introduction of Steve Buscemi was. He's always a good actor, but i just thought things were getting a little silly at that point. Anytime you're introducing a long-lost cousin type storyline, you're trying my patience.

However, with the end of the show now a definite (12 episodes now, 6 in 2007), I'm hoping that the writing will be focused since there is an end in sight.

bosshogg23 03-12-2006 07:40 PM

Im definitely watching, been waaaaay too long.

All the reviews I have read of the 1st 4 episodes say they are fabulous and its been worth the wait.

QuikSand 03-12-2006 07:58 PM

Very enthused.

Bad-example 03-12-2006 08:05 PM

I have seen every episode multiple times, and was pretty satisfied every time except for the "Marco Polo" episode, the one where Carmela and Tony host a pool party for her dad's birthday. That one just dragged on and just about nothing significant happened.

I have also read that the new season starts out strong. I would rather be getting new episodes of The Wire now but I am still very happy to see The Sopranos back.

Radii 03-12-2006 08:13 PM


Radii 03-12-2006 08:58 PM


Qwikshot 03-12-2006 09:05 PM

Good start, hope they keep the pace.

bosshogg23 03-12-2006 09:10 PM

IMO it was a very quiet episode. Until the last 5 minutes nothing major happened.

JPhillips 03-12-2006 10:24 PM

I thought it was odd that they focused on a little known character for the first episode in thirteen years. It was a nice character piece, but I think it would have been better suited a few episodes into the season. I wanted there to be more about Johnny Sack and Phil to start the season.

The ending was certainly surprising. Didn't see that coming at all. I also really liked the length of the first death scene. I liked that they let it be uncomfortably long.

cthomer5000 03-12-2006 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips
I thought it was odd that they focused on a little known character for the first episode in thirteen years. It was a nice character piece, but I think it would have been better suited a few episodes into the season. I wanted there to be more about Johnny Sack and Phil to start the season.

Yeah, this is a bit of a red flag to me. I'm a little concerned about how this whole season is going to turn out.

Bad-example 03-12-2006 10:35 PM

I liked the first episode of the season. No surprises but a solid return. Meadow just keeps getting more and more sextastic.

TazFTW 03-13-2006 12:28 AM

Ah, Pussy Malenga, we knew you well.

Qwikshot 03-13-2006 06:15 AM

When you get down to it, I think it was a good start. It's hard to play catch up when there was such a delay to continuity.

I like in the beginning how everything seems idyllic before the decay and corruption seep in...(mmm Meadow's dancing)

When we get to Carmela and Adrianna (dream sequence - nightmare)...and themewise- it seems everything is about dread.

From Junior's complete breakdown (I was not surprised by the ending, it was coming a mile away), Eugene's breakdown in family life (both mob and genetic), and so forth, you get a sense of just how far Tony has become mired and disconnected.

I did love when he cursed his string of bad luck and the next scene is the snitch dying with the crucial info to send Tony to jail.

With the ending, I think that things will accelerate now...there will be a power struggle. Hell, even Vito talked about being boss (Big gay Vito!). Phil and his gang will see the vaccuum as a means to wreak havoc. And Johnny Sack won't have much control with his own issues inside the clink.

It's a nice setup, and you need a setup before the gun can be fired.

Qwikshot 03-13-2006 06:15 AM

When you get down to it, I think it was a good start. It's hard to play catch up when there was such a delay to continuity.

I like in the beginning how everything seems idyllic before the decay and corruption seep in...(mmm Meadow's dancing)

When we get to Carmela and Adrianna (dream sequence - nightmare)...and themewise- it seems everything is about dread.

From Junior's complete breakdown (I was not surprised by the ending, it was coming a mile away), Eugene's breakdown in family life (both mob and genetic), and so forth, you get a sense of just how far Tony has become mired and disconnected.

I did love when he cursed his string of bad luck and the next scene is the snitch dying with the crucial info to send Tony to jail.

With the ending, I think that things will accelerate now...there will be a power struggle. Hell, even Vito talked about being boss (Big gay Vito!). Phil and his gang will see the vaccuum as a means to wreak havoc. And Johnny Sack won't have much control with his own issues inside the clink.

It's a nice setup, and you need a setup before the gun can be fired.

gottimd 03-13-2006 06:23 AM

Deja Vu!

sachmo71 03-13-2006 08:33 AM

Very good start. My mind is swirling with possibilities for this season, and I found it interesting that there were no previews for next week.


Originally Posted by bad-example
I have seen every episode multiple times, and was pretty satisfied every time except for the "Marco Polo" episode, the one where Carmela and Tony host a pool party for her dad's birthday. That one just dragged on and just about nothing significant happened.

Didn't Tony and Carmella sleep together? At the time, that was a pretty big deal.

Ramzavail 03-13-2006 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by TazFTW
Ah, Pussy Malenga, we knew you well.

is that what he said? thats great.

Johnny93g 03-13-2006 08:52 AM

I thought it was a excellent start to the season. In past years, ive been underwelmed by the season premiere.....(Season 3's FBI sting) There were plenty of surprises, they got alot of characters involved.

Awesome to see Hesh, to bad Tony didnt seem to care about Hesh's son in law.

I can't believe Carmela lets AJ look like that, jsut doesn't seem to be a Carmela thing to let go

Chris is loving his captain status, i wonder who his next gf will be.

Looking forward to a Dream sequence with Pussy and Ralphie

Wonderful ending, didn't see that coming, lots of plot lines to follow for the rest of the season

ISiddiqui 03-13-2006 08:53 AM

Anyone else think they were setting up Chris to be the boss in Tony's absense (I'm thinking he's sidelined for a few episodes at least) and letting the tensions between the NJ and NY mob spill over? After all, Chris was asking about the prized Maserati and was chiding Tony over giving in too much to NY. I think his hardheadness is going to lead to an all out mob war, that may only get solved once Tony gets better to deal with it.

MizzouRah 03-13-2006 08:58 AM

I tivo'ed it and had to watch it twice. :)

Bee 03-13-2006 09:06 AM

I thought it was a solid way to start the season. I've heard that the next few episodes aren't that great, but then it'll get better again towards the middle of the season.

sachmo71 03-13-2006 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui
Anyone else think they were setting up Chris to be the boss in Tony's absense (I'm thinking he's sidelined for a few episodes at least) and letting the tensions between the NJ and NY mob spill over? After all, Chris was asking about the prized Maserati and was chiding Tony over giving in too much to NY. I think his hardheadness is going to lead to an all out mob war, that may only get solved once Tony gets better to deal with it.

It will be a dog fight. With New York in flux, if something were to happen to Tony, the strongest would come out on top. I would put my money on Silvio.

Anthony 03-13-2006 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
It will be a dog fight. With New York in flux, if something were to happen to Tony, the strongest would come out on top. I would put my money on Silvio.

as the consiglierre, Silvio would be next in line. christopher is just a captain. the only way he could probably make a case for being top guy would be cuz he's related to Tony. that's not likely.

QuikSand 03-13-2006 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
It will be a dog fight. With New York in flux, if something were to happen to Tony, the strongest would come out on top. I would put my money on Silvio.

A confrontation between Christopher and SIlvio over interim leadership would be a good subplot, I think.

gottimd 03-13-2006 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Hell Atlantic
as the consiglierre, Silvio would be next in line. christopher is just a captain. the only way he could probably make a case for being top guy would be cuz he's related to Tony. that's not likely.

I agree, there is no way it would be chris. That would just piss everyone off under Tony. It has to be Silvio or a higher ranking captain, not chris, who recently became captain.

Qwikshots "Big gay vito" comment made me laugh. Did you notice how fast he took that hotdog/sausage from Chris when they were at Bada-bing and Chris told Eugene that he has to go to Boston to kill the guy.

I can't imagine what will happen when they find out? Will he slip up and say "I wasn't sure if you wanted me to whack the guy or off the guy, so I whacked off the guy!"

ISiddiqui 03-13-2006 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand
A confrontation between Christopher and SIlvio over interim leadership would be a good subplot, I think.

Exactly. While Chris wouldn't automatically be placed in the position, you know he's going to try to make a play for it based on family relation to Tony.

Though one wonders if Silvio (or Paulie) would really want the job as the head honcho. Doesn't seem like Silvio would like the gig, and who's going to follow Paulie?

sachmo71 03-13-2006 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand
A confrontation between Christopher and SIlvio over interim leadership would be a good subplot, I think.

Yes, because knowing Chris, he's STILL pissed about the underware sniffing incident.

gottimd 03-13-2006 09:27 AM

Well weren't Paulie and Johnny talking "discreetly" last season?

QuikSand 03-13-2006 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
Yes, because knowing Chris, he's STILL pissed about the underware sniffing incident.

I'm pretty sure that was Paulie. Regardless, I don't think anyone really likes Chris other than Tony...

sachmo71 03-13-2006 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand
I'm pretty sure that was Paulie. Regardless, I don't think anyone really likes Chris other than Tony...

Ah, you're right.

Qwikshot 03-13-2006 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by gottimd
I agree, there is no way it would be chris. That would just piss everyone off under Tony. It has to be Silvio or a higher ranking captain, not chris, who recently became captain.

Qwikshots "Big gay vito" comment made me laugh. Did you notice how fast he took that hotdog/sausage from Chris when they were at Bada-bing and Chris told Eugene that he has to go to Boston to kill the guy.

I can't imagine what will happen when they find out? Will he slip up and say "I wasn't sure if you wanted me to whack the guy or off the guy, so I whacked off the guy!"

Vito just reminded me of Big Gay Al from South Park; it was not a knock on anyone.

Silvio seems to me to be a hands off guy, I think he's learned not to be ambitious which allows for him to live longer. My feeling is that he will passover the responsbilities to one of the others. I'm stunned though that he isn't more remonstrative over killing Adrianna.

Fortunately for Vito, he can look that flashy and get away with it. Still he seems rejuvenated (the photo ops of him with the pants were hilarious), and really seemed to be chummy with New York Phil.

Frankie Valli is really short.

I really think you are going to see a massive struggle for the reigns; Johnny Sack is going to unleash Phil to influence whoever to keep Tony's crew under control. Chris is really against that group and everyone else seems more submissive (didn't get much info from Paulie though, but Silvio, Vito, even Tony were all about calm). If Chris gets the reigns, hell will break loose.

A.J. is a typical slacker, methinks he'll grow up fast with Daddy-T in the hospital. I really feel for Junior, he'll be off to a home...everyone discounts Tony's refusal to put him in a home is because of family, I think he is afraid that Junior could implicate him in stuff, Junior seems to be very looselipped with his paranoia.

Gene's hanging scene is hard to watch, I haven't seen too many death scenes that are that horrific to watch, the fact that he looses his bladder function seems to be over dramaticizing it. Gene saw no way out, and instead of standing up he found the only other alernative (he'd ratted if the feds had offered Florida but dumb as they are they couldn't even get that right). One wonders if his family will be a subplot or will they disappear to Florida.

I really didn't like Tony or Carmella this episode. Tony is as usual unforgiving with his "family". Carm seems to need self-gratification showing off the Cayenne to everyone and getting up by the one woman's (self paid - no husband blood money) corvette, seemed to shut Carm the whole house thing with the bad timber, made me really lose any sort of sympathy for her.

Of course the standard Doc scene with reminding Tony about "Momma".

Like I said, this was a good episode, you had three deaths (the Rat, the guy Gene kills, and Gene) and the beatdown of Hesh's son in law (I mean get some cojones dude, somebody sticks a rag in your gas tank, I'm hitting everything bumper car style) 50G for the beatdown is hardly enough to me too...

I think it's a nice setup, but I saw the Junior thing a mile away, I knew when Tony yelled "Artie Shaw" when Junior frighteningly asks "Who's there!?" You knew something bad was gonna happen.

Bee 03-13-2006 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand
I'm pretty sure that was Paulie. Regardless, I don't think anyone really likes Chris other than Tony...

I don't think popularity is that important. Tony isn't the boss because he's liked, he's the boss because the other guys are afraid of him and he's smarter than they are. I don't know if Chris has what it takes, but I wouldn't dismiss him because the other guys don't like him.

Qwikshot 03-13-2006 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by sachmo71
Ah, you're right.

That's right I forgot about Paulie with Johnny Sack...seems everyone is in New York's pocket save Chris...wonder if Chris will see Adrianna soon.

Anthony 03-13-2006 09:44 AM

Chris is not going to be Acting Boss unless whoever is next in line says "here Chris, you be Acting Boss, i don't want it". Vito is sooner going to be Acting Boss than Chris, and i don't think the writers really want to feature Vito all that much since he's been mostly a background character.

what i'm saying is going to happen is Silvio will become Acting Boss, Chris won't have Tony to reign him in so he'll have more balls to do what he wants and that in turn will create tension between Chris and whoever (again, likely Silvio) takes over.

cartman 03-13-2006 09:47 AM

My question after last night is what is going to happen to Uncle Junior. It's obvious he's completely bat-shiat crazy, but how is Tony going to react? Have him committed, sent away to a nursing home, or press for attempted murder charges?

sachmo71 03-13-2006 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by cartman
My question after last night is what is going to happen to Uncle Junior. It's obvious he's completely bat-shiat crazy, but how is Tony going to react? Have him committed, sent away to a nursing home, or press for attempted murder charges?

Junior, meet pillow.

Bad-example 03-13-2006 04:44 PM

1. There is reason to believe Jonny Sack will be out of jail soon. The key witness against him keeled over dead.

2. Paulie was chummy with Johnny Sack for a bit, but when he realized Johnny was playing him, Paulie turned his loyalties back to Tony. I am pretty sure he hates Johnny now.

3. Yes, Sachmo, Tony banged Carmella in the pool in that episode. That was about the only significant happening. Most of the hour was just filler.

Radii 03-19-2006 08:13 PM

What the fuck is this?

oliegirl 03-19-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Radii
What the fuck is this?

I hope you don't expect to be kissing your wife with that mouth anytime soon! Sheesh!!!!!!

QuikSand 03-19-2006 08:56 PM

Well, there's an hour of my life I won't be getting back.

cthomer5000 03-19-2006 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand
Well, there's an hour of my life I won't be getting back.

Yup. 2nd episode in and HBO is already in a kneel-down situation, running out the clock.

Ramzavail 03-19-2006 08:59 PM

snore fest.

cartman 03-19-2006 09:09 PM

That was a strange episode, to say the least.

At least the couple of clips they showed from next week had the impression of a little more action.

amdaily 03-19-2006 09:18 PM

We have an HBO preview this weekend. First episode I've ever seen. No desire to ever see it again.

lynchjm24 03-19-2006 09:20 PM

I had heard that episodes 2-4 a bunch of shitty dream sequences, and episode 2 lived up to it pretty quickly.

bosshogg23 03-19-2006 09:22 PM

My wife took the remote to keep me from changing the show 10 minutes in. Biggest problem I have, and have always had with Sopranos, is that they just mail in some episodes.

lynchjm24 03-19-2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by amdaily
We have an HBO preview this weekend. First episode I've ever seen. No desire to ever see it again.

As big a mistake as you could make.

Bad-example 03-19-2006 09:29 PM

And I thought the Marco Polo episode was the series low point.


Logan 03-19-2006 09:31 PM

While I didn't think the episode was exciting, I still thought it was good and very interesting. And I'm not one to like the dream sequences.

chris3627 03-19-2006 09:32 PM

A little bit strange and confusing flipping back and forth between what was the dream and the reality. Did get a good chuckle in the hospital scene, that came right after the funeral, talking about the deceased with Big Gay Vito saying, "maybe he wanted to come out of the closet but felt he had no one to talk to."

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